Question from a first timer.... I don't know about in the US but here in Canada we can buy a chinese made clone of the m14 ( limited to a five round magazine ) Anyway, my question is, I've cleaned the cosmoline off the metal and now it just looks that normal? Any thing I should be aware of pertaining to this firearm? Bought through the mail so there wasn't an opportunity to ask questions... Thanks There are some potential problems with chicom m14s. Here are some places to start looking for info. I think the grey is normal.
The gray is certainly parkerizing. The Chicoms actually have a closer spec receiver than the SAI M1As. They are actually forged (not cast like SAI) like the M14. There were some issues with soft bolts at one time. I think that was a long time ago. At the price you can get one in Canada, they are a steal. Go here: The Chinese are pretty good at reverse engineering.
Usually the Chicom have a slightly larger gas cylinder requiring an oversized piston and oversized gas cylinder wrench. Not a problem as long as you are aware of the differences. We (Sadlak Industries) make oversized pistons and wrenches just for this purpose. As most of you know, a manganese phosphate finish has the possibility of resulting in variations of color depending of the raw metal prep as well as the solution and temperature during the process.
if you mean the surface of the metal, yes, it's normal, all 5 of norinco M14 I saw are gray, parkerizing I thingk.
I had one ten years ago. Never shot it, then sold it to someone that wanted it badly enough for me to make a good profit on it. One of my few regrets, should have kept it.
Yes, but you've got to find one that was brought into the country years ago before Chinese imports were banned (??early 1990s??). I believe the designation for these is the M14S. Check GunBroker or AuctionArms, or just keep an eye open at your local gun shows.