Here is how it reads Background: 1. Whereas U. S. Attorney Johnny Sutton has chosen to prosecute two U. S. Border Patrol agents for attempting to stop a drug runner, in which a law forbidding use of a firearm in the commission of a felony was wrongfully applied, resulting in excessive prison terms; 2. Whereas more recently, this same U. S. Attorney has undertaken the federal prosecution of a TX deputy sheriff for wounding an illegal while attempting to shoot out the tires of a vehicle attempting to run him over; 3. Whereas in both cases, Mr. Sutton has chosen to take the word of illegals over the word of sworn law enforcement officers engaged in the performance of their duties; 4. Whereas it has since come to light through Congressional hearings that the federal government lied in the prosecution of the Border Patrol agents; 5. Whereas I am a retired law enforcement officer with 34 years of service, I feel that both investigations should have been handled by departmental investigations and punishment, up to and including termination of employment if deemed appropriate, or by Texas state prosecutors , but not by "BIG BROTHER", meddling to the detriment of efforts to control our border. The Petition States: This citizen petition calls for the recall of Johnny Sutton, the present U. S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas, since he is not representing the best interests of our nation. *************************************************** If you feel that there has been a miscarriage of Justice, please go to this website and sign the petition Thank you CG