Natural remedy for Parasites

Discussion in 'Survival Medicine' started by Minuteman, Jul 17, 2023.

  1. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    I bet you didn’t know that parasites are our planet’s most prevalent life form or that elephantiasis—a tremendously disfiguring disease—is caused by roundworms. Or that roughly 209 million people around the globe are infected with pinworm.

    The truth is that parasites are nearly unavoidable and way more present than most of us dare to imagine. You read that right. They are common! They are in our water supply, dirt, food and more.

    In fact, many diagnosed and undiagnosed health issues can actually be from undetected parasitic infections. Humans can become the residence of over 300 different kinds of parasitic worms and over 70 species of protozoa.

    Parasites In Humans

    Obviously, discussing over 370 kinds of parasites would take a lot of time, so instead, let’s briefly discuss the top five parasites in the U.S., according to the CDC:

    Chagas disease: Trypanosoma cruzi, the parasite that causes Chagas disease, has infected more than 300,000 people in the United States, and more than 300 infants are born yearly with it. The triatomine bug bites a human and then deposits its excrement in the opening, which is how Chagas disease spreads. Long-term digestive, cardiac and neurological conditions can result from Chagas disease.

    Toxoplasma gondii: Toxoplasma is frequently transmitted by playing with or caring for cats, hence the nickname “cat poop parasite.” More than 60 million Americans have toxoplasma gondii infections that are persistent. Additionally, unwashed fruits and vegetables and undercooked meat can harbor the parasite. Toxoplasma can increase the chance of birth defects if a pregnant mother is infected.

    Trichomoniasis: Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection prevalent in the United States, though it is very treatable. In the United States, 3.7 million people are affected by the protozoan parasite, but only about 30% of people will have symptoms.

    Toxocara: The good news about this one is that approximately 13.9 percent of the population has antibodies that will fight against this parasitic infection. But for the rest of us… we risk contracting it whenever we touch a cat or a dog. Most of these infections occur in children, who often subsequently suffer from eye disease and even blindness.

    Cysticercosis: The brain and muscles of people are among the regions affected by this tapeworm parasite, and it comes from eating raw pork. This parasite’s larval cysts develop inside the body and cause seizures and other problems. Every year, at least 1,000 people are hospitalized with cysticercosis in the United States.

    Now… that was some brutal truth, but necessary to know because you really don’t want to let parasites live in your body. Besides, plenty can be done to remove parasites naturally. And that is what we’re discussing today.

    The Importance of Parasite Detox

    Not only can many parasites be removed with natural parasite protocols, but you may even want to consider doing it regularly, like once a year.

    Listen, it’s better just to accept that you’re highly likely to contract one or some of the little squirmers sometime in your life. Some people don’t want to know about it, and maybe it’s true… you could go your whole life and never experience a single symptom. But whether you know about them or not, they affect you one way or another. Moreover, parasites can be behind perpetual health issues like anemia, digestive problems, and chronic fatigue.

    Here are more health problems links to parasites you may not have known about:

    • Joint and muscle pain
    • Skin problems (such as skin rashes)
    • Sleep problems and restlessness
    • Auto-immune disorders
    • Stomach pain
    • Neurological disorders
    • Fever
    • Eye problems
    • Bedwetting
    • UTI’s
    • Teeth grinding
    • Intestinal issues (like leaky gut)
    • Nausea and vomiting
    • Seizures
    • Headache and disorientation

    Several variables affect how parasites act, like the type of parasite, your health, age, and the duration of the infection. However, many multifaceted herbs can be used for multiple parasitic infections. For example, walnut hulls are known to kill: ringworms, threadworms, gut protozoa, fungus, pinworms, tapeworms, and other intestinal parasites. So, if you think it may be time to do a little parasite cleanse, you might find the below home remedy for killing parasites rather helpful.

    Many herbs and foods can be used to kill off parasites, like garlic, pumpkin seeds, coconut oil, thyme, wormwood and oregano. Adding these herbs and foods to your diet will help double your parasite detox efforts over the next few weeks. You should also steer clear of sugar and grains… even fruits, because these things are food for parasites. Stick to vegetables, seeds, and nuts while on your parasite cleanse for the best results.

    Natural Remedy for Parasite Cleanse

    Ingredients and their purpose:

    • 10 drops cinnamon oil or 1 teaspoon powdered – kills disease-causing fungi, viruses, and parasites and is antibacterial and soothing to the digestive tract.
    • ½ teaspoon powdered ginger – the volatile oils and abundant antioxidants in ginger fight several parasites, including giardia. It’s also antibacterial, antifungal, and calming to the digestive tract.
    • 6 whole cloves – Cloves can dissolve the casing around parasitic eggs. Studies have proven the beneficial effects of clove against the intestinal protozoans Blastocystis and Giardia and the blood fluke Schistosoma.
    • 7 drops of olive leaf extract – Olive leaf extract fights over 50 common disease-causing organisms, including herpes, influenza A, Polio, Salmonella typhimurium and Candida. It also eradicates Amoebi, cryptosporidia, giardia, pinworm, tapeworm, ringworm, malaria protozoa and roundworm.
    • 7 drops of black walnut hull extract – kills worms mentioned above, Acanthamoeba, and the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii—works on adult parasites, larvae, and eggs.
    • 1 teaspoon base herb – like raspberry leaf, white peony, or lemon balm leaf.

    Instructions:Heat water to a scald. Meanwhile, add your base herb, ginger, and clove buds to a tea ball or cloth.

    2. Once your water is ready, pour it over the tea ball and let it steep for 5-7 minutes. Meanwhile add the cinnamon oil, olive leaf, and walnut hull extract to the tea.

    3. This herbal parasite remedy is potent. You can add a bit of stevia extract or monk fruit sweetener if you want to sweeten it up a bit, but avoid honey or sugar as these only feed parasites. If it’s too spicy maybe use less cloves too.

    How to Use

    The following recipe is for an anti-parasitic tea that you can drink once daily to help kill off and eliminate multiple parasites.

    After completing a parasite cleanse, it is usually advisable to allow some time before starting another one. For maximum parasite detox, drink your homemade parasite tea every day for two weeks, then take a week off, followed by another two weeks on the tea. Then resume your diet as usual. This allows the body to rest and replenish its natural balance. Depending on the individual and their circumstances, this rest period can range from a few weeks to several months.

    It’s important to remember that prevention is crucial when it comes to parasitic infections. Practicing good hygiene, maintaining a healthy diet, and ensuring proper food preparation can all contribute to reducing the risk of parasitic infections.

    If you suspect you have a parasitic infection or have concerns about parasites, it’s best to seek guidance from a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate timing for subsequent parasite cleanses based on your specific needs.
    Radio, Mountainman, Zimmy and 6 others like this.
  2. hot diggity

    hot diggity Monkey+++ Site Supporter+++

    My least favorite parasite is the red bug, chigger or harvest mite. They are so bad in this area that I seldom step off a trail into the brush until after the second good frost.

    "Trombiculidae ; commonly referred to in North America as chiggers and in Britain as harvest mites, but also known as berry bugs, bush-mites, red bugs or scrub-itch mites, are a family of mites. Chiggers are often confused with jiggers – a type of flea. Several species of Trombiculidae in their larva stage bite their animal or human host and by embedding their mouthparts into the skin cause "intense irritation" or "a wheal, usually with severe itching and dermatitis".

    My natural cure for them is salt water exposure. They can't tolerate it and die. You have to scratch the skin to expose them to the salt, and there will still be burning and itching, but it will be brief and mild compared to the damage they do while feeding on your flesh.

    There may be gentler ways to cure them, but I'm on the beach and the salt water is always available.
    Radio, Alanaana, Seawolf1090 and 3 others like this.
  3. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I do not know how effective it is but late spring and again in late fall I grab a half liter of gatorade, a heaping tablespoon of Red Lake DE with Bentonite clay and mix then chug. Followed by another half liter or so of gatorade to wash down the grit in my mouth. And yes it makes your mouth feel like ya ate a mud pie dusted with beach sand.

    Does it work? dunno. But hasn't made me sick either.

    And i sprinkle the dry DE/Clay all around in the chicken coop and put about a cup in any of the birds dusting bowls around the yard.
    Ura-Ki and Gator 45/70 like this.
  4. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Burning off the woods helps a bunch.
    Ivermectin, does this not kill parasites
    Kamp Krap, SB21 and Ura-Ki like this.
  5. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    Skip the bentonite and use pure food grade DE :) It does kill all digestive worms but need to be used daily for a week or two. This is what I use for the livestock and myself. For me I add Cayenne Pepper, Sage, Garlic Cloves and a table spoon of chili or jalapeno powder. Put it in a blender and make 12ounce smoothie and chug it once per day for two weeks. 2 weeks breaks the lifecycle and it also cleanses and purges the ole colon out very well. I use a slightly different recipe for the livestock and in much greater volume.

    I have a small lab with a decent microscope that I use A lot for peering into water, soil, poop and blood samples. A low cost microscope just for looking for internal parasites in fecal samples will do. And a Chart to identify what parasite eggs are what. Charts covering everything in every species can be searched. Different parasites are more vulnerable to some things than others.

    Hate to say this but if you have livestock, pets, or wildlife you and your garden are constantly exposed to Parasite Eggs and Larvae. Occasionally even with the best hygiene you are going to pick some up here and there. Parasites in general are more of a Rural problem than Urban due simply to diet, water and generally a lot more exposure. Hogs are hands down the critter that will expose you to widest spectrum of parasites as Hogs and humans biologically have A LOT in common. Humans are called Long Pig for a reason :) Where I tend to pick up the parasites is via Dust, the eggs get inhaled and next thing you know you have some strongyloides taking up residence.
    Zimmy and Minuteman like this.
  6. Kamp Krap

    Kamp Krap Monkey++

    Ivermectin does kill most parasites, the problem is the parasites become resistant to it pretty quickly. So you need to use a 3 type rotational parasite control to keep them from building immunity to any one type. Benzimidazoles, macrocyclic lactones, and imidazothiazoles are the main 3 schools of worm control. What you should NOT do is treat livestock or yourself with the chemical controls for parasites if there are no parasites present in samples. Parasite Control does not work preemptively it is only effective as a Reactionary control. DE and Cayenne Peppers or rather the volatile oils in the peppers on the other hand are not things parasites get resistant or immune to, thus are great for preemptive treatment.
    Gator 45/70 and chelloveck like this.
  7. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    For those of us with low intellect, what the hell is DE?

    EDIT: Okay, I got this when I googled 'Red Lake DE' But, I have never heard of it, not at all...I guess it is something one buys but where, no idea. Frankly, I'm shock one can't purchase something premade to do this..:

    "Red Lake Earth is a unique blend of Diatomaceous Earth and Calcium Bentonite (also known as Calcium Montmorillonite). Red Lake Diatomaceous Earth meets both Food and Feed Grade specifications. Red Lake Earth Diatomaceous Earth with Calcium Bentonite-powder granulation."

    Last edited: Jul 18, 2023
  8. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    DE can also be used to preserve food stores. Put beans, rice, noodles etc in a 5 gallon bucket and spread a layer of DE over the top. It keeps it parasite free. Also add a couple of moisture absorbing packets and it will last for decades.
    Seawolf1090 likes this.
  9. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I use it to dust the animals (furred and feathered).
    additionally use it as pest control in the garden and around house foundation to keep the creepy crawling things at bay. Works on ground nesting yellow jackets as well.
  10. jefferson

    jefferson Monkey

    You are explained in detail about
    "Natural remedy for Parasites Cleanse"

    Thanks for the Ingredients and purpose.

    Zimmy likes this.
  11. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

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