I have received this from a friend, I don't ask normally ask for this, but he could use all the payers and well wishes anyone could share here. I'm trying Dave, prayers Bro.
Your friend and I have some shared experiences, Like HepC and Interferon/Ribavarin. That treatment damn near killed me but it also got rid of the HepC and I still test "undetected". But I had the transplant back in '93 and it sounds like it's easier than what he's going through now. I went through treatments and stuff back then but I was also "delaying the inevitable". I was lucky - livers were much more available then and the biggest danger is lasting long enough for a transplant. A transplant is not the end of the world - it's the beginning. Believe me, the sicker you get and the closer to dying you get the more you start WANTING it. Remember that all the docs and nurses you talk do have no idea of what it's like to go through these treatments and operations as they've never had them performed on themselves. Ask your doc what a liver biopsy feels like - they have no idea but I've had 6 of them. Do not fear a transplant - just pray you get one. 3-4 months afterwards you'll be better than you've been for a long time!