Mouse Magic

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by Dont, Feb 14, 2018.

  1. Asia-Off-Grid

    Asia-Off-Grid RIP 11-8-2018

    Definitely! I've been a subscriber of Shawn's for several years.

    Shawn Woods
    Ura-Ki likes this.
  2. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    No cat boxes here, no inside cats period.

    Texas has not only a large variety of anything organic that can stick you but as large a variety of predators that exist in any part of the world.

    Cats are predators too and must be raised to be on their own. Not to be feral, just self protective of life and limb and be able to take care of their off spring. A house cat loses this ability and is useless in a homestead.

    If you provide a protective environment for CATS, ground cover,and secure hides where they can have their back covered when something else tries to eat them, you will find that over time a few will survive and solve your small varmint problems as well as feral cat problems.

    Remember cats are group animals and must have a developed Pride to thrive. A single cat will sooner or later nap at the wrong time or go hunting by itself and make a mistake, death in an instant is the result.

    Early on we see a few "missed" kittens at the feed bowl. Just the slower or weaker of the bunch that is weeded out. Now as I go out to do chores the smartest of the bunch picks up and moves out with me. Others join in and making my rounds I disturb game that they learn to catch.

    A well oiled hunting group of three or more work as any hunter killer team of humans could ever want to accomplish after years of drills and training.

    Not only do they watch each others back but I watch their actions at all times,smarter than most dogs they will point and signal changes in the ranch. I look for cats before I step out the door. I have provided hides and lookout points as well as secure feeding station inside a Bar B Q Pit. All of this is invisible to a visitor be they human or other animal.

    Had neighbors that just could not keep a cat. I checked their place and it was so cleaned up that even a mouse could not find a place to hide. Of course the coyotes knew this too so any cat had a short life on their place and the mice came in from the pastures and ate them up.

    Simple around here to do is make a small cut on young ceders at about 2 feet. Cut just enough to break the tree and allow it to touch the top to the ground. This is the start of a system to give the cats hides and easy to make enough so the have cover to hide or move.

    IF your cat moves about in the open in a straight line then it will die.

    Any animal that is hunted soon learns to move from hide to hide in either quick spurts or slow stalks.

    If your cats do not move in such a manner then they are not country cats, just bait for the real hunters on your place.
  3. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Hey Motomom34, for your Wolf Spider problem, use pure Cedar oil and spray windows and door jambs liberally, paying extra attention to the door sweeps. This will keep the Spiders out as well as other crawlers, but not the flying ones! We also use those bug assault blasters, very good on the Spiders, and especially Wolf Spiders, nasty little buggers are quick! We launch a fire mission every few days, armed with the blasters and a shop vac with a long extension, no problems, and the body count is acceptabley high!
    My Dad has a Tranchaula problem currently, we find carb and choke cleaner, or starter fluid works well, just wait several min before vacuuming so as not to turn your shop vac into a bomb!!! A good Daisy Red Ryder works and is a fun way to deal with these large spiders! So far, none have gotten in the house, but we are on alert should they launch a counter strike! Lol
    Zimmy and Gator 45/70 like this.
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  10. Brokor

    Forest Pest Control 2014-06-12

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    Posted By: Brokor, Jun 12, 2014 in category: Science, Astronomy & Biology
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