More from Brady - they want your shotguns and .22s as well

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by ColtCarbine, Feb 27, 2007.

  1. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    More from Brady - they want your shotguns and .22s as well.

    Wednesday, February 21 2007 @ 10:55 PST

    Yet more from the Brady Campaign. They are showing their true colors now that they think they have a lock on power after the democrats took control of congress.

    In this latest posting, they make it quite clear that shotguns and those evil .22 guns must go.

    Tuesday, February 20, 2007

    The most common killers may surprise you

    Once again today, we are all struggling with reports about terrible losses of lives to gun violence. What a disturbed teenager in Utah and a tormented businessman in Pennsylvania have in common is that they had access to guns. Horrific mass killings cannot be committed with knives or baseball bats or bare fists. Weak gun laws have led to a glut of weapons on the streets. And as a result, bitter human frustrations lead to gun violence. Anger leads to killings. When will our Nation wake up and confront the tragic reality that we make it far too easy for dangerous people to have access to guns?

    In Utah, two 28-year-old women, a 15-year-old girl, a 52-year-old man and 24-year-old man were killed by a shotgun-toting gunman.

    Shotguns fire an extremely lethal large caliber round that delivers either a cloud of bullets (shot) or a single large slug. Sawed off and assault shotguns are popular with gangs and terrorists engaged in urban warfare- they have enormous knockdown power, and they don't even need to be aimed as the hail of shot will takes precision out of the equation. All it takes is ten minutes with a hacksaw and a shotgun can be turned into highly compact, concealable mayhem.

    Shotguns used in World War One were so lethal, that governments such as Germany lobbied to ban them from organized warfare, because they were inhumane and extraordinarily dangerous.

    The gun industry continues to try to market weapons such as the Jackhammer automatic shotgun, Streetsweepers, and other deadly weaponry that was deemed so dangerous, it isn't even labeled a firearm. They are destructive devices and regulated by the National Firearms Act. Does a "Destructive Device" sound like something you go duck hunting with? Unfortunately, with a few cosmetic tweaks, the same lethal weapons are manufactured for "sporting purposes."

    Shotguns aren't the only deadly killer that the gun lobby has tried to wrap up in the American flag, history, and apple pie. What caliber kills more people every year in the U.S. than any other?

    The .22.

    22s are commonly found in three flavors. 22 short, 22 long and 22 Long Rifle. All of them are lethal. Most Saturday Night Specials come in .22 caliber. These handguns are not useful for sport or self-defense because their short barrels make them inaccurate and their low quality of construction make them dangerous and unreliable. They are, however, favored by criminals because of their low cost and easy concealability.

    Let us repeat: more people are killed by the .22 every year, than any other caliber.

    .22 are indeed deadly in shots to the body, because they don't go through entirely and they bounce off bones, creating more havoc. They have the ability to penetrate through gaps in law enforcement officer's kevlar, such as at the sides. If a .22 bullet enters the head, it will fatally ricochet around in the skull.

    .22s are also the most easy of all the rounds to use with a silencer. They are a favorite of assassins performing mob kills, using a semi-automatic .22 or a revolver chambered in that caliber along with a silencer.

    Creative criminals create penguns, cell-phone guns, knife guns, and more, all using the .22. It is truly the most dangerous of all calibers in terms of human cost per year, if not in mass and size. The tiny .22 can travel over a mile, and this fact is bragged about in promotional literature.

    Many people are killed and injured by stray rounds traveling through the air and striking innocent victims, even children. Often people in the country will shoot off the back of their porch - exercising their rights, no doubt - and end up causing deadly harm to someone else's family.

    Do cut-down shotguns and silenced .22s belong on our streets, or in our schools? Should criminals have a ready access to the more 'innocent' versions, ripe for conversion to more lethal configurations?

    The Brady Campaign is making our stand to fight against the gun lobby, once and for all. We may not be able to eradicate murder in the human heart, but if we keep those who would terrorize our children and our malls from having easy access to deadly weapons, it will be worth it if but one child's life is saved.

    Of course, this moron shows his/her complete lack of knowlege about anything in claiming that a .22 revolver with a silencer (!) is the assassin's weapon of choice. Link

  2. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    Re: More from Brady - they want your shotguns and .22s as we

    They forgot about the .22 Magnum. Don't forget to put that one on a list as well as a knife, which has probably killed more people than a 22.

    Any assassins out there who care to comment?
  3. kckndrgn

    kckndrgn Monkey+++ Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    Re: More from Brady - they want your shotguns and .22s as we

    Sawed off and assault shotguns are popular with gangs and terrorists engaged in urban warfare- they have enormous knockdown power, and they don't even need to be aimed as the hail of shot will takes precision out of the equation.

    Well, we know they are lying if their lips are movin' right? Don't need to aim a shotgun? Yeah, right.

    So if these weapons are so popular with GANGS and TERRORISTS why not go after the GANGS and TERRORISTS? Better yet, let everyone who is LEGALLY allowed to, carry a firearm and see how man people a GANG BANGER or TERRORIST get to shoot? Probably just other GANG BANGERS and TERRORISTS

    They are destructive devices and regulated by the National Firearms Act
    Ok, so we've already got laws on the books for these weapons, but I guess since that law did little to stop their use, we'll add more laws[dunno]

    Good thing I've already got my TACTICAL SHOTGUN [winkthumb], guess I need to order another to keep it company :)
  4. GaryBrun

    GaryBrun Monkey+++

    Re: More from Brady - they want your shotguns and .22s as we

    I like rocks.
  5. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Re: More from Brady - they want your shotguns and .22s as we

    Next will be Wrist Rockets, I suppose. Citizen, let me see your bow and arrow permit.
  6. ColtCarbine

    ColtCarbine Monkey+++ Founding Member

    Re: More from Brady - they want your shotguns and .22s as we

    Do they make silencers for revolvers? Never seen or heard of one [dunno] Doesn't seem very practical
  7. Blackjack

    Blackjack Monkey+++

    Re: More from Brady - they want your shotguns and .22s as we

    I really thought they'd wait until they got a democrat president in office before really trying this stuff.

    Somebody should make sure Zumbo sees this report.
  8. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Re: More from Brady - they want your shotguns and .22s as we

    Anyone got any stats on this claim?
  9. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Re: More from Brady - they want your shotguns and .22s as we

    Of course not. Who needs facts to clearly see that anything casting a projectile is dangerous and should not be in citizen's hands?. Obvious, to the most casual observer.[beat][booze]:sick:
  10. drat

    drat Monkey+++

    Re: More from Brady - they want your shotguns and .22s as we

    when i read that i just about pee my self.[LMAO] some one have seen one too many mob movies.if you have a high powered scoped .22 sniper/assassin rifle then you better hide them now. just say NO to this bs. what will do throw every gun owner in jail? i thank that it will have to stop some place.terrorists will love a place that has no guns. what terrorists were we talking about ?
  11. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    Re: More from Brady - they want your shotguns and .22s as we

    Its raining .22 bullets and people are dropping like flies. I am heading down to Detroit to get $50 buck for my ruger 10/22 and Mark III Hunter. I just hope I haven't killed too many people with the over 30,000 rounds I have blasted from my hip into the wood chip pile. I can't believe my wanton love of bullets and guns may have killed so many undocumented children for which I have never been charged. I only know about 24 chipmunks (chipmunk 1 day massacre at Shallowbrook Farm, June 10, 1988), 3 squirrels, 1 grouse, the occassional frog....but that only accounts for about 30 of the bullets.

    I wonder if shooting into the air actually put the bullets in orbit and they are still dropping on occassion when meteorites pass by them and they get caught in the reentry vaccuum we call "atmosphere".

    [whipem] my azz and call me Sally!
  12. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Re: More from Brady - they want your shotguns and .22s as we

    I haven't got any real statistics but I once knew a person that had a friend that knew somebody that was sitting on their porch drinking an RC cola while waiting for the church bus to arrive when a .22 bullet fell out of orbit and broke the bottle in half, spilling RC all over his white shirt and causing him to miss the bus when it arrived. This made the man fall back into the arms of satan and he gave into temptation and took evil drugs and beer and drove his mothers car into town and bayonetted workers at a local McDonalds. I can't verify this tragic story but I am sure that it could happen and next time, it could happen to you!NO!!
  13. Clyde

    Clyde Jet Set Tourer Administrator Founding Member

    Re: More from Brady - they want your shotguns and .22s as we

    My 31st "killing" bullet has been found. Thanks Seacowboys.
  14. FalconDance

    FalconDance Neighborhood Witch

    Re: More from Brady - they want your shotguns and .22s as we

    This sort of thing is on the KC news frequently - but it's never a shotgun or a .22!

    No good for sport or self-defense, huh. Must be why so many of the criminal element use them. I always thought the person doing the aiming was responsible for the accuracy, but apparently I was mistaken about that, too. Guess I'll have to look at my squirrel gun (rifle) and revolver more closely. And while I'm at it, clean their "short" barrels. Better check for cracks and stuff, too. Anything that's been around and fired for 50 years or so surely is piss-poor construction.

    So not having a silencer on my 22 revolver has been why I'm not successful as an assassin. Hmmmm. Well, I guess that explains why I'm just not able to get any of the good contracts these days. [dunno]

  15. dukenukum

    dukenukum Monkey+++

    Re: More from Brady - they want your shotguns and .22s as we

    the truth does not matter just so long as they get guns banned so we can be
    subjects opps i mean civilized like europe is maybe we can have the un rule over us . NOTNO!!
  16. evilgijoe88

    evilgijoe88 Monkey+++

    Re: More from Brady - they want your shotguns and .22s as we

    hmm, a .22 lr revolver that takes a silencer... i didnt know tht there was a nagat variation that had 22 cal.but the again what do i know im sure that i will just be labeled an over zealous gun nut looking for technicalities, not a veteran who is currently a prelaw student.but either way if someone knows a revolver other than the nagant that can take a silencer please enlighten me
  17. griffin1340

    griffin1340 Monkey+++

    Re: More from Brady - they want your shotguns and .22s as we

    What brand of handgun is "Saturday Night Special?" I think I want one! [touchdown]
  18. Gray Bear

    Gray Bear Monkey+++

    Re: More from Brady - they want your shotguns and .22s as we

    Benevolent governments, such as Germany, then currently leading the world to use of chemical weapons. Poison gas is so much better than shotguns.

    Germany didn't like shotguns because our guys used them to great effect in the trenches, hence the term, Trench Brooms. That's why they wanted them banned.

    You have to hand it to the Brady Bunch, at least they're consistent.
  19. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Re: More from Brady - they want your shotguns and .22s as we

    And the modern day term, "street sweeper." I like the concept for suburban and urban discouragement of marauding MZBs. Not too bad for clearing hallways in apartments, either. (I think I'll get a magazine extender for my 870. Or make one --)
  20. melbo

    melbo Hunter Gatherer Administrator Founding Member

    Re: More from Brady - they want your shotguns and .22s as we

    What would they make of the fact I have a spare Suppressor for one of my handguns? I swap it out when it gets too hot sos I can keep on killin quietly?
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