Re: "Must read": protective head gear required for this for It isn't working. Perhaps the Planet Eater's Pharmacy over by the Sagittarius cluster might help; they have lithium pills in 5kg dosage.
Re: "Must read": protective head gear required for this for OMG. No wonder they are always one step ahead, our t.F.Hats have been amplifying the signals from our craniums. back to the old drawing board, or perhaps a new drawing board. Anyone have any leadfoil?
Re: "Must read": protective head gear required for this for Galactus, my fine pink clad friend, I am still trying to find you a suitable mate. Someone with common interests, "hot", and suitably warped in the head, so as to be able to relate properly to you. Click on the link for the latest candidate for "Galactus Girlfriend".
Re: "Must read": protective head gear required for this for What's a lady Ga-Ga??? Now that's funny! Galactus, man, she's all yours, perhaps she'll manage fit your helmet into her space ship for a ride hmmm?...and reafirms my belief no "real music" worth a damn has been produced since 1972... excepting Stevie Ray Vaughn, Lynryd Skynryd, some billy joel and of course Mr. buffet,