And I get laughed at for turning my three horses loose in the yard before I mow it. I figure, there's no since wasting all that grass. Your new lawnmower actually looks a lot like one of mine.
They work great! And they fertilize the yard at the same time!! I did the same thing a few years ago. I came home after being on a job for a couple of weeks and my riding mower was broke down. The horses would come up to the fence around the house and eat grass on the outside of it, but it was about ankle deep inside, sooo, hmmm. I opened the gate and let them in. two days later it looked like a crew of landscapers had been through. Even along the fence line looked better than when I spent hours with the weed eater. That was the last time I mowed all summer!! My wife said she was going to send that in to Jeff Foxworthy. "You might be a redneck if you use your livestock to mow your grass!"
A couple of my dogs think they make excellent breath mints. I have to be careful about turning them back out into the yard after the horses have been there.
I have a fence that lets me turn out the goats if I want their help with the yard, but they eat everything I don't want first. When I was a Kid we found an old reel push mower in the basement of the new home we had just moved to. (I was probably 7 or 8 at the time) and was amazed that one could "cut grass" without a motor other than just human power pushing the thing. I have been thinking that with the current cost of gas, there would probably be a lot of these sold if people knew about them. The ones I see on the internet look to run from 100 to 300 for one. at current gas prices it is looking better and better, esp. since I have a one kid power from 4 to choose for to power the thing. I found this Picture of one similar to the one I found, but the more modern ones look much nicer more modern one