Natural Sequence Farming: An Australian Story

Discussion in 'The Green Patch' started by chelloveck, Jul 27, 2023.

  1. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    The featured You Tube media clip relates to Natural sequence farming Natural Sequence Farming Although the examples shown are on larger rural properties, the principles are also relevant to smaller acreages, just a matter of scale.

    Natural Sequence Farming | Principles | Benefits | Criticism - CropForLife Agriculture

    There is a similarity to Keyline Farming, in the sense that the strategy is to slow the movement of surface water (on paddocks with keyline Farming and watercourses in the case of natural sequence farming) to enable soil hydration.

    Before Permaculture: Keyline Planning and Cultivation - The Permaculture Research Institute
    8. Yeomans Keyline Systems Explained - Yeomans Plow
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