Here is comes NY'ers.. call who you have to call and tell them that under no certain terms is this son of a bitch to even THINK about violating our constitutionally protected, God given, rights.
It will be easy to disarm the cheeple, they'd sell their bodies for a bridge card. It's when they (non-constitutional aware LEO's or others tasked with the job) attempt to go out hither and yon that they are going to have to rethink things. Seriously, I've no problem with people wanting to give up their guns for a false sense of security. Once bad things start happening to them, they can have the gubermint protect them (and they won't they will just report what happened). It's a free country, free choice, I just happen to think they are choosing wrong. Who am I to tell them the effed up. If they want to live on fema plantations, eat fema food, play fema games, and live fema lives, so be it. It will only be a problem when they (same they again) try to force their policies on the free thinkers among us.
New York is one of the most draconian states there is. I hope this fool is arrogant enough try confiscation. This is a really good way to kick off a civil war.