I mean, if it was in my country, that guy would have been in jail...I just don't get it... Want to sneak into U.S.? There's an app for that
Bane, one unfortunate side-effect of America's Freedoms is that a lot of utter stupdity is overlooked in favor of the First Amendment Right of Free Speech. I myself consider this 'professor'nothing less than a petty criminal aiding and abetting other criminals. But he is allowed a 'pass' by an over-zealous Liberal Government. Gotta remember, all THEY see is he is bringing in more good Liberal voters!!
The feds don't have time to deal with it... They are busy suing states that want to enforce immigration law.
When "it" goes down, a lot of these traitors will find themselves swinging from a tree. Hey, rope is reusable and ecologically friendly.......
I'm not sure I got what you mean...I guess you say that this story is similar twister like the dog story? Anything is possible...
No, he's saying a 15 year old kid gets a min of 3 years for breaking and entering and this guy aids and abet's criminals and gets nothing but 15 minutes of fame.