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Discussion in 'Humor - Jokes - Games and Diversions' started by Godzilla, Sep 7, 2018.

  1. Godzilla

    Godzilla Monkey++

  2. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    YUP! 100% of them here illegally are to many! If they are Illegally here, why are they still here?
  3. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    I just can't find any sympathy for someone who's first act is to show contempt for our laws.
    mysterymet, Bandit99, SB21 and 3 others like this.
  4. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    Immigration in America does need a ton of work.

    We support immigrants from areas that are polar opposites of our culture while restricting immigration from hard working Christians wanting to assimilate and be productive.

    Since jobs are limited and a nonproductive portion of the population had been syphoned of to provide the economic flywheel of government subsidy, our border law enforcement was cheapened and enticement made to provide an avenue for a new lower class of cheap employees to come to being.

    The fixes are certainly out there.
  5. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    I'm all for doing it the legal way, going through the process we have and becoming citizens! I appreciate the people that put the effort into becoming Americans and contributing positively to our country, paying their fair share and generally living their lives in peace! I especially LOVE the Hispanic people, no one works harder, tries harder, and loves their families more, SO it's disheartening to me to have so many that don't seem to understand the need for security and the process we have so that they can come here the legal way!
    Homer Simpson, Bandit99, SB21 and 4 others like this.
  6. Zimmy

    Zimmy Wait, I'm not ready!

    I agree.

    Legal immigration and work visa quotas should be much much higher.

    The borders should be ironclad and impregrable to smuggling and unauthorized entry.

    New citizens or foreign workers should be vetted whenever possible for felony or anti-democratic behavior.

    New citizenship should be conditional for life on non-felonious behavior. All undocumented and documented criminals deported at end of time served.

    Some method to legitimize current non-criminal illegal aliens should be started. After a grace period deport illegals upon identification. Deport American born minors with dual citizenship, offer adoption by legal family, or foster care.

    A steady program to dissuade employers and businesses from interaction with undocumented aliens should be implemented over time.

    Just my thoughts....
    Bandit99, Ura-Ki and Seepalaces like this.
  7. techsar

    techsar Monkey+++

    That's the rub...ILLEGAL is criminal.
    But no one seems to give a damn!
  8. Asia-Off-Grid

    Asia-Off-Grid RIP 11-8-2018

    I have zero issues with citizens of other nations wishing to legally emigrate to the USA, as long as their intensions are for the betterment of themselves and their new country. Those who wish to enter illegally, however, I have major issues with.

    My personal views on emigrating to the USA:
    • We should kick every illegal to the curb, and ban them for life from ever being able to apply to return to the USA.
    • Deported illegals should be required to take any and all anchor babies with them. Those children, after having reached adulthood, should be allowed to apply to emigrate to the USA.
    • All applicants legally wishing to emigrate to the USA, should be investigated for criminal background / history. Any convictions within the previous ten (10) years and considered feloneous convictions in the USA, should void their applications. They should be allowed to reapply after another ten (10) years has passed, barring any further convictions.
    • People attempting to cross any border of the USA illegally, should be photographed, fingerprinted, documented, and returned to their respective countries. They should also be added to the Banned-For-Life Club.
    • Any citizen from an enemy state of the USA, or from any state that has been proven to harbor known terrorists, or terrorist fugitives, should be ineligible to apply to enter the USA as an emigrant, a tourist, or even as a transient traveller.
    There are Khmers who grew up in the USA, but never started or completed emigrant applications. Most went to the USA as children. I am sure many grew up assuming they were citizens, but failed to verify that, prior to making a major mistake...

    ... turning to a life of crime. They were convicted and served their time.

    Many were former gang bangers. They were repatriated to Cambodia, and banned from returning to the USA for life. I have discussed this, with some becoming pretty agitated with me due to my opinionated view on the subject. But, I have no compassion or pity, because they made the decisions that put them back here.

    I have yet to visit or reside in a country outside the USA, where I was allowed to stay for free, or with no visa, indefinitely. Why should we allow this to occur in our own homeland?

    EDIT: At some point in history, we should have set English as our national language. Not doing so has caused unnecessary problems in today's USA.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2018
    mysterymet, Bandit99, SB21 and 3 others like this.
  9. Seepalaces

    Seepalaces Monkey+++

    We are Latinos. My father in law fought in a war for the US to gain citizenship and my father served in the military for the same reason. Our parents would NEVER have considered breaking the law. I'm afraid you're wrong about the Hispanic culture. My sister in law quit her first job the first day because it was too hard. The generation that came from Cuba (in my case) and South America (my husband) know first hand how hard life can be. Their grand children don't have any comprehension of what should be expected of us in the US. If you make more than 32k annually, you are in the one percent world wide. To whom much is given, much is expected (Luke 12). I weep for the future of our country that these kids hop the border and then demand the citizens of the US give them whatever they demand. Our parents were willing to take a bullet so that we could have a chance at liberty. It is spitting on that legacy to refuse to guard that southern border. Last year Mexico was the fifth most violent nation in the world. I demand that border be defended. If anyone comes over that border, pick them up and chuck them one foot over the border on the other side at whatever border they happen to be closest to. Then send the bill for the man power to Mexico. (sorry to be so wordy again, I'm just passionate about this.)
  10. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    Actually, You and I are on the exact same page! Unfortunately, as you also pointed out, the current generation feels it's ok for them to simply show up and find the first line for hand outs and free stuff and stick their hands out! Once they are here, the baby factory opens for business and makes dreamers to further drain society! It may sound harsh, but it's the truth! I don't know the reasoning for them to avoid becoming citizens, but what ever it is, its flat out wrong and should be stopped!
    If they truly desire to come here, they need to do so the legal way, spend the time and effort, and become citizens! I welcome them!
  11. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Yes, this Immigration stuff is a thorn in my backside. Why? Because it is personal for me. My wife became a US citizen this past May. I am a US citizen by birth. I know the immigration policies and procedures by heart and...they suck. Completely, totally, suck... They are archaic, unsupportable, convoluted, and simply - crap.

    The major problem is that since President Regan granted amnesty to the millions of illegals, there has not been any work for a lasting and workable solution on immigration. The politicians simply kick the can (the problem) down the road, hoping it will either vanish on its own or it will raise its head on someone's else watch.

    The Border must be secured, that is a no-brainer. I don't care how they do it but as a citizen, I am demanding it and I don't care what they want or say. All they have to do is do it and do it now.

    The idea of immigration based on merit is a good one for the 21st century. The old days of “Give me your tired, your poor…" are over. We need Doctors, Engineers, Technicians, Skilled professionals who should receive first selection and approval for immigration then and only then, after the quotas are fill or the higher merit applicant list exhausted should other candidates be considered for approval.

    Another archaic rule, which has been changed in many countries, is if one is being born here immediately makes them a citizen. This rule has been change in many countries that at least one parent must be a citizen of the host country. A small change but with great impact.

    A rule that sort of ties into the one above is the rule which allows immediate immigration of parents of those naturalized citizens. While this sounds harsh the reality is harsher. These elderly people have not paid into the tax system yet upon approval of immigration immediately have access to our social security net. The point here is they would not be approved for any other reason except they now have children living in the US. My wife's church is a perfect example. It consists of approximately 200 Russian Orthodox Christians from the Ukraine, Russia, Serbia, everywhere, mostly old Soviet Union countries. Many are Green Card holders and are here due to the Lottery Immigration system while many are due to the preference given to their old countries for whatever political reason. Almost all of these people have brought their parents over and all these parents do not work and are on the social services. Hell, most can barely speak a word of English! This is not an exaggeration. While I am for keeping families together, I am against taxpayers having to pay for it. Basically, it is not fair to the taxpayer. Also, it is not fair to other young and professional immigration applicants for it very well could take their place in the yearly quota.

    Yes, the entire Immigration policy sucks and needs to be trashed and rebuilt from the ground up...not kicked down the road while taxpayers continue to pay the price. As always, American taxpayers are nothing more than piggy banks to be used until empty then cast aside...
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2018
    mysterymet and Seepalaces like this.
  12. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    the tired and poor are willing to toil in the blazing sun to pick our food for .. well basically nothing. If we don't let them in illegally, and resort to hiring people with papers .. food is going to get so expensive we will just wind up importing it from china, LatAm and elsewhere.

    Seriously, could you see a millennial toting a barge of tomatoes for an hour before they complained about it on social media?

    Yes, illegal immigration is a problem but, they are not taking our technology jobs, nor manufacturing, engineering, health care and nursing, education, etc. They are picking our produce, cleaning our hotel rooms and keeping our lawns nice*. you want cheap? play cat and mouse catch and release the illegals. You want legals? get ready to pay. because once they are legal, it's hard to keep 'em down on the farm.

    Just my 2 cents.

    *not an inclusive list but some industries for illustration.
    Ura-Ki and Zimmy like this.
  13. Seepalaces

    Seepalaces Monkey+++

    Again, I'm sorry for being such a chatty cathy, but my jaded opinion about this is that the reason so many are suddenly willing to get serious about immigration is that we are finally getting to the point of being able to automate a great deal of agriculture. We are about to crest a point where we need far less farm labor and far less restaurant labor.
  14. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    Actually there used to be a program that provided for workers to come here work and send money home then return home after they were finished with the work...

    was in place for years... guest workers program IIRC?

    they got paid and did the labor you referred to and went back home and came back the next season/year....
    Seepalaces likes this.
  15. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    We still have that program, among others. Those that come in are not illegals.
    Guest worker visas, including the H-1B and L-1, allow U.S. employers to hire citizens of foreign countries to temporarily work in the United States. The Optional Practical Training (OPT) program, while not a visa, grants temporary work authorization for foreign citizens who attend or graduated from a U.S. university.
    Back in the day when I was closer to the ground, it was usual for brokers to make the arrangements. If the employer liked a given worker and vice versa, they could request each other for the following year.
    Zimmy, Seepalaces and Ura-Ki like this.
  16. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Seriously, illegal immigration has been a problem for hundreds of years. Ask any Native American or First Nation Member. ;)

    We do need a comprehensive policy. But given our divided society, us vs. them, have and have nots, Republicans vs. Democrats, friends vs friends. We will either come together as a country to figure it out or we will have a civil war. My money is on the latter.
    Seepalaces and Ura-Ki like this.
  17. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    The one we have is cumbersome and tedious. It need some speeding up, for sure. That said, the border jumpers do nothing toward making the existing programs work any better and divert resources.
    Seepalaces likes this.
  18. arleigh

    arleigh Goophy monkey

    No 50% Americans .
    All American or go back where you came from .
    Seepalaces likes this.
  19. Ura-Ki

    Ura-Ki Grampa Monkey

    The problem with the "Guest worker" is they are now replacing citizens in the work place! Companies like Intel and Nike have discovered that they can use the temp worker to get around labor laws, contract negotiations, wages, and benefits! I know first hand, having a few close friends who were replaced by these temp workers! Starting to see it in the hospitals as well! Think about it, the employers are making out like bandits, not having to pay actual wages or going rate salaries, no pensions or retirement, no Obummercare, and an inexhaustible pool of cheap labor to draw from! Ever walked through t the Freightliner truck plant? Same with Nike, Intel, and most large employers in Or! Oh ya, you think they are hiring Hispanics? No, mostly former Com-Block, Vietnamese, South East Asian, and Indian! The poor Hispanics are left out because of the lack of skilled work experience/training! So the hand full you do see are scrubbing the honey flushers!
    Zimmy, Seepalaces and Bandit99 like this.
  20. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    @VisuTrac And, I think you are forgetting the cost to the taxpayer to keep these illegals here. I recently read that a major hospital (think it was in New Jersey) estimated it cost them $150M in loss revenue - yet - due to the law they had to provide service to the illegals. Plus, they are using other services that they do not pay for such as schools, roads, etc. I am paying for 3 schools in my area yet I have no children!

    Your point that the cost of fruits and vegetables is a good one and correct; however, technology will find a way if the costs drive it plus there is no reason why work permits could not be issue to close the gap until technology helps. This should have been done decades ago and enforced but, instead, they kicked the can.

    @Ura-Ki "The problem with the "Guest worker" is they are now replacing citizens in the work place!"
    This is true. I have seen it myself first hand with Indians being brought over to fill Software Engineering jobs on a temporary contract/basis which gets the employer out paying quite a number of things such as pensions and Health Insurance (There's that dirty word again!). In fact, I remember reading that it was getting so bad that they were trying to tighten the regulations but without success because the screwy Immigration laws/policies/regs are archaic crap!
    Seepalaces and Ura-Ki like this.
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