Shown on Olberman tonight: "One on one" abc interview the interviewer asks cheney why are still fighting there when 2/3rd's of the American public overwhelmingly says " its not worth it"??? Cheney snickers a little( droolling contempt) and Says "So?" A**hole!!!!!A**hole!!!!!A**hole!!!!!A**hole!!!!!
The"so" video surfaces and two media jerk off's call Cheney a "hero" for flipping off the American people...
thats my boy Cheney! "So what, I'll take Iraq this time!muahaha!" Man I bet Cheney, our Hero, Laughed when he shot his buddy while hunting. "Damn that Harry Whittington for looking like a quail!So what, I'll get him next time and we'll have a Huge quail dinner from him!" This government has gone psychotic. I wonder if we will be able to bring them to trial?