On line books.

Discussion in 'Back to Basics' started by ozarkgoatman, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    There is a ton of good info on this site, including down loadable foxfire books 1-6.


  2. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    Sweet thanks for the link, already got 1-7 of the fox fires in print
  3. SLugomist

    SLugomist Monkey++

    Nice bug out vehicle in the bottom picture.

    FYI the book I DL'd only get's 50 openings before I will need a password. So I gotta go get some printer ink (160 pages)
  4. ozarkgoatman

    ozarkgoatman Resident goat herder

    I thought someone might like it. [beer]

  5. Illini Warrior

    Illini Warrior Illini Warrior

    Gutenberg .org

    Another free book site ...... www.Gutenberg.org

    Don't forget www.Scribd.com is great for all kinds of info ....... books, manuals, bulletins and articles
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