For radio the options are MURS, FRS, or CB. None of them are great, but they are cheap and low profile. "Other forms"...I dunno that could be anything from smoke signals to satellites.
i am not a ham user yet, but i understand from the few people that i have talked to that they take being registered quite seriously, isn't that part of the same gov that is spying on us anyway i dunno just trying to learn
I'm sure that there are a number out in our Monkey Tree that have the equipment to broadcast and receive, but choose to remain silent and just listen.
We have several posts on the subject if you are interested. Tech ham radio license CB Comm's For Your Rig Ham Radio - An Elmers Guide Digital Mobile Radio (TDMA) comes to Ham Radio..... D-Star & DRM coming to a CHEAP Ham HandHeld....very soon...... My path to hamming. | Page 3 Did you know..... Little Know Facts in US Communications Law Ordered A Pair Of Baofeng UV 5RAs Getting your ham radio license -- from scratch Getting into amateur radio | Page 4
It is a well organized site, and a quick mind. Listening is legal for anyone, I believe, but do not hit that broadcast switch, without a licience. Big penalties for that.
Yep. The penalties for unlicensed operation are significantly expensive. And along with the FCC, the ham radio fraternity self-polices and guards its privileges vigorously.
In the USA, the Federal .GOV via the FCC regulates the Radio Spectrum in behalf of the "People" (Citizens) The USA is signatory to the ITU Conventions (International Telecommunications Union, a part of the UN) which regulates RF Emissions for the Planet and surrounding Space. By ITU Regulation, each Country is responsible for Licensing RF Emitters, inside it's own Boarders. Here in the USA, ALL RF Emitters MUST be Licensed. These "Licenses" come in many forms. 1. Blanket Licenses that over a Radio Service for ALL Citizens and Landed Immigrants. (Part 15 Devices, CB, MURS, FRS, etc) 2. Individual Station Licenses (Broadcast Radio & Tv Stations, Private Radio Services (Marine, Aircraft, Police, Fire, Municipal, etc) 3. Individual Station & Operator Licenses (Ham Radio) 4. Common Carrier Station Licenses (Telephone, Cellular, PCS, etc) There are NO RF Emitters in the USA that are NOT covered by one of the above Licenses, OR, are operated by the Federal Government, itself, Under the Executive Branch. (Office of Science & Technology in the White House) Station Licenses are for Equipment (Hardware) Operator Licenses are for People (Humans) Some Radio Services require both, (Ham, Commercial Marine, Commercial Aircraft) by ITU Regulation Most do not require an Operator Licenses, but ALL must have a Station License, of one of the above type. If you have more detailed questions, you can post them to this thread and I will get you the answers...... .....
Post SHTF, all rules are null and void.... and there will be many online that are not "licensed/registered".......... but can reach out and say HELLOOOO to you and yours. Not that I condone that behavior during normal times (as that is illegal).... but after any fall, or tyrannical lock down... these folks, amongst the many pro's licensed... will be the lifeline of communications within theater, and potentially the key to information flow. There are many out here in the world, with extensive knowledge in communications, sitting on the sideline that are gearing up to do just that... IMO
@Yard Dart , you are assuming a complete breakdown and NO government power left to enforce rules that no longer matter. Such is unlikely. Gov will enforce rules just to show they still ARE the power, any rules they can. It already happened in California when they had "voter revolt" and ALL Levy's and taxes were voted down over and over. Gov cracked down on every stranglehold they had left. (licensing fees, auto tags, registrations) anything to bring in money. I pay roughly $40. For auto tags here, but there it is a percentage of the value of the car! I know of a sports car that cost $1300.00 just for his tags! It is one of many reasons I left that soul sucking place.
I wonder if there is a mandate within the government plan as a contingency, for the FCC or other body, to secure all licensed radio sets/operators if SHTF... to control the information flow in the event that things go sideways or to preserve a "national asset for .gov use".....? Just a thought, not trying to be tin foil. But have any of you ever considered the fact that you are licensed, address's recorded and have the capability to be the underground media... that just has to be shut down for "security" purposes..... it is a question that requires a bit of thought.
That would be the thing about radio. Word of a takedown, or a suppression would get out. Radios are small and fairly cheap, not at all hard to hide, and anyone could have several. (Many already do) one yell on the repeaters or local net of suppression, the word would spread faster than lightening. That type or response would set off every armed Citizen within minutes. Suppression would CAUSE what they wish to avoid.
And that is the beauty of radio communications.... you can shut me down, but my twenty friends will get the message through. God Bless America
License = Privilege A right does not require a license. I am not saying to break "the law" (lol?), I am saying do not apply for a license if you choose. And do not broadcast unless you plan to be visited by men in black with lots and lots of guns and body armor. (Does anybody remember the movie "Pump Up The Volume"?)