Operational Security & Wolves In Sheep's Clothing

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Yard Dart, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    They showed the episode that Yard Dart was speaking of. What a scary dude. My kid called him a redneck, I say that was a product of inbreeding. I am sure we all have people like that in our area, it just hasn't been exposed. What struck me was that Kevin seemed to make a few references in regard to cost. I got the feeling that he may live on assistance. It has never struck me that the welfare crowd maybe preparing. Many times I have heard people say they can't afford to store food but I have never heard someone say they are making plans in case their SNAP card quits working.

    @JABECmfg mentioned that American Prepper network. I agree that those people seem to just tell all there. It was very unsettling for me when I went there, not sure why but it was kind of creepy.

    @kellory So what is the point? Should we not be on here telling the truth? Should we not post or lie on the what did you put away this week thread? I usually "like" your posts cause you are funny and make points I never thought of. As for being nice, I try to be nice on this site because the Monkey has some hardcore Mods that would smack you into shape quite quick. Believe me there have been times when I would like to rip someone a new one but that is not allowed here.

    As for my neighborhood, we have some real selfish people and we have a few scary people. There is one place that fascinates me. I have no clue what goes on inside but what is happening outside fascinates me. Very interesting "improvements".
    JABECmfg likes this.
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    We like truth telling. We don't encourage violating OPSEC for the sake of truth. Methinks, and you can see it readily, that there are lots of hints about what's in any member's stash; but no way to see the whole package, at least not without some serious interest in going back and filtering thru any given member's post history. And all that ignores changes in strategies or tactics between posts. Fer zamples, melbo, Quigley_Sharps, and I (along with many others) have relocated several times since the site went live, and tactical changes have been made to accommodate the new locations. I guess the message is say nothing about what you do, and contribute ideas when someone has a question, leading or otherwise. That way, experience can be shared without explicit statements. No need to say something akin to "When I faced that, this is what I did."

    We do have some poseurs on site, it isn't difficult to detect them. And by my observations, they don't stay too long when no one rises to their overstatements. Sometimes they get called out and sometimes a bit of mud slinging ensues. We put an end to that most times if it doesn't die out on its own. So far as hard nosed moderating goes, we simply enforce the CoC. All else is fair game. There's more than one way to tell someone he's a bonehead. Try substituting "ossified cranial cavity."

    If they want you, they can find you regardless of your OPSEC planning and execution. Some are easier than others --
  3. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Motomom34 likes this.
  4. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    @ghrit I have actually seen the Mods here encourage people to change a post due to too much information. The monkey does seem to encourage people to keep their cards close.
    Very good advice that needs to be remembered, but sometimes is is so hard to leave that personal part out.

    @kellory [LMAO] i always thought you were a park maintenance man, like riding around picking up branches and emptying trash. I don't know why, you wrote something once and that is the picture I got. I don't really care what anyone does or who they are, but then I respect peoples privacy or try to. I know, it is a scary world out there and the WEB brings whole new threats. Many times I have to remind myself to take off my rose colored glasses.
    chelloveck, tulianr and Yard Dart like this.
  5. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    @Motomom34 , I did share that i do maintenance routes in parks. I keep people out of buildings, and repair damage done by people trying to break in, as well as general maintenance to ensure things are running as they should. They are one of many contracted jobs, for maintenance or repair. (one small part of the job)
    Motomom34 likes this.
  6. mysterymet

    mysterymet Monkey+++

    That guy could have been GunKid's cousin.
  7. fmhuff

    fmhuff Monkey+++

    Totally agree. It is distressing but totally easy to get caught up into the look what I have or have done in prepping when somebody post a thread. It isn't good OPSEC however and I have been guilty as well.

    A Mormon friend I used to have coffee with a couple times a week got in to a preps discussion. He and I are friends so we talked candidly about the LDS position on preparedness, resources, self defense and the percentage of people who followed Church suggestions. It was more than the general public but not high enough IMO.

    I mentioned a few people who had posted their survival plan was an AK-47 and a Mormon directory. His response was "what makes them think we don't have AK-47's too". So my take on it was that even though Church members don't advertise what they have. That what they do have will be defended. Sounds good to me. Tight lips and sharp sticks.
    chelloveck, BTPost, JABECmfg and 3 others like this.
  8. Silversnake

    Silversnake Silverback

    I suspect he will be investigated and eventually charged with conspiracy and maybe other incidental charges they can find. They will let him plead out with probation and not be allowed to possess firearms for ever. Just my guess.
  9. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Not possess....legally. He will just steal some, or use a knife or club to repurposed a few....watch that kind closely.
  10. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    One MUST understand Mormon History, to understand that planning on taking a Mormon Directory and an AK-47, to supply your Preps, is a very good way to get yourself DEAD, at the first Place you visit. Mormon's were MOBBED, Murdered, and Persecuted, for much of there early history. When they were forced out of Nauvoo, IL and moved to Utah, it was said, "Never Again, will we be forced to do ANYTHING" It is engrained into the children, taught over the Pulpit, and part of the collective History of the Faith. There is a complete Administrative System
    in place, that can have Dozens of Men & Women formed up in a matter of Hours, after an Issue is identified. Armed is necessary. Mormons take care of their OWN, First, then the community they live in, Second, then the rest of the world, Third. It isn't something that they brag a lot about, but they spend a lot of effort to move Emergency Supplies, into Disaster Areas, in a matter of Hours after the Issues are know. The local Leaders, communicate with SaltLake, letting them know what they need, and SaltLake, Starts moving the supplies into the area, immediately. They also have 80K Missionaries out in the field. They are reTasked, by local Leaders to Start making ready for the arrival of those Emergency Supplies, and getting what local supplies are available, out to the Members, and local needy, long before anyone else is even moving. This system has been in place for over a Century, and is well understood, and has been well used in many parts of the World, and in MANY Disaster situations. ......
  11. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I like Mormons as a people, and as individuals, I just got tired of working for them.
    I worked in a Mormon owned and run machine shop. Everyone else was a Mormon. I still have the book of Mormon they gave me when trying to convert me.
    Every time someone had to go home because of slow work, it was me. Every time, there was a rough and dirty job, I did it. Every time inventory had to be done, I was handed the list and told to start counting parts.
    Even my wages were played with. Raises were not on scheduled as promised. I can still remember the confrontation when I bearded the old man in his office about my long overdue raise "well, if I can get you to work for less than you're worth, then I'm a good businessman. If you can get me to give you a raise, then you're a good businessman". All the while, I was never as good as a Mormon unless I became one. I put up with that place for three years. Never again.
  12. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Having lived, work for and with mormon and seventh day adventist I come to realized that they will take care of their own, not you. Keeping that in mind you can prosper. Forget that and you will be disappointed. That said, I would go back and work at those places again. But I would plan to watch out for myself.
  13. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    There are plenty of "Alpha Male" types out there who will always try to force their dominance on others. Some of us may see it every day, in public or at work. The personality type of such a person is generally rude to those he sees as weak in some way, and generally flatters those he deems necessary to boost his ego. Sometimes, an alpha personality type will use the "power" of his group to ostracize a particular individual who is better than he is --often trying to point out mistakes made by the opponent in an attempt to make himself look better. People like this are truly horrible, and require a following for support to survive. While some may find a large group of predatory survivalists a serious threat, others might be able to locate their weakness and solve the problem. Just like any snake, simply cut off the head.

    It is important to keep OPSEC very high, not just because of any threat from other survivalists who may become predatory, but to eliminate unnecessary inquisitive attempts by the ever-expanding police state control apparatus.
    Gunny Highway, oldawg, BTPost and 2 others like this.
  14. Silversnake

    Silversnake Silverback

    Contrary to politically correct dogma, it is not the differences among individuals in a group which gives them collective strength, rather, it is what they have in common which makes them strong.
  15. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Bump, Great thread !!!

    Many know that I work at remote location's. I also have crossed the Gulf 4 time's in a twin mast Gulf Star, I have many option's.
    Yard Dart likes this.
  16. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    I dare say that a bunch of Klansmen have a lot more in common than just a penchant for wearing bed sheets and flour sacks, and that their group is probably as politically incorrect an homogenous grouping as one is likely to find, but what they have in common may not necessarily be a strength.

    If one is lucky, one can pick and choose one‘s survival partners.. .life, as often as not does not afford that luxury.

    I don‘t much care whether my survival group has much in common as far as gender, age, race, politics, religion, sexual preferences, or which football team they root for. Provided that they can commit to the common goal of survival, are prepared to contribute positively to that goal, can commit to resolving conflict that may damage prospects for survival, then a diversity of skillsets and problem solving strategies would seem to me to be an asset.

    A group of Chelloveck clones is not a group that I would want to be part of. We all might have a lot in common, and as awesome as this Chelloveck is, being in a whole team of Chellovecks would not necessarily enhance this Chelloveck‘s survivability over a group that have very little in common other than survival as a cohesive group
  17. Silversnake

    Silversnake Silverback

    The differences among individuals in the group gives the group greater capabilities. The strength comes from what they have in common. That could be refined to state a common commitment. Whether that is a xenophobic penchant for a separation of the races or dedication to the ideas of a nation, is up to the group. It could be a union which sticks together or a religious faith which prefers business with others of their own type. Either way, what they are commonly committed to is what gives them strength. Their lack of common commitment makes them weak. My point is, in the post above about the Mormons (or was it Normans?) they get strength from their unity and looking out for their own kind. There are many religious, ethnic, cultural, or racial groups that do this openly. But you also see it in other groups, like soldiers, marines, cops, firefighters, schools, athletic teams, etc. Whether or not you respect what unifies them, you have to respect the strength they get from it. If you want strength in your own group, get it committed to something in common.
    Gunny Highway, fmhuff, BTPost and 5 others like this.
  18. fmhuff

    fmhuff Monkey+++

    It was Benjamin Franklin who said "We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." The same goes today.

    Silversnake is right IMHO.
    Motomom34, Silversnake and Yard Dart like this.
  19. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    " the Mormons (or was it Normans" what can I say? The dang phone keeps trying to auto-correct, what ain't wrong. I had to edit it on my laptop, once I got home.:oops:
    Silversnake likes this.
  20. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    Was talkin to a neibour who is a 1%er. And he pointed out that if shtf and it was one of his brothers and me he would have to choose the brother. Told him that was ok, he shouldnt wander up my way if things turn bad I wouldnt be able to trust him and I would have to see to things. Explained that in that situation one must trust and be trusted by those with you to have each others backs. NO divided loyalties..
    Mountainman, Motomom34 and chelloveck like this.
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