Maggie is the dobie, Garfield is the weiner dog and George (Sweet Georgia Peaches) is the darling golden
Has Maggie done what I call "The Flying Nun" act with her ears yet? Ears straight out, perpendicular to her head. Dobie ears are a personality in their own right. Great photo SC
I need to get a picture of my cat , since he's adjusting to walking around on 3 legs and the hair is starting to grow back....He doesn't scare small children anymore.... I think he needs an eye patch and a peg leg....
Lovely looking crew, I still miss that adoring look that they are giving, that my Beagle used to give me 24/7. Tony
Adoring look? Looks more like Maggie wants to know what the harry is pointed at her. George is bored, complacent, "been here, seen it, just shoot the shot and find me a place to nap". The weener is thinking about some jerky. (Good looking crew, no matter what they are thinking.)