My Liberal Diary

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by Seacowboys, Jan 24, 2017.

  1. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 209, My Liberal Diary
    Today has been a long day. I had a busy day at work from 6:30 until around 4:30 this afternoon, pretty much non stop off-loading and loading supply boats for oil rigs. We've been a little short-handed at work, having cut back staff to a bare minimum during the recession but work is picking up and we are hiring more more people but being cautious and trying to select folks that are either LGBTQ negro Mexicans of the Islamic faith or ones that are actually qualified and capable of doing the job we hire them to do. In the interim, I might find myself captain or crew on a boat, operating a crane, welding, driving a shuttle for Oil Trash, loading or off-loading supply boats, putting on a diving helmet, or interviewing prospective people to do these tasks. I like working. It makes me feel useful and needed. I am essential. This makes me feel important and In suppose, somewhat of a supremacist, as I definitely do believe that people that have developed skills and apply them in a productive manner to support themselves and their families, are superior to those that depend on others to support them. My ethnicity is anglo/native American (read: redskin) so I guess that makes me a Pink Supremacist. I am mostly Scotch/Irish but got enough Indian to make me want to scalp a few of these assholes that are always complaining about everything.
    After a ten hour day at work, I came home and painted two rooms in my house. It was nearly10:00 before I got to sit down and have a sip of good whisky and write a little. That's what I'm doing now, drinking Knob Creek Bourbon and relaxing and wondering if tomorrow will bring out another idiot intent on destruction with a machine-gun or a rented pickup truck. I haven't heard much lately, from my fellow liberals. It appears that even the most Bernie of us have finally realized the Hillary actually is a criminal, lower taxes does mean more money to buy stuff we need. More available jobs does make it harder to justify making someone else pay for our stuff. I truly believe that you, my fellow liberals, have deserted me, left me alone to to whine about Trump and Republicans and racists and just look whats going on in Hollywood! The casting couch has been denigrated! Get up off you your knees, you stupid jocks before they have us all sing that song about rockets and shit. ":Early in the morning....Massa got me working..."
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Gad. How can you say that and claim to be a liberal.?
    Gator 45/70 and Seacowboys like this.
  3. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    If by day 270 of my Liberal Diary, approximate gestation of a human being, has passed and I haven't gotten my free shit, then I intent to change me liberal diary to My Former Liberal Diary
  4. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 210, My Liberal Diary
    We have had a small geko move into our house. We don't mind, gekos eat mosquitoes and moths and other bugs. I saw ours eating a spider and that prompted me into naming the lizard and officially adopting it into our family. I do not care for spiders, especially since one bit me on the upper abdomen last week while I was sleeping. I now have a large inflamed spider bite on my belly and it hurts. To celebrate my cultural diversity, I decided to name the lizard Tomika. The right-wanger says we are going to name it Sam. We live in a democratic house-hold but there are only two voting members because the dogs don't care. I voted Tomika, Jimi voted Sam. We could have resorted to rock, paper, scissors to break the tie but being a Republican, my wife insisted we operate as a democratic Republic and count electoral votes. When I asked how these were determined, she said that we each get one for sleeping here but since I only get to sleep here nights and weekends and she can sleep pretty much any time she wants to, that it is only fair that she have two sleeping votes. I countered with earning money to feed us and thought that should have at least three electoral votes and she agreed but since she cooks, gets an additional three and two more for house-keeping and laundry. I said that I should get some for fixing everything and wanted six but she said that although I did fix broke stuff, it usually costed me more than replacing it would have and sometimes the repair was sort of cheesy, so only two points. I pointed out that I was the man and had to do ALL the heavy lifting and should get at least three electoral votes for that! She pointed out to me that she was the woman and owned and operated the only vagina in this house so we are having a welcome to the House party for Sam the Lizard.
  5. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 211, My Liberal Diary
    I began my first trimester as a liberal 211 day ago with promises of hope and change and lots of free stuff when the seed was planted by the Hillary machine. I enthusticastically volunteered to join protest marches, riots, and looting with my fellow LGBTQ Democrat BLM negro undocumented deceased voters in massive Trump bashing events and fully expected to reap tons of benefits from other peoples money, I was promised a free "Pussy Hat" from an Aurtrailian supporter that I never received. I expected to get to become one of the highly paid unemployed liberal dissidents that traveled through our rank and file and offered to assist in revising the Ku Klux Klan and turn it against racist Republicans and Yankee carpet baggers that have turned our nation into a corporate entity manufacturing war and massive surveillance and printing inconvienant facts to negate our utopian agenda. I fully expected to get the best health care available to prolong my life and well-being into the next millennium while maintaining my youthful appearance and vigor and for Republicans to pay for it all. This hasn't worked out as well as I had hoped.
    The second trimester has proved no better. A few pitiful attempts at armed liberals to shoot Republicans playing baseball only proved that Republicans carry more guns and actually know how to shoot them. Even the most ardent of us soon realized that we are out-gunned and not likely to catch up so we resorted to more one on one conflicts, like in Charlottesville and got the shit kicked out of us by a bunch of rednecks that didn't even bother to use the massive fire-power they were carrying. One of them just ran a truck right through our ranks and that ended that. We went after guns but quickly found out that we are way out-numbered and in fact, a number of us, myself included, have owned and used guns all our lives and are not real crazy about giving them up so that the only ones left holding them are police, military, and criminals. I still have to work for everything, including my health care insurance except that now my insurance costs 2.5 times as much and only pays half as much towards my health care and I am pretty certain that is a direct result of Obama Care because before Obama Care, it paid all my medical costs and costed a lot less in monthly premiums. I thought that my ever increasing taxes was supposed to pay for this but apparently it only pays for the massive paper-work and administration that is required to insure that we pay the additional fees for less coverage.Reminds me of a moose turd pie, looks like a pie, but it is filled with moose shit.
    I have entered the final trimester, closing on the end of my gestation as a born again Liberal and from what I can see out there, I do expect a lot of support. It looks like a scary place and I am pretty sure I will not be greeted with a Liberal Baby shower of free Birkenstocks, a Rainbow bumper-stickered Prius, and free laser surgery to correct my vision. I fully expect to have to continue to pay for my cell phone usage while being tracked and monitored by Big Brother in the name of National Security I'll probably still carry my pistol with me when I leave the house and closely monitor the alarms and video cameras that I have staged around Snake Haven to prevent less fortunate members of our Liberal society from stealing my processions to buy crack cocaine. I am trying very hard to ignore crime statistics based on race and ethnicity, preferring to believe that this is just one of those unfortunate events that was created by racist white privilege but I will not allow my white guilt to prevent me from shooting you if you present a threat to my life and property and we'll just not take note of what color you are and assume that if a greater number of blacks are shot is because the color contrast just makes for an easier target.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  6. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 212, My Liberal Diary
    Today is a tough day to be a liberal after the mass murder of all those Baptists in Texas. He shot a bunch of people that had done him no grievance. I do not care that he used a rifle, it would have been no different if he had used a truck or a bomb, it was murder that was the crime not the weapon he chose. It could have been worse, he could have killed many more innocent people if another citizen armed with a rifle, yes an evil assault rifle just like the one the murderer used to kill those church people, had not intervened and shot him. He was on a killing spree and I imagine his thoughts went something like " Kill the Church Lady, Kill the children, kill the Preacher, Kill the..damn...someone is shooting back...oh fuck. I been shot!" So he dropped his gun and ran to a SUV and beat feet but the guy that shot him flagged down another Bubba in a pickup and said "That Guy just shot a bunch of folks in that Church, let's chase him down" and they did. They chased him at high speed until the no good son of bitch bled out and wrecked his SUV. Now the MSN is saying it was a "self inflicted" wound that killed him but the local Sheriff says the Hero with the rifle that engaged the ass-wipe was what did him in. Can't have a redneck with an assault rifle saving lives by shooting it out with a nut-case bent on mass murder.
    oldawg, Yard Dart and Gator 45/70 like this.
  7. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Sometimes, being a bubba is a badge worth wearing.
  8. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 213, My Liberal Diary
    I don't want to live in a sub-division or a town or city. I need space, woods, hills, open fields with coveys of quail. I want to canoe and catch fresh trout or sit beneath a scaley-bark on a crisp October morning trying to spot a fox squirrel gnawing on a hickory nut. I want to feel the sweet ache of muscle that just spent the evening with an ax or maul. I want to feel the saddle-soap soften my sore hands as I rub it into my saddle and smell the richness of hay and sweet-feed and warmth of my horse nudging me with his nose. I want to sit on my porch under the stars and play my guitar to barn owl accompaniment, to hear a chorus of bull-frogs, a whippoorwill. I want to watch my grandsons catch a jar of lightning bugs.
    I want neighbors that stop by and visit, maybe bring a basket of home-grown tomatoes with them. Plan to cook some fish and play a little music around the fire after we get done cutting up that big oak that wind fell across the road down by the bean field last week. There's been a nice buck hanging down by that old crab-apple orchard for a few days now. Did you hear that Old Hershal passed away? Wonder if they are gonna try to keep the store open? The church is having a pot-luck to get them a little help, y'all are welcome to come. Maybe you could bring one of your guitars and play that pretty song that you did the other night?
    I want to live close enough to my grand-kids that they can be dropped off for the weekends or weeks but not close enough that they can be dropped off after work. I want to be close enough to my family to respond if there is a crisis.
    I do not know if this life exists any more in this world we live in today. I am going to find out soon.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2017
    Gator 45/70, Yard Dart and VisuTrac like this.
  9. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 214, My Liberal Diary
    As some of you may suspect, I am not a very good liberal. I own guns, lots of guns, I like to shoot them and probably will continue to do so for the rest of my life. I work for a living and really do not want to share the product of my labor with those of you that don't work for a living, even my liberal brothers and sisters. I don't care what sex you identify yourself as but If my daughter comes out of the lady's room and tells me you waved your pecker at her, I will cut it off with my switchblade and stuff down your gender-confused throat. I do not care if you are LGBTQ or heterosexual, that is your PRIVATE business, it is not something that I want to see displayed publicly. I agree 100% that Black Lives Matter but not one damned bit more than Mexican lives, Indian lives, White lives, Asian lives, and with some exceptions, Republican lives. I do not feel any "White Guilt" and will not apologize to anyone for it. If you want to call me a racist, go ahead. You have over-used that word so much that it no longer has any negative connotation. I am a Southener by birth and I sometimes wear a leather jacket displaying a Confederate Battle Flag. I probably know more about the actual history and events of the War of Northern Aggression than you do, as I have spent a great deal of my life reading and studying the War, what led up to the war, and what happened after the war. I do not harbor any fantasy of the South rising again nor do I support or glorify the institution of Slavery, but I do respect those that so bravely fought and sacrificed for what they believed in and I would no more support tearing down a statue of Robert E. Lee than I would of Martin Luther King. I am offended by the use of the term "N-Word". The word is nigger. It is only a word unless it is used as an insult. If I call you a nigger, then I intend to incite violence and we will fight but I am not a violent person and I have no wish to offend anyone or fight them so I will not call you by any name other than your own given name or Mam or Sir. I do not especially care for Donald Trump but he was elected President of our country by due process and because of that, I will support him. I did the same for Barak Obama, I didn't care for him either. I may vehemently disagree with policy, but I refuse to fall to calling into question a person's intelligence or integrity over a difference of viewpoint.
    I carry a firearm with me every day of my life. I do not display it, nor do I call attention to it in any way, nor do I intend to inflict harm upon anyone unless it is in defense of my life, property or the lives of others. I shall not become a victim, if I go down it will be while fighting for my life. As a liberal, I would support the total ban of firearms, if you could tell me how you can make criminals comply with these silly laws, but you can't do that because they are criminals, or in other words, they break laws. We can see how effective the War on Drugs was in getting rid of illegal dope everywhere, I do not believe there is some magic solution that will work any better with guns and even if it did, they'd still kill with trucks, bombs, axes, ball-bats, hammers, gasoline, sticks and stones. Even as a liberal, I can still recognize that the problem isn't with the choice of implement used in creating mayhem, it lies completely in the warped mind of the person intent on destruction. There is evil in this world.
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2017
    Yard Dart and Gator 45/70 like this.
  10. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 215, My Liberal Diary
    I do not watch television except maybe once in a while on Wednesday night, if there is a show on the Outdoors Channel related to firearms that interests me, I will record it and watch when I can delete the commercials. I prefer to spend my time writing and recording music and stories or working in my shop. I listen to my short-wave radio while in my shop. That is where I get most of my news, there or one of a very few on-line forums that I am networked with. I decided to watch television tonight to see if I'm missing anything; Here's what I got. There is a disproportionate amount of advertising to program. The sole purpose of television programing is to sell advertising that people will watch to be briefly entertained or distracted. There are a lot of battery commercials now, I suppose that is due to the proximity of Christmas and all the gadgets and toys that require batteries; that pink bunny wants his share of the profits from the birth of Christ. There are a lot of commercials from lawyers that will sue anybody for anything for you and tons of junk food commercials with gay guys eating parts of chickens dyed in holiday colors. And there are lots of insurance commercials. Apparently ugly women, ducks, and lizards all have something to do with actuarial tables. I wonder when they will start selling insurance for mass shootings or terrorist events? You know they have already done the actuarial tables on them. Well, I got through all the commercials and managed to watch the show on the development of the FNFAL rifle and decided to browse a few channels to see what else was on: Boy, was I surprised. There is now a show where a gay guy builds really expensive tree houses for rich dilettantes.
    There is a show where a man and a woman, total strangers to one another, are dropped off in the jungle somewhere to starve and learn to hate each other for 21 days, totally naked but armed with machetes and parachute cord. There are a lot of shows about cooking. I find this encouraging. If people are cooking, then that means they are probably dining together instead of sitting around the living room in their underwear plotting to run over a bunch of kids at a school crossing. Some of that stuff actually looks like it would be fun to make and pretty good to eat but I can't be sure if it needs more paprika or AA-batteries.
    So I've got my TV for a while now. I'm done with it again. Move along, nothing to see here. Books are so much more enjoyable.
    I had a bit of a road trip today and decided to browse a few radio stations I haven't listened to a radio in many years other than short-wave. Once more, sell, sell, sell...damn there are a lot of preachers around here and most of them are not happy. Talk radio is annoying until the locals start calling in with their expert considered opinions about it. Country music sure has changed from what I remember, I liked some of it. A lot of stations are still playing music I grew up listening to 40-50 years ago, call it "classic rock". I like that. Good music should last forever. I sure hope this hip hop thing doesn't last very long and I do not care much for the pop or rap I heard either. I prefer audio books.
    I shall waste no more time being distracted by television or radio. There is nothing there. I am surrounded by wonderful musicians, story-tellers, craftsmen, and cooks and get to participate. How do you beat that?
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2017
    oldawg and Gator 45/70 like this.
  11. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 216, My Liberal Diary
    I got to be a kid growing up in rural Tennessee. We built fortresses in trees in the forest, explored hidden caves, played with snakes and other wild animals that we could capture. We rode in the back of pick-up trucks and jumped our bicycles over ditches. We played King of the Hill on huge mounds of dirt and had dirt clod fights. We cut wild grape vines to swing out over wooded hollows on, sometimes catching passing hickory saplings with our legs, letting go the vine and riding the tree to the ground. We played games at school like Mumble the peg and chicken, a game played by throwing pocket knives into the ground between each other's feet and having to move the foot next to the knife each time until one or the other "chickened" out or got an Old Henry stuck through his shoe. We sometimes had cuts and broken bones. Once in a great while, someone would drown or get seriously injured but not often and that was just sort of the way life was. We sometime fought one another over disagreements and someone always lost. We competed in sports and someone always lost. Nobody got pissed off and shot up the place but we did sometimes have guns at school, especially during hunting season. They weren't carried around the halls, just left in your truck until school was over and a few of your buddies would shoot some doves in the bean field behind the school. We began each morning reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, I suppose that was required, at least nobody ever questioned the practice. And we recite the Lord's Prayer. I was sort of confused about that one because at school, God was named Hallowed and at church, they called him Jehovah. Recitation never really registered with having any real meaning, I thought it was an exercise in memory or something. I admit that I was a little afraid of Hallowed, especially after hearing some of the shit he did to people that he didn't like. I sort of thought that was where Hallowedween came from but I figured it out after I learned to read instead of listening to what people were saying. I don't swing on grape vines any more very often, but I still read very carefully, rather than listening to what people say. People will lie to you, even if they believe it is the truth.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  12. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 217, My Liberal Diary
    Back in my former days as a misguided border-line conservative, I was working as a salvage master for a major world-wide marine salvage company that had been tasked with sinking a United States Navy Aircraft Carrier off the West coast of Florida to become an artificial reef for sport divers to visit. This was a major undertaking that took well over two years to prepare the vessel for sinking and employed hundreds of people in Texas and Florida. Large crews of workmen would desend each day, several decks down into the farthest reaches of this huge ship to remove oil, chemicals and other possible marine contaminants in preparation for sinking her off-shore. I was called in to help address a problem that was becoming increasingly bothersome and expensive. Apparently, one or more of the hundred or so men working the lower deck would find a secluded spot and take a dump rather than climbing nine decks to use the porta-potties up on the flight deck. This doesn't seem like such a big deal until the Navy began sending a haz-mat team dressed in Tyvek with SBAs, masks, haz-mat containers, disinfectants, and multiple turd tongs, and a Quartermaster with an ipad to document the turd removal process and report it through proper Naval channels. All work would be halted and delayed each day until the Turd-recovery Team had completed their tasks and JSAs had been completed and signed by every member of the working crew so naturally, the company I was working for began adding the costs of these delays to our BOA (Basis Work Order Authorization) and the brass decided we had to have a meeting of the minds to develop a solution since apparently letters in paycheck envelopes, emails, and NO POOPING signs were not having much impact. I didn't work on the Oriskany project often but was called into the management meeting to address this issue so had to drive into Pensacola from Mobile for this brain-trust mission. I listened to presentations about the steps that had been taken, including a Power-point presentation detailing the No Pooping signs. I heard from the Haz-mat team leader on how many recovery missions they were forced to undertake each week. I heard from Accounting about the costs and extended costs of the "Mystery Shitter". I managed to stay awake through all this and didn't even crack a smile but I was bothered that nobody had suggested maybe they buy a few more portable toilets and move them down there? I suppose that was way too basic a solution for the United States Navy. The Leperchan suggested that we have everyone of the 100 plus men in the below decks crew DNA tested to find the "Mystery Shitter" and I covered my face with both hands to keep from drawing attention to myself and managed to maintain my composure until I was asked to check with Legal to determine if we could just test the men in the below deck crew or if we would have to test everyone of the 500 or so people on the project to avoid discrimination. I blew black coffee out both nostrils and onto several ranking Naval personnel. The Leperchaun shouted at me that it was not funny! and I had to tell him, yes it is funny. I understand it is a problem, I understand that it is expensive and time consuming, and I understand that there are protocal and procedure that have to be followed, but that did not negate it being funny. I then offered to walk below decks at the end of each shift, perform a turd search and recovery mission and maintain an Armed Shit Patrol until the culprit was caught pooping and would gladly do this for one fifth the costs out-lined by Accounting just moments before or I would purchase and lease them a pair of brand new portable porta-poopers. I did not get invited to any more of these emergency management meetings for quite a while.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2017
    Yard Dart and Gator 45/70 like this.
  13. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 218, My Liberal Diary
    Most of my hunting is confined to looking for my car keys or glasses. I do not have a single dead animal part on display anywhere in my houses except in the freezer unless you count shoes, boots, leather jackets, wallets, and a few knives with handles made from horns or bones of various animals. I purchase hunting licenses every year, even if I have no intention of killing anything. If I needed the animals for food, I would kill them and eat them with no remorse but as long as Greers runs Wednesday sales on porterhouses once a month, I'm good to go. I buy hunting licenses because the money from them, all the money from them, is used to protect and preserve wildlife for everyone to enjoy. That is where the funding for game preserves and habitat restoration, game management, game biologists, and the reintroduction of nearly extinct species of animals has come from. Not one damned cent of this funding has come from those bleeding hearts that post anti hunting crap on social media. I mentioned this in response to a post damning hunters today and was called an ignorant bigoted barbarian because I mentioned that hunters are pretty much directly responsible for there being a healthy wildlife population now when it was nearly extinct at the beginning of the 20th century. Yes, they pay to have habitat and healthy game populations so they can kill a few of them and hang on their wall for bragging rights but for every one they take, hundreds more roam free for all of us to enjoy and I've yet to see a single tree-hugger shell out the kind of money it takes to go on a single trophy hunt for the preservation of anything except their right to whine about the unjust cruelty of hunting on social media.
  14. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 219, My Liberal Diary
    I had assumed that as a liberal, I would be forgiven past sexual misconduct, sort of like the Clinton Card. Like Roy Moore, I am not generally prone to sexual impropriaties but there has been an occassional transgression and unfortunately, my past has caught up with me and I have been called out publically for having written a song about a fat chick over 30 years ago. I would have preferred to have totally forgotten about that song., but Bettye always calls it "her song" and asks me to play it whenever I see her so I dredge it out again and piss a bunch of innocent fat women off for no other reason than I am a chauvinist male pig. What is worse, is that my one brush with fame happened in Jacksonville, Florida many years ago when I was hosting a concert series at the Jacksonville Bluebird Cafe. Onjano Parsons was jamming with us, so was Derek Trucks. It was the evening before the big annual "Springing the Blues" Festival held in Jax Beach each Spring and the local television stations were filming the show. Stephan asked me to play some blues to kick off the Festival and as a joke, I played that song about the weight challenged lady and everybody had a good time. Nobody seemed particualarly offended, but in all fairness, this was during the Clinton administration so it was really hard to offend anyone. The next morning, my wife, the right-wanger, wakes me up pointing at the television and as my bleary eyes came into focus, there I was on Good Morning America kicking of the Festival with"She's too fat, She's too lazy, too damned mean, too damned crazy.." the the local stations played that few seconds all day long. Now 30 years has passed and last night, a woman that I wouldn't recognize if we ran into each other on the street, got mad at me for defending hunters in an on-line forum and called me ugly names and said I wrote songs about Fat women. I am guilty. I did write that song and I want to offer my most sincere apologies to all you portly ladies out there that may or may not have been the subject of that song. The song wasn't about you being fat it was about me not being your baby daddy and having no intention of marrying you.
    Last edited: Nov 20, 2017
    Yard Dart and Gator 45/70 like this.
  15. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

  16. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 220, My Liberal Diary
    I am announcing my candidacy for the Alabama Senate as a write-in ballot. I freely admit to a long term history of sexual impropriaties. Yes, I did it. I will deny nothing, well except for that thing with the cow. I did not do that cow! In fact, the only thing with four legs that I have ever had relations with were the Murphy twins. I just thought they were really close and had no idea they were conjoined until I took a closer look at their T-shirt, but I accept complete responsibility for our actions and offer no apologies or excuses. I am running as a pro second-amendment liberal candidate that supports Confederate monuments, minding your own damned business instead of everybody else's, defunding all government programs except national parks and Olympic Bowling, letting working Americans keep ALL their earnings, and abolishing talk radio and hip hop music.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  17. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 221, My Liberal Diary
    Thanks Giving was a great day of celebration with family and friends. We had a feast and enjoyed the love and companionship of family and I spent all evening chatting with friends from all over the world on-line. Skype makes this world a much smaller place and saves being groped by those Nazis at the airport.I made a list of things that I am thankful for:
    1. Turkey is not made from tofu
    2. You can buy pretty much anything already cooked that you don't have time to cook yourself
    3. Black Friday sounds ominous and I have no intention of leaving the house except to go to my reloading building and tinkering with a couple of old guns
    4. I got to sleep until 6:00 this morning
    5. My dogs both think I am a God named PawPaw
    6. My Grandsons do too
    7. You can still have as much sex in your dreams as you did when you were 18 and the women are the same age
    8. My telephone hasn't rang in two days
    9. There is never enough room in the refrigerator to store all the new science experiments
    10. Turkey sandwiches with mayonaise and sweet pickles make a great breakfast, especially with sweet potato pie
    I hope all my friends, both Liberal and not so Liberal had a wonderful holiday and took time to reflect on some of the many things we have to be thankful for. God Bless you, she certainly has blessed me.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2017
    Yard Dart and Gator 45/70 like this.
  18. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Turkey gumbo makes a pretty good meal
  19. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 222, My Liberal Diary
    I am listening to just how empty a house can sound without the laughter of children and the constant cacophany associated with them. It is a lonely sound but one that we have heard before. My youngest grandson is only one year old but he has learned to say "Pawpaw" and we have developed complicated sign language for SubRosa such as "I want pie" or "Let's go play the drums again".
    I did not realize that silence would have such an effect on me, particularly since I am mostly deaf anyway. It isn't so much the audio stimulation as the warmth and vibration of love at it's very purest distillation. I explained to AJ (the baby that everyone else calls Aaron Jame), that I would put him in my truck and kidnap him except that I don't have a car seat and didn't want to take a chance on getting a ticket. Maggie was so protective of the children. It is in her genetics and since I had to put down George, our old Golden Retriever, Maggie has stepped up grandly into the matriarchal position and takes her new responsibilities seriously. She herds the children and doubles as a pony, a pack-mule, floor sweeper, playmate, and after dinner wash station. Now Maggie is walking around the house with a confused and worried look in her eyes, pushing AJ's little toys around with her nose and bringing them to me with a questioning look in her eyes?
    I spoke with my step-daughter this morning before they left and told her that she and her brother were "Crash-Test Dummies" for me and Grandma. We were always only one or two pay checks away from being homeless but I have never missed a day at work due to illness or fatigue in all these years and I did the best I could for them. My only regret was that I wasn't more affectionate. As a step-father to a young teen-aged daughter, I did not wish to invade her space nor did I wish to present any illusion of impropriety. I provided for them as best I could manage and the lessons that I taught them, I still believe to be to ones of most value and by the wonderful mother she has turned out to be, I am confident and proud to see that affirmed. She grew up as a Liberal in-spite of her Right-Wang Mother. She was going to be a vegan but decided that when the rest of us were enjoying a warm home cooked meal and momma threw a carrot or a head of lettuce on her plate, Vegan might not be the wisest choice. She always said there would be no firearms in her house until she had children of her own and realized that she would use a nuclear bomb to defend them if necessary. I find that amusing, there just isn't anything stronger in this world than the protective instinct of a mother for her children and apparently the rest of us liberals have convinced her, by our recent behavior, that we are not the gentle pacifists we professed throughout the Obama years.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  20. Seacowboys

    Seacowboys Senior Member Founding Member

    Day 223, My Liberal Diary
    Life has been a great adventure. I have lived in a mansion and I have lived on the streets. I have sailed ships into foreign lands and worked with people that spoke languages that I did not understand. I have jumped from airplanes and I have walked on the bottom of oceans. I have ridden horses for weeks in places where people seldom venture. I have seen a volcano erupt. I have blown apart a mountain with high explosives and I have built a bridge across water. I have performed music at the Olympic Games and have played with some of the finest musicians to live in our life-time. I have had men attempt to kill me with firearm, knives, and clubs yet I was able to somehow prevail. I have made many things with my hands, from a child's doll to a house to live in. I have raised ships and saved lives. I have recovered the dead from many horrible tragedies and I have cried with those that survived. I have nurtured and cared for the ill, injured, and infirm and I have comforted the dying. I have been injured, sometimes by others, sometimes by my own actions, words, or deeds. I have felt frustration, loneliness, and pain to the point that I looked into the barrel of a loaded revolver, then shouted "NO! Damn you! I will not end this life by my own hand," I have started over with nothing more times than I care to recall, each time taking a different path and seeing the wonder and beauty all around me. I found a salve for darkness, a lotion for dire emotion. Rub pain with beauty and it heals and will not even leave a scar. God Bless you.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
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