Anyone else noticing this? This past month, I've found cilantro rotting in my fridge after 3 days, carrots that start to turn bad in a week, wilted slimy lettuce and an almost completely rotted potato in the middle of a mesh bag of redskins. I tried to cut up 2 jalapeños today for a football salsa snack and had to throw them away. Soft rotten spots all over them. I checked the temp of my refrigerator and it's at a solid 36 degrees on the middle shelf. My wife normally buys organic and although they don't look as pretty on the outside, have never broken down this quickly in the past. I understand that these foods are not currently in season by me but something else has changed. Are they shipping from far oversees or are they sitting on a dock for a few weeks before they get to the store?
Among all those causes you mention, there is a huge loss in store personnel attention to detail. Like maybe they are short staffed for some reason -- And, yeah, I've noticed.
Melbo, same here as well. 45 years ago, I worked in the produce fields and all produce generally went to the market in NY.City. From there it was then sold to the chains and distrubiters and then redistributed back even to the salad belt in calif. Now, I am willing to bet you that about 50% or more of all produce and fruit is all imported. Especially from Mex. and so. am. So, they sit in wharehouse in mex. for a week or two, then loaded on a truck, then come across the border, (with probably 10 illegals hidden under the fruit etc) then go to the market place which is probably still nyc. Then back to us here in Az. and all the other places. Meat untill the last few years always went to chicago and the same thing. It is all about money. The people in the money game don't care if you get if fresh or not, only that they make more money for it. Of course I could be wrong about this , as they may want you to get it fresh and not care about the money , but not likely. LMAO
Grow your own or buy from local farmer's markets Quite probably both, melbo, particularly if the produce was purchased by a large national supermarket chain. According to some supermarket propaganda, importing produce from across the globe is necessary, because consumers DEMAND to have out of season fruit and vegetables whenever they like, and are prepared to pay the premium in $$$ to have it whenever they desire, whether nature is prepared to provide it from local farms or not. What the corporate supermarket giants fail to reveal, is that they make good profits for offering this “premium” service. The other issue is that large supermarket chains will buy produce when it is cheap and in season, store it in a climate controlled environment and then sell it when it is out of season and is expensive to purchase from the producer, and in so doing, making a vast profit from the consumer (even taking into account the costs of long term storage and long distance transport). Produce that has been selectively bred for transport to sale from producers who are many thousands of kilometres away from the consumer and that have been stored for many months or even longer, are less palatable, and keep less well, once they have made the transition from controlled commercial storage environments, and are well on the way to spoiling and rotting by the time they have found a temporary home in a supermarket display. If you want good quality food…..grow your own or patronise a local farmer’s market. You will not believe the difference in taste, colour, texture and storage life of such an option…oh…and the more important benefit is that your food will have better nutritional value as well. And if you simply MUST have produce yourself out of season….grow it yourself under glass….not only will you improve your own self sufficiency and self-reliance, you may find it a good little earner, supplying the drones in your locality with more money than sense, who STILL demand produce at ALL times of the year, regardless of whether or not nature is prepared to provide it in their little patch of paradise.
Take maximum advantage of local farmers markets for produce. I am lucky, I have at least 3 within short driving distance on 3 different days of week.
I've noticed it too.. and not just a little.. A LOT. It's like every store has "ALDI quality" produce.
Many of the stores here purchase local produce (piggly wiggly, IGA, etc..) we buy produce and meat there, we buy canned goods and frozen goods where the best price is...
Aldi Fruit and Vegetables I would have to agree in so far as fruit and veges are concerned, but where else will you end up buying a boat winch that can haul in the USS Missouri, when you only wanted to buy half a kilo of crappy turnips. : O
I suppose I was a little harsh. We have a grocery called Wegmans which still has good produce. Everyplace else.. not so much.But I think wegmans does get a lot of their in season stuff from local farms.
M South of you down the Highway just below Yakavegas is a awesome veggie stand Im sure you have seen it on the east side of the high way.
Yeah, we do have local and shopped at that stand as well as the farmers markets when they were in season. Maybe that's why I just noticed this.
I bet it is the reason , I was shopping that stand and taking it back to my hotel room when working up there, it was some great food.
One thing my wife has repeatedly commented on since moving overseas is the quality of the food here. The difference really is glaringly apparent. The majority of fruits, veggies and meat are grown and raised locally. We are fortunate in that we live near to one of the largest oasis in the country. An area that has been providing fresh produce to the region for thousands of years. The food has no preservatives, no growth enhancement chemicals. My cholesterol level that I was battling in the States has returned to textbook levels, and I have lost a much needed 20 lbs since arriving here. The food in the US now is grown from soil that is nearly depleted and sprayed with chemical fertilizers to get anything to grow on it, and the produce itself biologicaly altered to enhance production and to produce a better looking product. Then sprayed with preservatives to make it last the weeks required to get it to your local shelves. My wife returned to the states in Sept. to visit the grandkids an she said she could not believe the difference in the food. Most of it turned her stomach. I read recently that in a few years something like 75% of all Americans will be obese. And the rising occurances of diabetes, high blod pressures and cholesterol levels. It's the boiling frog syndrome. You don't notice it so much until you jump out of the pot.
Indeed. I never saw so many healthy, lean people as I did in Europe (especially the women, rarr!) A LOT of obesity in the states. Heck, they even have McDonald's in Europe, and the food there tastes totally different. The menu is a bit slimmer, but the beef isn't Monsanto soy!
I've noticed that some soft drinks are coming out with all natural sugar over HFCS lately. I don't drink them but maybe it's a commercial response to the many who are crying foul over the additives.
I noticed the extremely poor quality too, but chalked it up to a worthless produce manager. I've gone to the local HEB's and the produce is better, but not what it was a few months ag. Local farmer's Markets ARE the way to go! jim
I once asked my wife why the tomatoes we grow taste so much better than the ones from the grocery store. Her reply? "The ones from the store are not grown to TASTE the best. They are grown to be stored, and transported thousands of miles and still LOOK Good on the grocer's shelves." Did you know that eggs bought from a low-cost outlet store can be up to a YEAR old? That's the biggest reason why we raise our own chickens, and we know that there are no hormones, steroids, or antibiotics in the meat we raise. Produce from Mexico? Does anybody remember just a few years ago, the Hepatitus in the strawberries? The E-Coli in the spinach? For some reason, it seems to be missing from the stuff we grow ourselves!