Maybe not a new member- how about a future member? My son was born on February 15, 01:49hours. At 19" and 6lbs, 4oz. Mother and baby are doing well (thanks and praises sent to our creator), and should be returning home tomorrow. I'll post some photos once I get the camera back from the hospital- my wife wanted to keep it with her just in case she got a good photo opportunity.
Of all the life events we share with one another, the birth of a child is the one that holds the most joy and promise. Congratulations to Mom, Dad, and your new son.
Thanks, all! We got home last night after visiting my parents. I didn't get a chance to download the pictures yet. I will, I promise; we don't have anything planned for tonight. I just checked the hospital's website and they haven't posted any pictures yet either. I don't feel so bad, now.
No name yet? (Or did I miss it above ---) Ah, well, pending a name, he goes by minimonkey for now, eh?
Wow, Ghrit, thanks for pointing that out... He's had a name since we knew what gender he was (about six months ago). His name is Curtis. I'll (and probably the rest of the world) will call him Curt. "Minimonkey"- I'll tell the wifey about that one. She nicknamed him "Brutis" while she was still pregnate with him- she said he kicked and punched her organs and ribs a lot!
Let us know what she says. It'll either stick or get laughed out of the house. Good job all around, and congrats to Curt for upsetting your planning (well, not yet, but he will. I had three --)