My Flag

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by 3M-TA3, Jul 29, 2023.

  1. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    What I attempted to post in chat box

    It's set up so that up so that you have to walk under it to get to my gront door. For most people in this neck of the woods it's like asking a vampire to walk through a field of garlic and then swim across a lake of Holy Water.

    It's lit up at night and flies 7x24x365. I buy very high quality flags that las at least a year, but change them out every year at sunrise on Independence Day.

    Guess that makes me responsible for at least one of the times that AOC literally died...
  2. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    Old Glory flies lit 24/7 here as well...but does come down if a hurricane is coming. It is flanked by the Gadsden and USMC standards. Independence Day is the renewal time here as well.
    The neighbors comment favorably...and often :)
    I also maintain a reserve of all three, just in case something happens.
  3. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Down here Confederate Battle Flags tend to keep some folks away, especially when they see chalk outlines of bodies, "bloodstains", and spent brass!
    Gator 45/70, Radio, Yard Dart and 5 others like this.
  4. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Sadly, people here are ignorant and full of hate where the Stars and Bars is concerned. I personally see it as a symbol of the reunification between the North and South post Civil War and the same for all the statues they tore down. Were I to fly it here I would expect hostility and at a minimum frequent vandalism.
    Gator 45/70, Radio and Ura-Ki like this.
  5. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Shoot a few "burglars" and your unwanted visitors will go somewhere else!
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2023
    Gator 45/70, Radio and Ura-Ki like this.
  6. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    My county Sheriff and DA would likely see it my way, but the dirt bags that survived or their families would file civil suites in Multnomah AKA AntiFa County and I'd be screwed. This is the Portland Metro, where they will never get it until it gets so bad they are living in the stone age.
    Gator 45/70, Radio and Ura-Ki like this.
  7. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Why do you live in such a sucky place?
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  8. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    I was born here not three miles from where my house sits. It wasn't sucky then. People from sucky places noticed that it didn't suck, so they moved here and brought their suckiness with them.

    The Wilamette Valley has a fantastic climate for anything you want to grow and is loaded with scenic rolling hills and old growth forests. A few hours to the west is the Pacific, where the coastal mountain range crashes into the sea. Two hours east is the high desert and the volcanic Cascades. An hour north is the Columbia River Gorge, where North America's second largest river in length but first in water volume ate it way through the Cascades to reach the Pacific. The landscape is breathtaking across the entirety.

    Outdoor recreation is over the top. We have steelhead, salmon, all kinds of trout and other freshwater fish as well as the ocean fish and shellfish. We have deer, elk, bighorn sheep, mountain goats, pronghorn, bear, and big cats. I know I missed a few. Over 50% of the land is Federal and we can use it all we want, and we can shoot without permission on the vast majority of it.

    This place is too damn good to let the lefies have it. It would be like letting your daughter run off with a diseased crack head. I'll be forced out at some point due the increasing taxation they force on dwindling numbers of those that work in order to pay for the luxuries of those that don't. For now I'm staying pat seeing if the pendulum swings back from left to right.

    Maybe when it gets sucky enough here and there is no more money for social programs the sucky people will take their suck somewhere else and ruin it.
  9. Cruisin Sloth

    Cruisin Sloth Special & Slow

    I was there in 1968 for cleaning up the beach from an oil spill . Birds were washed and dried , fed till they had their oil on there feathers.then released after the water was skimmed and sand was clean .. Nice place and your woman kin were fine ,, BACK then.
    Radio likes this.
  10. Radio

    Radio Drain the Swamp

    It does suck what's happened to Oregon. The politics ruined a large part of the state. I could say the same thing for Washington. Idaho is not far behind, unfortunately. I moved from Idaho in 2016. I used to work all three states with short stints in Montana and Wyoming near Yellowstone. But, once the kids moved away from home, we decided to RV it throughout the country. A brief stop through the Midwest states, back on through New Mexico, and then settled here in Arizona.

    I have to say that I am home sick every day. Arizona is not the state we thought it was. But, going back to Idaho doesn't seem like much of an option because the commies are taking over that state, too. I have always felt most at home in traveling to Washington, Oregon, while residing in Idaho. I hope that they get their shit together, so that I can move back home soon. We are done with the RV life and want to settle back up there. It's been an adventure for sure. But, home is home.
    Zimmy, CraftyMofo and 3M-TA3 like this.
  11. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Sounds like a nice place, too bad you can't get rid of all the sucky people! The Willamette Valley was why people walked across the North America wilderness...Eden was waiting for them at the end of the trail.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2023
    Radio likes this.
  12. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    They foind Eden, but just like the one in Genesis, the Devil showed up.
    DuxDawg, Radio and mysterymet like this.
  13. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    What about Big-foot? He never gets the respect he deserves!
  14. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    @Radio. I was a western Washington kido till I went away to college, in the late ‘60s… When I came back 3 1/2 years later, you could stills tolerate the place, east of the Crest Trail.. Now the Yuppies have trashed most of the rest… Oregon is now worse than Washington, east of the Crest Trail, and Commiefornia has never been to my liking, ever… There are still good places to put down roots in Northeastern Washington, on thru Northern Idaho if you stay away from anyplace larger than 15k folks…Same is true for Northwestern Montana… I made a “Looser has to leave the State” bet with one of my liberal Partners, from my “Hippy Period” on the outcome of the Billy Clinton Election, and decided that the FlatLands were done as a place to live, and moved Permanently to bush Alaska… Best decision And bet I ever made, even though I lost the bet.. Bush Alaska suited AlaskaChick and I just fine, until my health made it so I can not live there any more, but we still keep our place, up there, for the kids and Grandkids to visit.. Again just stay away from any town or village of more than 20k people…Even better if the population within 100 Sq.Miles is less than 20…. It is hard to get an RV that far out, but it can be done…
    3M-TA3 and Radio like this.
  15. 4x4

    4x4 In the Basket of Deplorables

    About two years ago I unfortunately had to drive through Portland on a vacation. I was flat towing my TJ that had an American and Gadsden waving away from the back. I bet that sure ruffled some of their little leftist prius driving feathers.
    3M-TA3, Radio and CraftyMofo like this.
  16. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Wonder that the police didn't pull you over so that the Fascist could catch-up to you, light a bonfire and dance around it!
    4x4, 3M-TA3 and Radio like this.
  17. Radio

    Radio Drain the Swamp

    Hey, 4x4. I know you from SB, brother. I was going to send you a message on here but your user settings won't allow it. Any way you can adjust the settings so that I can send you a message? I don't want to hijack this thread. (y)
    4x4 likes this.
  18. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    The Portland Police, those that are still h are actually pretty decent people, those that are still here, but they aren't allowed to do their job. If they arrested anyone (except a fascist racist Republican) they just get let off by the Soros funded DA.

    They probably did post pictures of you on social media having identified you as a fascist destroying the planet with your vehicle.

    I'm in Clackamas County where we haven't gone full blown stupid yet, but more and more of our county and city spots are being filled with lefty Portland politicians by voters too ignorant to read the voter's pamphlet.

    Portland is becoming a mostly business vacant blue tent town filled with protesters, junkies, gangs, and prostitutes. It's making Detroit look better by comparison every day.
    4x4, CraftyMofo and Radio like this.
  19. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    Someday I'm finally gonna take that long vacation and drive out west, but I want to see the country...I have little or no desire to interact with lots of people and plan on avoiding ALL large cities at all costs! Might go in the off-season.
    Zimmy and CraftyMofo like this.
  20. Wildbilly

    Wildbilly Monkey+++

    The Stars and Bars was the 1st National Flag of the Confederate States of America followed by the 2nd National Flag (aka The Stainless Banner) and the 3rd National Flag. The Battle Flag was the flag of the Confederate Army and Navy (it has a blue and white St. Andrews crosses with white stars on a bloody red field) which is why it holds a special place in the hearts of Southerners!
    CraftyMofo and 3M-TA3 like this.
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