Obama Tells Patriot Guard to Get Lost There was a memorial service two days ago in Beckley, West Virginia for the 29 coal miners who died at the nearby Upper Big Branch mine April 5th. Twenty-eight hundred people attended the service. Most of them were there to pay their respects and console the grieving. At least a couple of them were there to make symbolic, political appearances. Many of the working class men who died were veterans and some of them rode motorcycles. A source has told this page that “Families of the miners killed in the explosion…had requested the Patriot Guard Riders attend.” The Patriot Guard Riders is an informal club of veteran motorcyclists which exists to make sure that all veterans are given respectful funerals. And, they were banned from this service by federal officials because those officials believe the Patriot Guard is a security threat. Cleared With Governor The appearance of the Patriot Guard at the service, at the request of at least several families, was cleared by West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin. Travis Mollohan, a senior aide to the Governor worked with the Patriot Riders to arrange a staging location. The day before the service, Joe Cumblidge, the West Virginia State Captain of the Patriot Guards emailed the men who were scheduled to participate: “Due to circumstances totally and completely beyond the control of the Patriot Guard Riders and Governor Joe Manchin of West Virginia, we are regrettably ordering a STAND DOWN for this mission. Specific details will not be posted here but, we’ve been told we are not welcome to participate because of certain high-level dignitaries that are scheduled to be in attendance.” The “high-level dignitaries” were President Barack Obama and Vice-president Joe Biden. A Patriot Guard Rider named Pat Hanifin told WSAZ in Charleston that Manchin had been forbidden to allow the Patriot Guard to participate “because of overwhelming security concerns with high-ranking federal officials – it was just not logistically possible for them to be a part of the event.” A member of the Patriot Guard who had planned to ride that day told this page, “the reason was because the Secret Service did not want us there because of the possibility of the President attending. Why? So he can stand there like a fool and disrespect every veteran in attendance with his hands crossed?” Obama And Biden At the service, the President stood in front of a row of 29 crosses and told the mourners, “Our task, here on Earth, is to save lives from being lost in another such tragedy. To do what we must do, individually and collectively, to assure safe conditions underground. To treat our miners like they treat each other, like a family. Because we are all family and we are all Americans.” Vice President Biden, who spoke before the President, warmed up the crowd with a wise crack intended to insult West Virginia’s most prominent recent football coach, Rich Rodriguez. Rodriguez left West Virginia for the University of Michigan after the 2007 season. “They loved hunting, fishing, riding horses and four-wheelers,” Biden said of the dead miners. “They hated the way Coach Rodriguez left West Virginia for Michigan.” Biden’s remark seemed to charm the mourners, who applauded. Both Biden and Obama managed to escape West Virginia unharmed. http://www.agingrebel.com/?p=3216
Just in case anybody's wondering, I'd rather have the Patriot Guard at my funeral than Obama or Biden. It's always about Obama. I'm beginning to really dislike the guy which probably means I can't go anywhere near where he's gonna be.
This man, deserves a lot more than a shoe thrown at him for insults against the American people. I am a man born out of time. I for one think some people deserve a good public a$$ whipping. I for one would like to see dueling legal. Screw the legal system and high priced lawyers. A little street justice with an audience at times is appropriate and fully justified. JMHO (dinosaur that I am) of course.
IMHO it is because this man is pure evil that he believes the PGR is a security risk. Take a look at Brokors Alex Jones thread of today.
My God. What has happened to this country? That pompous little bottom feeder snubs Americans at every opportunity, and bows before our enemies just as consistently. We just take it and take it, and then take it again. Attendance by the Patriot Guard was at the families request, not that he cared one damn bit about the families. Just another propaganda photo opp for the boy king, already forgotten in his insatiable quest for glory... Someone REALLY needs to grow a pair sufficient to tell that narcissistic little f**k that not every occasion is about him. If that was the funeral for one of mine, I'd have been happy to personally tell the little prick he wasn't welcome. I'd have REAL Americans - the kind with genuine love of country (and maybe even birth certificates) honor my fallen, or there would be no funeral at all.
What do you think? Should I send this to the Whitehouse? Dear Mr. President, . Due to actions of your administration with regard to coal miners funerals, I felt this letter was neccessary. . If I should die in your lifetime, regardless of the consequences or actions that bring me to that point. I JUST WANT TO MAKE MYSELF PERFECTLY CLEAR. ... THE PATRIOT GUARD RIDERS ARE WELCOME TO SHOW UP, ALTHOUGH I DON'T EXPECT THEM. YOU SIR ARE NOT WELCOME AT MY FUNERAL. IF FOR SOME ASININE REASON YOU OR YOUR MINIONS SHOULD SHOW UP, MY CLOSEST FRIENDS HAVE ORDERS TO THROW YOUR BONY BUTT OUT WITH THE KNOWLEDGE THAT THE EXECUTOR OF MY ESTATE IS TO POST BAIL AND PAY LEGAL FEES FOR THEM. . Is that clear enough for you sir? . sincerely, Roger T. Irvin - USN Retired
Believe it or not, Sir can be a slur and disrespectful. Just ask any senoir enlisted NCO who has had to deal with a stupid wet behind the ears O-1 thru O-3. Usually by the time they make O-4 they have a clue.
Obama is unwelcome in my whole life. You have to be careful with narcissists because if you forbid them from something like your funeral, they assume they are welcome to come to anything not expressly forbidden.
Not having served, I didn't know that. Thanks! Of course, obongo never served either, and couldn't care less about the folks who did. Heck - he pronounces corpsman with a hard "p" and hard "s"!!! Guess you just need to find a way to make sure your disrespectful tone comes across loud and clear in print so it isn't lost on him.
SO much for A Government "or a Nation and now a simple Funeral Service" of the People By the People and For the People ! Way to Mend fences there Obama you and your SS goon squad around you are doing a great job there !
isnt the whole point of the patriot guard to keep people like those westboro clowns away? I rather strongly suspect that they were found to be a security risk too.