wow. read the comment at the bottom <TABLE class=MsoNormalTable border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; PADDING-TOP: 0in" vAlign=top> <TABLE class=MsoNormalTable border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 0in; PADDING-LEFT: 0in; PADDING-RIGHT: 0in; PADDING-TOP: 0in" vAlign=top> If anyone has any doubts about what these illegals think of us and our country, check out these pictures taken by an acquaintance of mine who went to the rally in Phoenix Saturday 7/31/10 in response to SB 1070. The illegals had written all over the AZ and US Flags, laid them on the ground, and were walking on them! Notice the toilet paper in (this) one "I shared those pics with my Best friend who is a cop/detective. I asked him why nobody was punished for desecrating our flags...his response..... In response to your question about the legality of Desecration of the American Flag, you are correct, this is illegal. However, it is a crime with the Federal Government. Meaning the Feds will have to prosecute for the crime and considering they will not prosecute for illegal trespassing into the Country, what makes you think they will prosecute anyone for spray painting and walking on an American flag?????" I don't know about you people, but I'm outraged over all of this! Judge Bolton did nothing but to empower the illegals and their bleeding heart liberal supporters! When is enough going to be enough?!!!!! I have permission from the person that took these pictures to pass them around. They're being sent to some news stations as well, although I doubt they'll air them. So please pass these around to all those you know, let people see how the illegals who broke our laws by coming here really feel about us! </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Silly kids. They should have been taught that hanging the flag upside down is a sign of distress. Oh wait. They don't teach that in school anymore.
These people are ripe for entry into Obie's civilian service corps. He won't have to worry about Oath Keepers in this crowd.
Let them do this. Then we collect images of them doing this and create a wonderful **** sandwich, scrap-book to show everyone just how disrespectful these people are. Next up. I'll find myself a mexican flag and I invite everyone to piss on it. (Yes, I am fully aware of the hypocrisy of this statement, but sometimes you have to send a similar message along to people like this).
Roll it up afterwards, and mail it to Calderon in a plastic bag. (Hm. Like that, I do, and you can use your sixth grade teacher's return address --)
Hmmmm...First, I would air the pictures and/or video of what they do...then I would treat their flag with utmost respect and honor...I'd have all news stations film that...then give a speech on how I respect their origins, beliefs and country...and then give their flag to their representative with all possible respect... If I was them, I would be so ashamed, that I would run for the border...
Next "Cinco De Mayo" day, I will proudly fly the Mexican flag...... Need to make sure it's cotton. Plastic don't burn as well........
Guess it's the New Yorker in me, but I've been soured by their decades of dis-respect and attempted cultural take overs in many places. I've just lost respect for them entirely. It's almost how people have become soured on America because of our government, only our government is to blame and in this case with Mexico, it's both.
I understand you completely.... the thing is...this is the way the war in Yugoslavia started...Burning flags first, then blowing up cars and stores, then houses, then massacre at a wedding...then all-out total carnage... I just hope it stays on flags and other cotton and plastic materials...
Unfortunately, it has already escalated far beyond simple desecration and burning of flags.... Welcome to Arizona...(Now go home)! Saw that on a bumper sticker recently!
No kidding. As in, New York, where littering costs more than tax evasion by certain political figures.