A "prepneck" is nothing more than a redneck prepper. Hi guys and gals. My name is Chris and I live in North Carolina. I was in the Navy for ten years and worked as a Govt contractor for 3 more. after that I was a mechanic on heavy equipment and now I am a disabled vet due to complications from injuries during my service. I have a wife and 3 wonderful children and they mean more than anything to me. I decided it is time to become a prepper because I have always believed in being ready for anything but with the state of affairs in America it is way past time to make ready and have a plan for SHTF. I grew up in Kentucky on a farm so I am experienced with hunting, fishing, preparing and raising meat, and vegetables. I look forward to finding like minded people in my area and learning a thing or two during my stay! Thanks for having me guys...
welcome. if you wish to see who might be around your area, this members map has just been started. Most people are marking their general area, (not their actual location) mine's marked a couple of miles off. http://www.survivalmonkey.com/memberMap/
WoooHoo Another NC Monkey!!!! Sum Day Our Numbers Will Rival Those Of The Great Mitten!!! Welcome to the Tree, pull up a limb, grab yerself a nanner & sit a spell.