That means that if you use the Lee 155 gr swc mold in .45, the bullet's drop from the mold weighing 105 grs. Hollowbasing them to 90 grs is quick and easy, even if you only have a Dremel, vise and handheld power drill.
forgot to mention this alloy is $9 a lb, at your plumbing supply store. It's 95% tin, 5% antimony, hard as hell, but still takes the rifling well. Can't be sized in a normal lube sizer. Have to use Lee Liquid lube, Lee Sizer die (in a reloading press) Bore fouling is present, but minimal. NObody is going to be plinking with such bullets, too expensive. The fouling is not bad enough to matter in a hunting or defensive pistol. 2000 fps is easily attainable with such bullets, given that you hollowbase them in a lathe.