A Detention Bill You Ought to Read More Carefully - Politics - The Atlantic It just keeps getting better!
jeeebus.. the hair stood up on the back of my neck. I'm a big history buff when it comes to world war II, though I've learned more in the past 2 years about it than any other time in my life and this just screams Nazi; only more verbose (legalese meant to disguise meaning) and highly politicized. Apparently I wasn't the only one who read that article and made the same connection.
That's really cute. First pass the bill, then give the president 60 days to determine how it is enacted. Sounds like a dictatorship to me. And how about this: SEC. 5. DETENTION WITHOUT TRIAL OF UNPRIVILEGED 11 ENEMY BELLIGERENTS. 12 An individual, including a citizen of the United 13 States, determined to be an unprivileged enemy belligerent 14 under section 3(c)(2) This will absolutely be used against anyone who gets in the way of martial law or any other totalitarian action. The ironic thing is that this is "forthcoming deceit". I'm quite sure that enemies of the state regularly "disappear" today. This just make it official!!
This is why I say things wouldn't have been any better under McCain. He's just as big a traitor as Obama. The next step is torture. Suppose McCain (who made his name on his POW/torture experience and wears it like the shield it is) will sponsor that? I'd bet he would - in a second! (If you live a while, it's amazing how much irony there is in the world.) If George Washington was alive, he'd know what to do.
The same sucker who tried to take away all our health supplements. Sounds like that torture made a Manchurian out of him.
More.... John McCain’s Attack On Liberty and.... http://www.examiner.com/x-21818-Vir...-US-citizens-to-be-arrested-held-indefinitely or this one.... http://www.newswithviews.com/Emord/jonathan118.htm