You ladies might like this one. Still think the small of the back is a better place:|tvideo|article
Well that'll look real cute at the next cookout. A 44 oz drink cup between them and a .45 underneath them. Who knew they had so many uses?
Wow, quite creative. I read the title and figured it would be a holster with bling or something. That was the last thing I expected. Very interesting idea but you would still need to tailor your clothing to accommodate the weapon. I would have to go buy a little pea shooter.
Just tell'em the weapons are in your "checked baggage" and watch their eyes pop..... Still legal, but will cause some wild eyes.... I do that all the time when I travel... Shoulder Holster, empty, under my Jacket.... They all look like I a going to just start Blasting away as soon as I pickup my checked baggage.... Oh well, Perception.... it is all about perception.....