Playboy puts entire 57 years of magazines online <CITE>AP – <ABBR class=timedate title=2011-05-19T11:17:09-0700>Thu May 19, 2:17 pm ET</ABBR> </CITE> <!-- end .hd --> <CITE>AP</CITE> CHICAGO - Good news for those who thought their copies of Playboy were gone forever when their moms found them and threw them away. Full Story » <!-- end .content --> <!-- end .bd -->
Some fools out there will actually pay $8 per month to relive their youth and ogle old Playboy magazines online. I have better things to do with my meager cash flow.
LOL and I know that porn is free on the internet! bwahahaha All i have to say is there is nothing better than porn at 9600 Baud. thwap !
I think it's only great when you can remember the magazine from, say around 1992 and the name of some hot blonde named "Bachman" or something, then look it up again and stare in wonder at what nearly got you busted by your friends mom. Not...uh...saying that's like...real to me or anything.
I can relate to that Brokor, except for me it would probably be 1968 and Barbie Benton. I am sure a few old timers will remember her. LOL