Polish P-64

Discussion in 'Firearms' started by NVBeav, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. NVBeav

    NVBeav Monkey+++

    I just spent all my allotted money on an AR15 upper from a friend :^( Otherwise, I'd have one on the way at that price...

    They're just a little larger than the P-64 and have a longer barrel. From what I've read, they kick substantially less than the 64 and seem to be more accurate. There are some complaints that they're made from "stamped" parts, but they proven to be very durable. The Poles make high quality firearms and the P-83 appears to follow that standard.

    Wish I had one.
  2. eclipse

    eclipse Monkey+

    I had this very same problem that you are describing.

    I bought my Makarov based on both shooting experience with my Dad's Makarov and also how much he talked the little pistol up.

    I put 2 - 3 magazines of ammo through my Mak without a problem then click. Racked the slide, no firing pin strike. Operated the safety and kept firing. The next time I went to the range, the same problem happened.

    I finally noticed that the safety lever had moved very slightly. I had a spare safety and replaced it. That was probably 1000 - 1500 rounds ago. No problem since.

    When I looked at the safety it appeared to be slightly bent. I don't know if it was a manufacturing defect, or if some armorer got carried away with disassembly or what.
  3. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    Replacing the safety didn't help with mine. There is a detent spring on the underside of the safety lever. It fits into a dent on the slide and that is what holds it in "fire" position.
    From use, the dent had become rounded out. If I went at it with a drill, I figure I could have sharpened up the edges of that dent and the safety would stay put.
    I didn't feel comfortable with messing with it like that.
    Eventually I sold it because as much as I loved the gun, I felt I needed to clean out my collection and I didn't shoot it much. Made about $150 profit on the sale though :)
  4. eclipse

    eclipse Monkey+

    I know the detent and spring you are talking about. I replaced that spring during my troubleshooting process without any luck.

    I probably spent 3 months off and on working on this problem. I have no use for any firearm that won't go bang every time you pull the trigger.

    I still have my Mak and I added one of the Russian commercial models with the adjustable sights to my collection.
  5. fortunateson

    fortunateson I hate Illinois Nazis!

    That's how I feel. At a time like this, things that have more "collector value" than "practical value" need to go. I'd just assume turn that money into food reserves.

    BUT - ya gotta love that elegant simplicity! The Soviet system was junk, but innovative minds can do a lot with a little.
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