My Liberal Diary

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Seacowboys, Jan 24, 2017.

  1. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 186, My Liberal Diary
    I have been waiting for over two weeks on a plumber to come by and estimate the costs of replacing all the plumbing in my house.
    I would think, given the state of our economy for the past several years, they would be lined up down the street waiting to get my dwindling money supply but apparently everyone's plumbing has crapped out all over Alabama at the same time because appointments keep getting delayed because of their busy schedules. This has to be some sort of right-wing conspiracy! Putting people back to work just to prevent me from having running water inside my house except inside walls and underneath the floor.This is certainly a retaliation for my complaining about the IRS coming after me because I was involved in the Tea-Party movement.I think I'll get a new tattoo. I want one of those snakes on my arm, not a rattle-snake, maybe a garter-snake and caption it "Please step lightly", "Don't Tread on Me" seems both archaic and sort of confrontational and I don't like being confrontational. I prefer to sort of get along with my fellow man, even if my personal opinion is that they are very unpleasant, annoying and somewhat dim-witted.
    I played some music last night at Old Hwy 27 Bar and Grill with several friends that write some excellent songs. This always gives me joy. The audience there are so very polite and attentive. I was fortunate enough to be invited to perform at the Mississippi Songwriter's Festival in Ocean Springs last week for the third year in a row. It is a honor to be included in such a prestigious event and I want to thank the folks that put so much hard work into show-casing many of the very talented song-writers from the South. I am humbled at the recognition of my craft as a writer and performer. What I enjoy most about listening to song writers, is that they are sharing a piece of their soul and this seems to me, to be a gift of immeasurable worth. Sure there are hack writers that write formula junk that is contrite and predictable and they will push the hell out of it. The music they produce isn't about creation, it is about them being on stage and masturbating their ego. When I hear someone say "This song is from my third album" and suspect that of the 500 copies they paid to have produced sold 11 copies, gave away 160 copies and still has 329 copies in the trunk of their car, it doesn't impress me nearly as much as hearing a shy and understated writer singing a song they wrote to deal with the loss of a family member or the joy of finding real love or adventure, even if it lasted only moments and wearing that person's skin for those few moments while getting lost in the beauty of the music they were compelled to share.
    Yard Dart and Gator 45/70 like this.
  2. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 187, My Liberal Diary
    I was cutting weeds and brush around Snake-Haven today, it's a pretty warm and humid day down here on the Gulf Coast. I worked until I reached a satisfactory degree of acceptance with clearing the firing lanes around my house, I mean, clearing away a potential fire hazard. I was scanning Netflix last night for something to watch and noticed that a disproportionately large number of "trending" films were documentaries about the end of the world, surviving disaster and war films, films about the American Civil war, and exposing truths films featuring things our Government would like best kept in the dark. That alone, I am sure, contributed to my line of thought while hacking away with brush-axes, lawn mowers, weed-whackers in the humid tropical heat. I have been dismissing all the BS that I have been hearing about succession of the Liberal States and either Civil or Racial impending war here at home, but what if I am wrong? I am Southerner, always have been and always will be. If the South had won the war for succession in the 1860s, I would still be a Southerner, a Democrat, but would definitely be on the Liberal side about owning another human being.
    When I completed my tasks, I sat drinking water and talking with my wife, the Republican, to get her idea on the issue. I mentioned that if we owned slaves, Bug, Timmy, and York could have snake-haven featured in Better Homes and Gardens. We could have a house maid named Juanita, she would be short and have six kids to bring along and help with the work, and I could spend a lot more time chasing cats with my puppies and writing and recording songs. Democrats were really upset at the Republicans, they being against our solution to agri-industry, being destroyed by those invading Republicans. I'll have Juanita prepare a picture of mint juleps so I can further contemplate this scenario in relative inebriation.
    OK, so I might be a tiny bit sarcastic, slavery was and is an abhorrence and must be eliminated. I still don't see the relevance of defacing monuments related to a historical event, especially knowing the North exacerbated to issue way beyond their principals of humanity and benevolence, and a love of freedom. It would nice and rosy, if it were that way, but my point is that War sucks and we could use all the reminders of that, of our nation's history, the reasons why and what came in the "reconstruction" Era. There is no Glory in war, there is no nobility. Dead is a terrible state to be in, especially with all the amazing ways we have developed to kill one another in this past Century or so.
    I am not a fan of the present government nor of the past administrations for the last several elections but soley because I do not believe there is a possible political solution, have pretty much accepted what our masters say, not necessarily believing it but just not having a better solution. I still don't have a clue about a solution. I can see reactions where there should be dialogue, I can violence where there should be debate. It will escalate and I do not know how to stop it except to reach out to as many as I can and try to get you to understand that Liberty has a price but so does slavery. I nearby apologize to Juanita, Bug, Timmy, and York and grant you your freedom and as reparation, deed to each of you, title and bearing to 1/5 of all my debts and obligations to the Federal Corporate Government of the United States of Planet Earth.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  3. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 188, My Liberal Diary
    I had to drive to McIntosh today to set up another diving project at a chemical plant and decided to steal a bicycle on the way to work. It was my very first experience at looting and I can say without reservations, that I don't remember how to ride a bicycle.
    The bicycle was lying in the brush alongside the road to my house, next to a path through the wooded median. It was 4:30 this morning and it clearly didn't belong there, nor did the light flickering around inside the vacant house just across from it. So I stole the bike and carried it to work, then drove back to the house in time to see a pickup pull into the driveway, turn around and back towards the door. The driver got out and walked to the front door and opened it, spoke briefly to someone inside then got back into their truck and beat-feet because I was watching them. We have been plagued by burglars in this neighborhood during the month of September for a few years now. I don't understand why that is but I am reasonably sure that I left one afoot and daylight was soon to prevent the return of the truck to assist with their loot. I will return the bicycle tonight, it was probably stolen too because it was a much better bike than I am used to seeing around the miscreants I stole it from. I shall call the police and turn myself in shortly, wonder if they'll give me a reward?
    I had to leave my job this morning to visit a neurologist and discuss something in my head that's not a part of me, or at least not a part that I was born with. He told me that we'll wait another six months and get another mri to see if it grows any but I shouldn't worry too much about it unless it does one of those alien things and rips out my mouth, nose, and eyes, then I should call Donald Trump because he's hell on illegal aliens. I just spoke with Jerry, who watched over my sea monkeys today while I was conversating with Dr. Something Spanish and he said that the divers are pretty pissed off at him because he wouldn't let them add more hose to the working end of their dredge. They don't get mad at me very often, probably because they know I have a brain tumor and I carry a gun.
    Why is everybody so bent out of shape by a bunch of negro football players kneeling during the national anthem? They have a right to protest and that's a much better way than burning down half the freaking city and it hurts no-one. If it upsets you and you bitch about it, that just feeds it and makes it a much more effective protest. If you just pay it no mind at all, then it means nothing and they realize just how silly it is and go back to holding their crotch while the Star Spangled Banner plays. All this flag waving horse-shit is nothing but propaganda anyway. If you were born here, you are an American, like it or not. You had some advantages that most of the rest of the world doesn't have but that doesn't make you special unless you are rich enough to live how and where you want to and these over-paid ball players are an important component to what? They play a freaking game for our amusement and get paid very well for it, much more than I get paid keeping my divers from harm while they move mud so Olin can make explosives to blow up half of central Asia. If it pisses you off, just stop watching football, go to the Outdoors channel and watch people shooting Bambi, blood sports should be much more enjoyable if you can eat the ones that are bleeding. Quit watching football, get a real hobby, read a book, or spend some time taking your kid fishing. Budwieser will stop buying advertisement during ball games, the Clydesdales will stay in the barn, that Jackson girl will keep her tithes covered, and professional football players salary will be reduced to a share of the gate at games.
    Ganado and Gator 45/70 like this.
  4. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 189, My Liberal Diary
    I have heard so much heated discussion about defending Liberty as an agenda of our military, mostly as a reaction to a bunch of men that play a game to amuse couch potatoes, for a living. I've thought this idea through because as a student of history, it has been a painful learning that every war fought by our nation since the War of northern aggression had nothing at all to do with defending liberty, in fact, greatly costed us liberty by implementing "temporary" taxes that became permanent, the Patriot Act, mass surviellance, nothing at all to do with Liberty. When I ask how war has defended Liberty, someone always asks If I'd rather live under Sadam or Tojo or Adolf, as if that stupid rhetorical statement was an answer but they never get around to a real answer. I finally figured one out and have become a believer in war for the sake of political agenda and the economy. War creates jobs in manufacturing, someone gets paid to make those bombs, airplanes, tanks, bullets, tooth brushes, bottled water, clothing, shoes, guns, grenades, stationary to write home, ships to deliver all the crap to our soldiers and being a soldier isn't a bad career choice either. It is an honorable profession and keeps the wheels turning so we can have the "liberty" to buy a big screen TV and sit on our fat asses watching a bunch of steroid ridden high school drop-outs play a silly ball game and get paid millions of dollars because Budweiser sells so much beer.
    That made me think of the paradox of Liberty. Lets say that you and five other people are in a room together. You have the Liberty, the Freedom to swing your arm any direction you want to unless it collides with one of the other's nose, at which point, you have violated their Freedom and right to exist without someone punching them in the snoot. That should not be a problem, swing away, just watch to be sure you don't hit someone. Well, let's suppose ten more people show up in the room. You still have your rights to swing away and they still have their rights not to get poked in the nose but the space is now much smaller, more crowded so naturally, your former Freedom is a little more restricted. People keep showing up and pretty soon, there is standing room only. There just isn't room to exercise your Freedom to swing without hitting someone. There will always be some loud-mouthed asshat that will swing anyway while screaming that is his right and initially, the less aggressive will crowd together in even a smaller space to avoid being hit until finally they get tired of it and stomp the living shit out of the asshat to reassert themselves. Yes, there is much less freedom than existed when there were only six of us in the room but now there is a hundred and everyone is created equal so rules that restrict "Freedom" have be deployed to prevent broken noses and stomped asshats. We now have a watered down version of Liberty and barley room to scratch our back so we form alliances and scratch each other's backs, at least it should work that way but instead, we get bent all out of shape and start a war and the ones that can swing their arms the hardest and fastest, wins and everybody else has nose splints. So war defends Liberty after all. So I am convinced that war does have something to do with defending Liberty, sort of. But before I get my flag out and start waving it, I have a better idea! If we did a Les Nessman and dropped Turkeys ninstead of bombs on folks, we'd kill about as many for a much cheaper price sine a turkey cost about twelve dollars and even a small bomb costs several thousand. And the folks we dropped them on, if they aren't brained by a 12 lb falling bird, will cook it and eat a big meal full f dopemine and naturally, will want to watch football, drink beer, and take a nap instead of shooting at people.
    Byte and Gator 45/70 like this.
  5. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 190, My Liberal Diary
    I am an angry man. I cast my ballot along with everyone else and have accepted the results. I would have accepted the results if it had gone the other way, just as I did when Obama was elected to two terms. I don’t care if you kneel during the national anthem, it beats the hell out of you burning down cities and looting all the stores and I do not drink beer and watch stupid grown men playing a game for the amusement of couch potatoes, so kneel away. I am not a racist but if you want to call me one, go ahead, I really don’t care. If you continue to personify the stereotypes associated with your race, then I’ll continue to see those stereotypes and wonder if the ones that do not exhibit these characteristics are the exception rather than the rule. Don’t put the blame on me for that, you feed it. I don’t wave flags and spout patriotic propaganda that was developed to recruit soldiers in World War ll. I love my country and I am 100% American, not Native-American, not African American, not LGBTQ-American, not Latin-American, not Asian-American, just a god damned American, born here and probably will die here at some point but until then, I will try my damndest to co-exist with even those of you that I disagree with. I will try to co-exist with those of you that I do not like, even deplore. I will continue to do this right up until the time that you become a threat to my peaceful existence, then I’ll do what I can to remove that threat by whatever means are at my disposal. You do not want to pick a fight with me, I can assure you. I do not believe in “fair” fights. I believe in surviving any attack at any costs and your life, health, and well-being will be of no concern to me. I will completely destroy you or I will die. It really is that simple.
    BTPost, ghrit and Gator 45/70 like this.
  6. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 191, My Liberal Diary
    War frightens the hell out of me, here or across the globe. I have spent my life preparing for disaster and praying for peace but lately the rhetoric of war here at home conjures visions of the 1860s on steroids with mass rural lands rendered uninhabitable and Urban areas being militarized. This is a nightmare vision that I do not relish and it frightens me deeply for those I love and for the cherished memory of our Republic. If there is a god, I hope the hell she's got a sense of humor.
    51,000 men lost their lives in a single battle at Gettysburg, PA. with primitive firearms, sabers, and primitive cannon being used by the opposing forces. In one battle, 7000 men were killed in less than eight minutes with these same primitive weapons. Think for a minute just how easy it is to know the exact location of people by GPS tracking, drones, FLIR (that's the new and improved thermal imaging replacement), thermal imaging, facial recognition, and 435 different alphabet agencies with individual federal police authority and think about missiles and smart bombs, and tanks, and jet planes and Seal Teams, and just imagine how long a "War" will last in the United States. You very well could see daily casualties in the hundreds of thousands and I'm talking pretty damned dead here, the missing limbs and splatter kind. Of course there will be idiots shooting one another and this time it will escalate and very well be impossible to put the fart back into the bean. You folks better start using your heads instead of your mouth and stop being so damned volatile or someone's gonna stuff a gas soaked rag in it. If you believe in a God, and I don't care what you call it, please pray for peace.
    Ganado and Gator 45/70 like this.
  7. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 192, My Liberal Diary
    They think they've got this Gaza pyramid thing figured out now, I mean how they managed to move all that stones 1200 miles without freight trains and stack them into a pointed pile or structure. I've seen this kicked around for most of my life, these drawings showing thousands of slaves straining against ropes dragging huge stone across the desert sands on logs...probaly explains why there aren't that many trees there any more. Wonder why these archeologists didn't look at a map or Sat image and say "hmmmm...desert and mountains and gullies here...Nile River there...wonder why they didn't build a barge out of those reeds and float them to Egypt?"
    I imagine some Pharaoh sat around the pub with his buddies and a few dancing girls and after a few chalices of Mogan David, said something like " We got all this cheap labor, a few thousand elephants, and all that rock over there, why don't we build us a few geometric pointers for the Gods? Sort of like that space-needle thing in Seattle?" and so be it, now we have those silly looking pointed structures standing there for thousands of years now simply because Housing and Urban Development no longer has an army of slaves in their budget.
    Folks have labelled them as one of the seven wonders of the world. Why only seven? I suspect that every engineer on the planet, at one time or another, has visions of creating the eighth wonder and having it nominated to replace number six or seven. One of them is always trying to improve John Browning's design on the 1911 .45 acp pistol. They have changed the sights, made the grip safety a little more ergonomic, put some sort of firing pin block in them that is supposed to prevent them from firing if they are dropped, but they still haven't managed to improve on it one bit. If I were going to erect some pyramids, I think I would use ferro-cement with a foam base to save weight and maybe make them round instead of pointy. That way, if we got tired of looking at them, we could just hook up a few dozen elephants and roll them out of the way.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  8. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 193, My Liberal Diary
    Well here goes the shouting about gun control again. Listen guys, they out number us and they are armed, very well armed. That should be enough said but we liberals will insist on banning those evil assault things again and waste a lot of money and energy only to loose again because we never come up with an alternative that actually gets guns away from criminals, only law-abiding citizens. Hell, I own a bunch of guns, including those evil black rifles. I enjoy shooting them at targets, competing with them in matches, collecting them, loading my own ammunition for them, and yes, defending my life and the lives of others with them, if necessary. I have never been compelled to shoot someone or commit a crime with one, no thoughts of mass-murder, no take over the country couch-commando fantasies. I just grew up a member of the gun culture and they are a big part of my life. There is a real good starting point at reaching some realistic and healthy compromise with the NRA and the millions of people that own and enjoy firearms, let's find some way to take guns away from criminals instead of law-abiding citizens. I know there are already laws preventing criminals from owning guns just like there are laws against that joint in your ash-tray and that criminals are by definition, well, criminals. That pretty much means that they are not real big on not breaking the law. Instead of declaring war on guns, let's go after the losers that use them to commit robberies, rapes, murders, and such. Let's shoot the bastards, give their guns to another law abiding citizen, and pretty soon, all the creations will be dead , problem solved.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  9. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    oldawg and BTPost like this.
  10. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 194, My Liberal Diary
    The effort of preparing for a hurricane is exhausting and you never can tell what is going to happen. Really don't give much consideration to a person's political or religious or racial status while preparing for a potential disaster. We've been through enough of them and worked in the aftermath of them, to know what supplies to keep on hand to survive weeks without working social infrastructure, with the exception of needed prescription medications that our designated "Health-care Provider" refuses to allow more than a 30 days supply which might work out ok if the disaster strikes right after you fill them but causes some problems if you need them refilled and a storm, fire, earth quake, war, riot, or epidemic has shut down the local pharmacies. I have made it a point to ask for a reserve supply of medications, making it clear that I will pay for them myself but apparently the bureaucracy is some what in opposition to common sense. My wife, the right-wanger, always teases me because I insist on having two or more of everything that I need. One year, she bought me a grand cedar machinist cabinet and I was so pleased with it that I immediately bought a second one just like it! Being a Republican of course, she was delighted that I supported our economy by purchasing my very own duplicate Christmas (oh,,, am I supposed to say Holiday present?) present after she had spent so long looking for something she thought that I would really enjoy. I wish I could find the same boxes on sale again, I would buy a third one.
    Hurricane Nate had little serious impact on our area, some flooding and trees knocked down, a few cars lost but not nearly the damage that could have resulted and for that, we are pretty lucky. We brought the crazy mother in law here for the evening and tried to watch a couple of movies but her attention span is sort of like a gnat's. She went to bed pretty early though, thanks to chemical intervention and I spent the rest of the evening eating pop corn and drinking Mexican cokes then recording a couple of songs. I more or less forgot about the hurricane, for the most part except for George. George is my golden retriever. She has travelled all over the world aboard salvage ships with us, she protected our children and grand children. George is a happy dog and I have known for a while that soon, I will have to put her down. She had stroke yesterday. She is so disoriented, will still come to the sound of your voice but keeps bering left and running into things or forgetting which leg to move and falls down. I couldn't bring myself to dig a grave during a hurricane so I sat with her the rest of the night. She is such a happy dog. I cried a lot, that's a good thing to do during a hurricane because everyone else is either watching their roof fly away or watching Jim Cantore standing out in the wind and rain like a freaking idiot. I have to prepare a grave for her tomorrow. I want to plant a peach tree atop her bones, Her registered name is Sweet Georgia Peaches"; that's sort of a private joke between George, Jimi, and I. She is in no pain and as long as she can smell us, hear us, and know we are here, she is happy. I will dig her grave tomorrow and smile a tear at every shovel of dirt that I move. Then I will stand to her left side so she can lean against me to orient herself and we will walk to her grave and have one last long and happy talk and I will shoot her and hold her in my arms until the light goes out of those loving eyes and her tail give it's last happy thump. Have you ever loved anyone that much?
    Last edited: Oct 8, 2017
    Ganado, ghrit and oldawg like this.
  11. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    Sorry to hear it Sea. It's tough losing good friends. It seems some of my best friends over the years have been four legged.
  12. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Damn thats tough to put down a good dog! Best wishes Sea.
  13. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Crap, I feel your pain, sorry to hear that a great dog has met the end of the road.....[angelsad]
  14. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Good friends are hard to lose.
  15. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    I went home for lunch today and dug a grave in the rain. I carried her to it because she couldn't walk. I gave her my shirt to lay her head on, she seemed to enjoy that. We had a long talk and now she is on the other side and I am not fit company until I come to terms with my memories. God Bless.
    Ganado likes this.
  16. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Feel for you man!

    dogs prayer.
    techsar, oldawg and Yard Dart like this.
  17. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 195, My Liberal Diary
    I want to say that I am in favor of gun control. I have been robbed at gun point. Stared into a nine millimeter Berretta FS92 barrel while a Trinidaddyo riffled my pockets, turned my shoes looking for stashed cash, took my watch, wedding ring, necklace pocket knife and I wish the hell he had known that he was breaking the law! There are laws against threatening to kill someone while taking their processions and there are laws against criminals having guns. Dammit, why don't they know this? And where were the police? I pay a lot of taxes to be protected from these violent miscreants and I have a right to be protected. I realize this was in Trinidad and guns are very tightly regulated there and almost impossible to legally obtain one so where did this thug get his?
    On another occasion, I was piloting a salvage vessel towards Honduras, just rounding the west end of Cuba and was boxed in by three trawlers. A pair of miscreants armed with AK 47s tried to board the Lana Rose from the bow of the vessel at our stern. Fortunately, I had a rifle aboard not an evil black assault rifle with a hundred round magazine, but a nice little Ruger .44 Magnum, five shot carbine that I had purchased at a shop just before sailing. I was able to dispatch the borders and the boat captain, my first mate turned hard starboard and rammed the adjacent vessel and we escaped rather than becoming another statistic, lost at sea and providing Cuban pirates with 26,000 gallons of fuel, a few hundred thousand dollars worth of electronics and supplies, and everybody down in La Cieba wondering why the Lana Rose never showed up. I would have preferred an automatic rifle and several high capacity magazines but that little carbine was all we had. Working in the aftermath of Katrina, I had several occasions where death or serious injury was averted solely because I was armed and able to defend myself and those with me. Where was the police protection that I pay for? I do not have any issues with taking another's life that is threatening mine, it would be stupid to forfeit your life , to become a victim, when you stand a chance to survive. That doesn't even make the list of morality. Yes, I am in favor of gun control. I want them out of the hands of those that would rob or murder folks. I want them out of the hands of terrorists and dope dealers and pimps and gangsters. I want to be safe walking our streets, safe to own and retain the processions that I have worked to earn, safe to spend time with family and friends, unmolested. I do not fault police. They are not in the business of stopping crime. They show up after the damage is done and gather evidence so that maybe they can find the perpetrator and maybe gather enough evidence to get them into court and maybe even get them in jail for a while but they can't do a damned thing for your dead body except put a toe tag on it. Honduras has some of the strictest gun laws in existence on Planet Earth, it also has the highest per capita murder rate. One of my indigenous crew's brother was dragged to the back of the port while we were there. He was doused in gasoline and set afire, then he was shot by several machine guns until nothing was left recognizable as human. This world is a wicked place; it is a dangerous place. One thing alone, despite dire predictions of the exact opposite, has reduced violent crime in America. That one thing is the increased concealed carry of firearms by law-abiding citizens. Yes, it is a god damnd shame that lethal force has to be met with lethal force but when the alternative is to become a victim, then I will carry my weapon. I will own weapons equal to or superior to what I might expect a bunch of drug-dealing gang-bangers to carry on their friday night drive-by shootings. I will have weapons in my home that are capable of repelling a mob of angry rioting looters. I don't ask you to like it or to agree with it. Put a gun-free zone sign up in your house or business. I'll still be armed and you'll never know it unless something threatens my life. I don't have to ask for your approval. Our Country's founding Fathers thought of that so you don't get a vote on the subject; it is not up for debate. I am in favor of gun control so when you figure out a way of taking them from criminals instead of people that just want to live and retain their life, liberty, and property, I'll back you 110% but until them, gun control means safe gun handling and being able to consistently hit what I shoot at.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2017
    Byte, Gator 45/70 and Yard Dart like this.
  18. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 196, My Liberal Diary
    I was informed by a stranger today, that it is very important for my soul, to proclaim my faith in God, the Creator of all things. I am not sure why today was deemed any more important than the day or week before but the man was so sincere that I can not ignore his plea. I do not believe in the hell-fire and damnation narcissistic vengeful deity that was pounded into my head at mandatory Sunday school (read: Pentecostal or Baptist church in the deep South) that I had to worship and constantly flatter to keep from getting struck by lightning or to increase my assets or gain immense favoritism. Never prayed to win a ball game, never prayed to pass a test, might have prayed not to get caught, once or twice but can't tell if that worked out as well as I had hoped because I did learn from my mistakes. I don't believe in life after death. I think it's kind of pointless, especially streets paved with gold and no-where to spend it. I enjoy gospel music, especially old time gospel, but I confess that it has nothing to do with the "praise" value of the music but rather, the spirituality of the music. Also, and this might upset some folks that are so vehement about this gender confusion that dominates the news and social media, but I am certain that God is a woman; a not in the least gender confused about it, woman. As far as creationism goes, I do not believe in fairy-tails or hocus-pocus but I definitely do believe in miracles. If the Judeo-Christian god wants a BLT, then there it is, he created heaven and earth so send a minion to the Deli. The god that I believe in was visible to the eyes of a child until jaded by explanations from adults with ulterior motives. We fed on her breast and she gave us opportunity to grow wheat for bread, tomatoes and lettuce, eggs for mayo, salt from the sea, and one of her greatest gifts, bacon and the dear people that grow them. Evil and misfortune upset this God because she didn't mean for it to work out quite that way, especially this war thing and all the killings. It basically is wrong to kill unless it is for food or defense. If you pray to her for a BLT, she gets confused and somewhat hurt that she had given you the means of making that sandwich so, what are you waiting for? She knows that man was created to hunt, gather, and protect the mothers., not rule them She doesn't have a master plan for us. She just wants us to get along and develop into adults that can still see the beauty she created. That is the miracle and the blessing given to us all.
    When she sees us screw up so royally, she doesn't get vengeful and send a horde of Amway salesmen and Jehovah's Witnesses, she does what every mother does, and stands by you, hoping that one day, you'll get it right and become something she is proud of. Merle Haggard knew this and sang is so well, "Momma Tried".
    ghrit and Gator 45/70 like this.
  19. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 197, My Liberal Diary
    I am not feeling too terribly liberal today, I can't think of anything to complain about.
    Gator 45/70, Yard Dart and Dunerunner like this.
  20. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Peace and love Bro....take the day to celebrate tomorrow. ;)
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