Out of nowhere

Discussion in 'Turf and Surf Hunting and Fishing' started by Hanzo, Apr 8, 2023.

  1. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    After we got back home, was greeted by this guy.

    When I was getting ready to feed the dogs, I looked out the kitchen window and saw a fly flitting about outside. Then I saw a lizard poke its head out the side of the frame. Then I started cheering for the lizard to get the fly. Fly still flitting about, then out of nowhere a lizard shot up from the bottom of the window frame and chomped the fly. Then I cheered for the second lizard. Reminded me of the velociraptors hunting in the first Jurassic Park. Somehow, that minute made me happy.
    Alanaana, duane, Bandit99 and 6 others like this.
  2. Dunerunner

    Dunerunner Brewery Monkey Moderator

    duane and Hanzo like this.
  3. Hanzo

    Hanzo Monkey+++

    SB21, duane and Dunerunner like this.
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