Prayer Closet

Discussion in 'Faith and Religion' started by Minuteman, Jan 10, 2011.

  1. alaskachick

    alaskachick A normally quiet snow monkey

    Ganado and Gator 45/70 like this.
  2. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    Sorry to hear of your accident and injury, @alaskachick . I wish you a speedy recovery and a chance to do things that you would otherwise not have the opportunity of doing, while you convalesce and do some bone knitting. :)
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2020
    alaskachick and Gator 45/70 like this.
  3. 3M-TA3

    3M-TA3 Cold Wet Monkey

    Prayers sent for speedy and complete recoveries for both of you.
  4. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    AlaskaChick is getting off the plane in SLC, as I type this... Our daughter is waiting with a Water Bottle, so she can take some Pain Meds right away... Sees the Ortho-Surgeon tomorrow afternoon, and likely Surgery on Friday... Doc said it should have been done on Tuesday... She is doing Ok for now, but recovery will be long and lots of PT INVOLVED...We both appreciate the Prayers and Good Wishes... We know they come from the heart... Thank you, ALL...
  5. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Update on AlaskaChick.... She just got out of Surgery, in SLC, and is in recovery..It went very well with no “Oops’es” She is doing very well... Our son (The ParaMedic) knows the Surgeon, and just got off the phone with him... Praise God, and Chell, you can praise whom ever you choose.. but I am Grateful to all those that kept her in their Remembrances, and Prayers... BTPost. one Grateful Three Toed Dude....
    alaskachick, GOG, oldman11 and 3 others like this.
  6. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Great news BT,Yall hang tough !!!
    alaskachick and oldman11 like this.
  7. Capt. Tyree

    Capt. Tyree Hawkeye

    Just caught up on the news. Been out of pocket in recent days. Prayers sent for a successful rehab now that the immediate repairs have been made. As we know about rehabbing, small steps (or moves and range of motion) first are major victories. The bigger and better stuff comes later.(y)
    alaskachick and Gator 45/70 like this.
  8. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    Tell the chick to take it easy until she's far along in recovery. No point in being in a hurry, it ain't snowing yet.
  9. chelloveck

    chelloveck Diabolus Causidicus

    I praise all the doctors, nurses, bio-medical scientists, and other allied medical and health professionals who helped patch @alaskachick up and are aiding her rehabilitation. It's good that alaskachick is mending and reunited with husband, hearth and home....more power to her and those who are helping her recover. :) (y)(y)(y)
  10. GOG

    GOG Free American Monkey

    Sorry I'm late to this. BT, you and AC are in my thoughts. Prayers for AC's recovery and homecoming.
  11. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Thanks for ALL the thoughts & Prayers.... Next Wednesday I get on the Silver Bird and fly south to SEA... My brother is flying up from SLC, Tuesday night, and will pickup the 2006 White Toyota 4X4 Pickup Truck from GranPa’s place, and get it Fueled, Oiled, stocked up for the Road Trip and then pick me up at the Airport... Then it is “Hit the road Jack” and we drive till it gets dark, find a Motel, and same the next day, till we get to SLC... Then reunion with AlaskaChick, who was released from the Hospital this morning... Thank the Maker...
    GOG, oldman11, Gator 45/70 and 4 others like this.
  12. alaskachick

    alaskachick A normally quiet snow monkey

    As I was in pain, I often thought about how lucky I am to live in this day and age. I’m sure this kind of injury would have worse results than 100 years ago. The surgery, the pain meds, the rehab, all of it. Without it my glorious life in the bush would be at an end. :)
    GOG, oldawg, toydoc and 6 others like this.
  13. alaskachick

    alaskachick A normally quiet snow monkey

    Update from Alaskachick herself! I so appreciate the care so very evident here in the prayer closet. The surgical repair of my humerus break is going swimmingly. However, my elbow which has an old non-union of a fracture, is giving me fits. My theory is that it was severely traumatized in the fall. I don’t think I would even be taking a Tylenol for the upper arm. The elbow however is a very different story. They included the elbow in all xrays and the ct scans, and there is not a new break, just a very painful reminder of an earlier fall. I just contacted the doc again because it is NOT getting better or settling down. I have had little sleep the last few days, due to pain. Hoping I can find some relief soon. Meanwhile, I will just keep reading all of the old “well wishes”. Thanks to all.
    Gator 45/70 likes this.
  14. Gator 45/70

    Gator 45/70 Monkey+++

    Get better soon,The ol half foot man needs you !
    ghrit and alaskachick like this.
  15. GOG

    GOG Free American Monkey

    MAKE them get it right. :mad:
    Gator 45/70, Merkun and alaskachick like this.
  16. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    My SIL passed early Tuesday morning at the ripe age of 34.
    He was misdiagnosed in March, stating he had a bacterial infection, though no blood test.
    Easter Sunday he went into ER barely able to walk, in so much pain.
    Monday he was diagnosed with a rare Leukemia and early Tuesday he went into cardiac arrest with no revival.
    He leaves behind our 4 year old grandson.... may God watch over both of them.
  17. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Prayers to you and your family, from us...
    Yard Dart likes this.
  18. Minuteman

    Minuteman Chaplain Moderator Founding Member

    My deepest condolences for your loss
    I lost my oldest daughter to cancer 2 yrs ago at age 39. It is such a deep sadness when they die so young. Prayers for your family.
    Yard Dart likes this.
  19. OldDude49

    OldDude49 Just n old guy

    may God bless you and yours and keep you all well, safe, and protected.... prayers sent
    Yard Dart likes this.
  20. Jaybird

    Jaybird Monkey+++

    You are in my prayers. May God give you comfort even during this time.
    Yard Dart likes this.
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