How do you guys feel about this??? Source:Obama agency rules Pepsi's use of aborted fetal cells in soft drinks constitutes 'ordinary business operations' Do you guys like drinking dead babies?
I think you have fallen for one of the weirdest internet rumors I've ever heard. You don't really believe that PepsiCo is using cells of human fetuses for flavoring?
Technically this one is sort of true, but the cells are not used in the final product. It is not the current Pepsi. It is for a new low calorie Pepsi called PEP. The cells are part of a cell line created from an embryonic kidney cell in 1972. They used that embryonic cell to create more cells and then so on. The current cells used are genetic decendents of the original cell, that Senomyx uses to create taste receptor cells used in testing flavor enhancement blends. Then they don't have to do actual taste tests with live subjects. This has been going on for a while. At least three other companies already use them; Kraft (in the Cadbury division), Campbells Soup, and Nestle. The news about Pepsi broke last July, leading people to believe this was a new development. Pepsi and Senomyx refuse to comment. However, it should be noted that 70 of the 77 patents that Senomyx holds use cell lines from that embyonic kidney cell. I am providing a couple of links; The orignal CBS article and a snopes article: Pepsi's Bizarro World: Boycotted Over Embryonic Cells Linked to Lo-Cal Soda - CBS News Pepsi Uses Fetal Cells?
wow, good dissemination and info carly.. thanks for dispelling the paranoia that could have ensued, with cold hard facts.
There's Snopes...then there's #*%$ing SNOPES!! Just be aware that Snopes has very variable credibility here....if it is mythbusting anything that doesn't contradict conservative / right orthodoxy you're free to quote Snopes with some degree of confidence...however....if it appears to confirm anything unfavourable to the conservative / right side of politics...then Snopes is an untrustworthy socialist stooge.....just didn't want any misunderstandings about what the party line here is! ; ) [rofllmao]
I'm aware of snopes' leanings.. I also have a good imagination of what the government and corporations are capable of..
What it comes down to is whether you are willing to purchase a product that was developed using cells from a line derived from an aborted healthy fetus ( you can do your own research on HEK293). If you think abortion is fine (in this case, for commercial purpose), you are probably okay with it. If you are against abortion, it would be pretty hypocritical to be okay with it just because you like Pepsi, Frito-Lay, Kraft, Nestlé,...
I drink guiness.. cuz its got anti-oxidants.. and I sterilize my diet coke with jack.. I do not care for pepsi..
I think that many people have the capability of performing Olympian moral gymnastics to reconcile any truly uncomfortable doctrinal dissonance when it comes to the practicalities of day to day living. There is always the "well...that's the "old Covenant", we have a "New Covenant" gambit or that the "lifestyle", dietary laws don't apply to us....we are saved by grace" gambit and so it goes. If people properly understood the manufacturing processes involved in industrialised food manufacture, they would never consume anything that they had not grown and produced themselves. I put the use of stem cells from viable fetuses used for crass commercial purposes by private corporations to turn a profit for amoral shareholders in much the same moral boat as Mengele and associates and their junk pseudo scientific experiments on concentration camp inmates. Just my opinion.
If you read the ORIGINAL Research..... The StemCells are used in the Taste Testing, of the Product.... NOT in the product, itself..... The outfit that does this research, does testing for a whole bunch of different US, and International Companies. I mean this is about as SMALL of an ISSUE, as I have seen in the GREAT Abortion Debate, here in the USA.... Just my Opinion.... YMMV..... Oh, and these cells that are actually used, are MANY Generations later, than the harvested cells, collected for the Aborted Fetus, from whence they came.....
NB, that is automated taste testing, not human sensory tests. It's a process QC check rather than something bipedal humanoid organisms actually do.
First we had animals cutting down the workforce, then steam power, then we were worried bout robots... now I also gotta worry bout an aborted fetus stealing jobs.
If there was a military application to the use of aborted fetuses, I have few doubts that the military industrial complex would be out lobbying religious pro life lobbyists to put the aborted into metaphorical uniforms. I am sometimes wondering if the aborted in uniform could do a worse job than some who managed to reach full term : S