If I'm not mistaken, this violates the 14th Amendment's Equal Protection clause. Why? They have a criminal in custody...and choose to ignore the law, and let said criminal go. Criminal then commits a crime against you. There is a great likelihood that if they law had been followed, the crime wouldn't have happened. This is like ignoring the reports of sexual misconduct by a Catholic priest...or football coach. The one's letting the perp go are now complicit in any future crimes. Well...that's how I would argue it on Matlock anyways...... http://dailycaller.com/2012/07/26/o...cretive-catch-and-release-immigration-policy/
A long drop with a short rope and done publicly. Best deterrent to any future crimes and an incentive to others not to die the same way. The Aurora murderer needs it done publicly and very soon.
The trouble with that is the people behind the scenes. The media shows the puppets, not the puppet masters.