Please invest a few minutes of your time

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by RightHand, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

    Almost 100% of the documents and books in the resource section are copyright infringement.
    There are emoticons in shoutbox depicting bong smoking/drug use. (marijuana)

    I would politely request modification of the above quoted policy as the current verbage insinuates that copyright infringement is stealing. It is not. It is an infringement and not theft....otherwise it would be called copyright THEFT. Marijuana is legal in some states and other countries and should be specifically stated as a "grey area"

    Thank you for your considerations.

  2. Mindgrinder

    Mindgrinder Karma Pirate Ninja|RIP 12-25-2017

    In fairness to @kellory - at this point he and I are quite civil towards each other the majority of the time.
    I don't take any serious offence to him calling me a thief anymore and he generally can take a hit when I throw it back.
    I recognize that this may not be "eye candy" when we have a go at each other but I think he'd agree there isn't
    a ton of malicious intent. For the most part, it's almost 'fun' sometimes.

    That's it.
    Yard Dart likes this.
  3. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I might ask "fun for whom?" Believe it or not, for others, it is not fun at all
    Ganado and Tracy like this.
  4. Brokor

    Brokor Live Free or Cry Moderator Site Supporter+++ Founding Member

    I always thought the Shoutbox was a grey area where members could poke and have fun, but if everybody involved isn't aware of the humor or intent, it could become heated. Best to stray away from name calling, and if it does happen, a clear apology goes a long way. Continued insults and provocations will eventually lead to some staff rolling up their sleeves, and from my own experience being the culprit over the years, I can attest that they don't like doing it -but will be swift and decisive when they must.

    When it comes to some members not liking a topic like rampant police abuse (and misconstruing it to be a "kill the cops" topic), I suggest not assuming the worst, but check-sum the facts and reason with the verbiage, and maybe give a civil argument in defense of your own thoughts. When it comes to theft, one should try to see the argument presented from the side of the other and not assume the worst, and try to keep in mind we live in a nation where we are taxed by a private corporation under the guise of a legitimate office of government, tried in a court which has no Constitutional jurisdiction, and convicted without a jury of peers. If that's not a primer for theft, I don't know what is. Most arguments opposing the official "legal" standpoint do not support traditional authority simply because the system is broken. If we can agree that the government is corrupt and the system is broken, then any argument NOT supporting the police or copyright "laws" should be viewed respectfully. We should welcome ideas and encourage solutions to our problems instead of accusing each other of wanting to "kill cops" and fully supporting "theft".

    The CoC is important, but I have also been watching some members assume there's a black and white simplicity to its procedure. Thankfully, we have a staff which is on hand to critically think and take each complaint on a case-by-case basis. And good old Tac brought up a great point: Get to know your fellow members and send them a private conversation inviting them to chat with you some time. Most problems can be worked out with a little dialogue and honest response.
    Tracy, Yard Dart, ghrit and 2 others like this.
  5. Dont

    Dont Just another old gray Jarhead Monkey

    I am pretty much a new guy here and have taken the time to read the CoC policy again. I find it quite reasonable and being one that can snap out a response that could be viewed as "smart #ssed" at times I do try to use those emoticon's to reflect no ill intent.

    I truly enjoy this site and feel that I have found a home here. I recommend this site to folks that I feel may fit in and enjoy it as much. In doing so, I am careful of who I invite here.

    Spelling??? It takes me three times longer to post a reply because of the time spent going through the dictionary..
    Thanks to all of you for ... Being you!
    Tracy, Yard Dart, sec_monkey and 3 others like this.
  6. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I gave up worrying too much about spelling and caps years ago. I tend to type very fast and have a few sticky keys that create problems. Unfortunately for those trying to ready my posts, I press "post reply" before I've proofread. Sometimes, if it really is bad, I'll go back and edit but I rely on the miracle of the reader's brain to fill in the gaps a understand my meaning, missing letters and all. Probably not too considerate of my friends but I sneak posts into little open spaces in my day and can't always squeeze one more minute out of my free time
  7. madmax

    madmax Far right. Bipolar. Veteran. Don't push me.

    I'm on several forums like (sorta) this one. At least one that has very heavy handed moderation. Like the ban hammer coming with no warning. The banned would just be disappeared. OK. That's their bag.

    One more lenient forum, but the mods would give someone they were tired of just enough rope to hang themselves.

    And one that everything goes and you never hear from the mods. What a mess.

    SM seems to be modded very reasonably. I learned years ago what threads to stay out of. Keeps me out of trouble. LOL. Also when to not go back to a thread when things start to go south.

    The CoC isn't anything new for me. It's how it's enforced.
    kellory and Yard Dart like this.
  8. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    First, clearly, I'm no lawyer, nor do I play one on TV, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express one night.....
    But, If I drive home from a gas station, with a few friends in the car, have I committed a crime? This can be argued both ways successfully, depending upon your level of knowledge, and what you do with that knowledge.
    A) What I don't know, is one of my passengers just robbed the place, and I was an unwitting wheelman. I will likely be cleared of wrong doing in time, but it will cost time and money to do it.
    B)I know nothing until he jumps in the car, with gun in hand, loot spilling from his pockets and yells "drive!" If I move, I AM an accomplice, doesn't matter if I planned it or not, I'm guilty.
    C)unless I am under duress (gunpoint) if I move, I'm guilty.
    My actions are identical, only my level of knowledge, and what I do with that knowledge, changes. (Well that, and the jail term's length.)
    Knowledge of a crime, changes my level of involvement, though my actions are the same.
    Since, as stated, both theft and infringement are both illegal, it doesn't matter what it is called, it is a known crime. Like Chello's women, it can not be un-seen. What admins do with that knowledge is up to them, but if they knowingly allow it to continue, I do not think that "boilerplate" statement against these thing fully protects the Site.
    I have no personal axe to grind here, I just want the illegal crap to stop. I wsnt the harrssment on the subject to stop, and whiIe I do like a good debate, I hate covering the same ground over and over. While Grinder and I are civil about it, I do not enjoy it.
    I see it as a legal chink in legal armor that protects this place. Little things do matter. If you recall, Al Capone was taken down for tax evasion, not the many dead bodies he was known to be connected to. (But could not be proven) a small detail that almost didn't matter. He gave away money by the fistful, and he had plenty to spare. But he left himself open to a legal problem, and they took him down.
  9. gundog10

    gundog10 Monkey++

    I for one really enjoy this site AND the different opinions and views expressed. I can say that it hasn't taken long to realize that some of you (above) really don't like each other and bicker alot in posts that were just asking a reasonable question. I thank you all for your insight and honest opinions.
    Ganado and Yard Dart like this.
  10. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    I rest my case. Do as you will with it.
  11. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    Like most families, we all have our days where the room is to small, the smirk is irritating, and the joke by somebody is not funny.... but we are still family. ;)
  12. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    kellory, your signature says "Patents are not evil, profit is not a dirty word, providing for your family's future is not a sin, and what is mine is not your's just because you want it."

    How do you perceive the value of the patent? If I were to begin manufacturing a product on which you held the patent for concept, even a utility patent, would you consider that an infringement/theft of something that belonged to you? As you say, it isn't yours just because you want it.
  13. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    Just a minute Brokor...I don't assume anything, and maybe you shouldn't either. It is really hard to misinterpret an individual who states that all police officers are inherently murderers who should be treated in-kind or that private property is an evil concept.

    Yes, there are problems and many police officers who have no business wearing a badge (or being in society for that matter). I am not referring to a topic (especially one that I have contributed to myself at times), I am referring to certain people who flat out SAY what I spoke of. There is one truly egregious offender (whom I happen to have on ignore so I don't blow up on his slimy little a**), but a number of others are more than willing to join in on the process. There are also still many who are doing the job for the right reasons and get lumped in with the bad by many (and yes, I do tend to include you with that group many times, in spite of basically agreeing with you in many areas).

    If this forum is going to become center for advocating the things I mention above and that is the way the staff and most of the supporters want it, fine...I will miss some of the good people here.

    I have been around the block at least twice and I am well aware of the evil people out there, but the kind of crap that has become too common from a small group of mostly whiny kids here who have never really done anything for anyone except themselves and who would literally crap their pants in a real serious adult hostile situation does nothing to solve anything and just tars those around them with the same large brush.

    Your post has made me realize that I am probably wasting my time here and I should most likely just leave...those who wish to defend such as Mindgrinder pretty much deserve to be wherever they find themselves.
    Cruisin Sloth likes this.
  14. RightHand

    RightHand Been There, Done That RIP 4/15/21 Moderator Moderator Emeritus Founding Member

    I have to say with full confidence in my correctness that it is the very slightest percent of the membership who believe in the inherent evilness of the police force. I'm not naive enough to think that no one does but the vast majority believe that most officers are doing a job that is usually thankless and always dangerous. As we must, we recognize that evil exists, even among police officers and those are the ones that seem to get the headlines, the same as the other bad guys on the streets.

    As for the forum advocating the things you enumerated, I can assure you it is not the case. Individual members may hold that opinion but not the community in general.

    In the same way that we try not to let one bad police officer change our perception of LEO in general, I hate to see one or two SM dissenters poison our tree. We are not the thought police, just guardians of the SM gates
    ColtCarbine and Brokor like this.
  15. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Elon Musk takes Tesla Motors into open-source territory
    ( your answer and that line come from here, ma'am.)
    "I applaud the action, but not the responses. Most do not understand what a patent "Is or Does" and even less know why it even exists. For shame. What comes from my mind, and my work is mine, and mine alone. I have the Right to decide what to do with my idea, my product, my design. MY WORK AND MY MONEY CAUSED IT TO BE. You never had it before, and it was not taken from you, you didn't purchase it, nor did you create it. You just WANT it. Too bad, it ain't your's.

    What a patent does, is protect my investment in time and money, for a time that may be shorter than what it took to develop. Patents used to be lifetime, and even beyond. Then they dropped to twenty years for most stuff, then dropped even further, with somethings having only 7 years or so before they go public. In that time, I need to recover my costs in design and development, (I will never recover the time involved in concept, and design). Time away from family, and leisure activities. Time spent working toward a future.

    You act like "profit" were a dirty word. It is not. The economy is an engine. It runs on futures, investments, stocks and bonds, and faith, it is restricted by taxes and regulations. Profits are the throttle. Without profit, nothing ever happens. It is the lifeblood of business.

    You think drug prices are high? You ever wonder why? The manufacture may have 50 drugs in production, testing, animal trials, human trials, ect., but only two make it far enough to be passed for public safety, and FDA approval, yet the costs of all 50 drugs have to be paid for by the two which make it to the market. And they only have a few years, from their patent date, to recover those costs, and hopefully make a profit. For without a profit motive, there will be no more progress. No one works for free.

    You want people to give away their patent rights? You first. You always have the right to give away what you already own. No one is stopping you, but you. Go ahead. Give away your house and car, your bank account, and your family's future. It is no different with a patent, it is an item of value (with a time limit) , after that limit, it is useless, except as research. It is a padlock to protect my investment, no different than locking my doors.

    I am pleased, the gentleman released his patents, only because it fits with his goal, not because it allows you to steal his work, or to save the planet. (that phrase annoys me almost as much as "it takes a village to raise a child. " complete bullcrap . It takes a parent.) Patents are not evil, profit is not a dirty word, providing for your family's future is not a sin, and what is mine is not your's just because you want it. This country was known as a nation of "shop keepers" from it's inception, where profit motive was fully understood, and fortunes were won and lost by merit, and hard work, and free enterprise. Not by I want some, gimme, gimme, gimme!

    A man may have only one marketable idea, in his entire lifetime. It might be a cure for all forms of cancer, or a new pet rock. But he has the RIGHT to decide what to do with it. He may release it, or hitch his wagon to it, and see where the ride takes him. But ANYONE who would take it from him is a thief, not a Savior, or World Healer, just another thug with a knife. I have a working prototype, and will Patent. It will benefit people, and I will (hopefully) turn a profit by doing so. What is it? Do you have it now? Do you even know why you would want it? No....then by what Right is it owed to you? None.


    As to what I would do about it? There are two paths I may take.
    A) as I have a working prototype, and will need a fabricator who can work in plastics, and assuming you have the ability to make my product to my standard, I would enter into contract with you as the paid fabricator, or possibly the minor partner.
    If an arrangement could not be made, I would prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. As crushing a blow as I could deliver Financially. To deter another attempt at theft, and to wring every dollar possible out of my device, before the bottom fell out because of that theft.
    Carrot or stick ma'am.
  16. kellory

    kellory An unemployed Jester, is nobody's fool. Banned

    Pax, don't go, I like having your solid level headed views available. And I appreciate what you do as a cop.
  17. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    My penny pair:
    A patent's value is found when the rights are bought or bargained for, not in the paper itself. One can patent something that has zero value to anyone else, thus might be a "labor of love" for the patent holder. Or, it can be something that fills a want or need for a few or many people, and just might create a demand that could be filled by either the patent holder or some other organization he chose to license. Ether way, the holder owns the rights until leave is given for another to use or the patent expires.
    Ganado and kellory like this.
  18. Pax Mentis

    Pax Mentis Philosopher King |RIP 11-4-2017

    It is more likely than not I will disappear one day soon...this is not a ploy for "please stay", I am not being dramatic...just stating what I am thinking at the moment I may need to do for me. As I mentioned to someone else, there are 2 factors in my thought I should leave. #1, I am a libertarian, not an anarchist and the flavor of the time around here has become (IMO) advocacy of anarchy. Secondly, that advocacy seems to have overcome the true prepping topics that brought me here in the first place and I am regularly disappointed when checking for new topics of input on existing ones to find that all that is there is whining and paranoia...

    I am giving people who are interested in real discussion and especially perspectives on prepping an email where I would be very happy to continue good discussion...and especially those who disagree in a reasonable manner with my ideas and issues. I have PMd you and invite others interested to PM me for that address.
    Ganado and kellory like this.
  19. NotSoSneaky

    NotSoSneaky former supporter

    More than half the time I hit the little red "X" in the upper right hand corner.
    Why ?
    (...redacted) [tongue]
  20. Ganado

    Ganado Monkey+++

    Pax I too hope you don't leave. We do have differences of opinions and I've ticked you off a time or two but that sometimes is the nature of debate when you deal with people who are passionate about their opinions.

    Most of us hold our opinions as sacred rather than being willing to consider another view point. And sometimes when you/I can see both sides, the decision for one viee point or the other boils down to the principles we live by.

    And sometimes this principles are so far apart we argue rather than concede there can be no common ground. It would be great if we each could agree to disagree without personal insults. =) a show of respect from both parties would be great but to do that contempt would have to be set aside.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2015
    kellory likes this.
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