Puerto Rico, let's converse about SHTF.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by M118LR, Sep 26, 2017.

  1. Seepalaces

    Seepalaces Monkey+++

    Turns out, doing surgery without light is a dangerous thing. Also, doing surgery without anesthesia is apparently bad, too. I know I'm being too much of a chatterbox today, but I suspect this is exactly what we're missing when we try to plan for SHTF. On the ground, Puerto Rico just became a place where children die of appendicitis and other solvable issues. Children aren't going to school, so the entire populace has been set back educationally behind the rest of the world. Soon mosquitoes will become a major problem because getting medicine for malaria is going to be an issue. And all too soon hunger will become an issue. They can fish, but will they be able to support their population with food they can't transport or keep from going bad during transport? How many people are going to feed their kids food that is borderline dangerous because they can't get their hands on anything else to feed them? I just heard the Jones act will keep medicine and aid from going directly to the island. These guys can't buy a break now.
    3M-TA3, Ganado, Ura-Ki and 1 other person like this.
  2. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    See, your points are well taken, and yes, I was being a bit facetious. The fact remains that the howling about who's responsible to do what is distracting to the real needs. Yes, hospitals and comms need power restored first. When it comes to the regular population, they will simply need patience enough to ride it out. The central government simply spent itself out of options, thus could not be prepared for much of anything. Not to put too fine a point on it, one US aircraft carrier could power up nearly all of San Juan, but we don't have a spare carrier, 'cause we've over spent our home budget (among other reasons.)
  3. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    Are you saying that the Hospitals don't have generator backup and gasoline to keep them going? And, if so, is that not a duty, a responsibility and requirement of their administration? It certainly isn't mine or my state's, or any of the States or the Federal government responsibility. It's theirs. As far as education, missing a few months of school will not have a serious affect on a child. I am not saying we shouldn't help and I would hope that aid has been prioritizes as we have had quite a few Natural Disasters lately. They get their share and perhaps next time they will be prepared. The bottom line is PR was not prepared and much of their suffering has been caused by themselves and their government. You reap what you sow. Sorry but I have very little sympathy for those who take the easy way and don't help themselves and then whine and cry and expect you, me and others to help them.
    3M-TA3, Tully Mars, Ura-Ki and 3 others like this.
  4. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Saw on the National News last night, that the BIG Hospital has ONE Backup Genset, that is only big enough to power ONE Surgical Suite, and the ER Dept... and NOTHING Else... and It is running out of Fuel, because the Roads are closed and the Fuel Distributer can't pump Fuel into the delivery Truck without Power.... I suspect the .MIL will be flying in Package Units for places like Hospitals, and Cellular SwitchPoints, but as far as Comms goes, the SAT Antennas that take most of the Traffic, Off-Island are GONE, and need to be replaced before much Off-Island Traffic, gets going again... This will happen as soon as the Food, Water & Meds issues are up and running again... Fuel Distribution will be solved with a Package Unit at the Distributer...
    Recovery from this type of Disaster, ALWAYS starts with ENERGY, AFTER the basic Water, Food & MEDs are underway... and on an Island, the Docks and Airports, are the ONLY way to get these needed supplies, IN... The Air Force had to ship in a Portable Air Traffic Control Tower Suite, just to get the Airport open, for Relief Aircraft to be able to land after the Runways were cleared of Debris, because the Tower & Comms Gear was TOTALED.. All this takes longer because it is an Island with few Entry Points... Where S. Florida and S. Texas had Highways, to feed equipment in as soon as the water receded...
    3M-TA3, Gator 45/70, VisuTrac and 4 others like this.
  5. Seepalaces

    Seepalaces Monkey+++

    In no way would I suggest that it is the responsibility of the US to save these guys and I suspect this situation is far worse than you have stated. They are quite socialist and probably have the expectation that the US will come save them. I would follow that up with the fact that they often suggest the US shouldn't go running in to push other countries around and they patently hate our president and conservatives in general. My point is that it isn't about the lights not being on in SHTF, it's about a million tiny things we don't consider that require electricity. As far as responsibility, I have a responsibility as a Christian, but our nation's biggest responsibility is to get out of the way of them helping themselves. I'll admit I was hoping we'd send a carrier. It would just be the fastest way to help get the island back on their feet, but no one has expressed gratitude for US help since WWII. Maybe we can just say we'll match what England gives?
  6. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    I like it when you are a chatterbox. You are important to this discussion because you have spent time in a third world country and know first hand what issues are.

    That is why we are prepping and disasters like this help us learn and see where we ourselves are lacking. Puerto Rico is in an overwhelming situation and I am glad we are discussing it here.
  7. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    How were they not prepared? I think the winds were 155 mph. I think at that speed, solar panels would have been damaged plus generators may have been impacted due to flood waters. .If we look at Key West, that place got leveled. I think those people boarded up their windows and prayed their home was there when they go back.
    3M-TA3, Ganado, Gator 45/70 and 2 others like this.
  8. Bandit99

    Bandit99 Monkey+++ Site Supporter+

    MM34 are you telling me that if you lived on that island and were given the warning they were given that you wouldn't be better situated, better off so to speak? Just knowing you from this forum, I would say you would be. For goodness sake, they live on an island in the Caribbean which is renown for horrible storms, hurricanes, typhoons, you name it! Storm shelters, propane, canned and freeze-dried food, the exact same stuff that you store away now and you live in Colorado not PR! would be a life saver for these people. I am not saying they are not in need nor am I saying that we shouldn't help them but they should have been better prepared because the danger is obvious. Look, I live in rural Idaho surrounded by trees. I loved it but it is also extremely dangerous during the summer months, forest/wild fires. Am I prepared? You bet I am, to the best of my ability. But, it is their government that I really hold to fault because there should have be emergency planning put in place years ago for just this type of thing. My guess is the US Navy will have to get heavily involved but don't count out the Air Force. I saw with my own eyes what they can do, a C-5, C-17 or C-130 landing or taking off every 30 minutes, round the clock - friggin amazing!

    @Seepalaces I have been doing some reading on this Jones Act...another perfect example of corruption at the highest level in my personal opinion. It also goes to show that not only are the American people taken advantage of at every opportunity with the willful cooperation of the American government (as long as they get their cut) but even people living in our territories. Disgusts me.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2017
  9. Motomom34

    Motomom34 Monkey+++

    Yes, I would be prepared but that is me. One thing we need to remember is that most Americans are not preppers. Even those people that live in Florida are not prepared. Preppers or self-reliant people are a minority in today's world. Puerto Rico may have people that weathered the storms fine but they will not be the ones that you see on Geraldo's evening news report. Instead the news is reporting on those that were the ones that rushed out the evening before hurricane landfall and fought over a pack of Double A's. Sadly most always think tomorrow will be the same as it was today. Those people do not believe that something of this magnitude will ever touch their lives.

    @Bandit99 we are a minority by being and striving towards self reliance. Sometimes it is good to be a minority.
    3M-TA3, Ganado, Bandit99 and 3 others like this.
  10. Seepalaces

    Seepalaces Monkey+++

    Who knew we had a colony in 2017? It weirds me out.
    3M-TA3, Ganado, Ura-Ki and 1 other person like this.
  11. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    It is more than being Prepared, it is doing those things that need to be done between the first warning and the storm hitting... Then it is building a Living Structure that can weather a 150 Mph Storm, on a site that will not Flood... when you first go to live in a Hurricane prone area... This is NOT Rocket Science, but just prudent planning, in the first Place... If you have Solar Panels, you build them so they can be brought in, when the Winds are coming, if you need Gasoline, you get it as soon as Mr WX, says the Bad Wx is coming... You have preproduced Hurricane Shutters, for ALL Your windows, that you can just pull out of Storage, and install, with hand tools... You have Backup Generator Power, stored, and ready to hook up... You have a Full Propane Tank, buried, or set in concrete.... They had 40 years to get ready, and they blew their Tax Money's on Social Programs, and not only Tax Money but they borrowed against future Tax Money, to pay for those Programs.... and NOW, they are in Deep DoDo, and they deserve what they get.... If a person ran their finances like the PR .GOV did, they would be declared "Idiots".. So call a Spade a Spade...
    3M-TA3, Bandit99, Gator 45/70 and 5 others like this.
  12. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    Being prepared is a relative thing. As a native life-long Florida (sixty years old) I consider myself well prepared, considering I am in a nominally "safe" area of Florida. Inland in the north, no flooding dangers. The storms lose a lot of their power by the time they hit us.
    But, if I were looking at a Cat Five about to smack us dead on, I would pack and bug out, before the roads got pack with refugees. I simply cannot prep for that level of storm. As much as Irma smashed PR, The Keys and other Caribbean areas, she was down to a petulant Tropical Storm when we got her attention. Barely used my preps, slept through much of it.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
    Ganado, oldawg, Gator 45/70 and 4 others like this.
  13. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    I am prepared for just about any category hurricane and 90 inch rain event ... by not living a few feet above sea level nor near the coast.

    If a hurricane makes it here, well every thing east of the Mississippi is probably a right off.

    at 900+ feet ASL, all the glaciers can melt and I'm still not getting wet.
  14. Yard Dart

    Yard Dart Vigilant Monkey Moderator

    You will just freeze to death up there in the Mitten, but stay dry...... [coldfire]
    Seepalaces and VisuTrac like this.
  15. VisuTrac

    VisuTrac Ваша мать носит военные ботинки Site Supporter+++

    Freeze? Nah, it's not like we are up in the Rockies. -20F is about as cold as it gets .. and with 2 fireplace inserts .. I can get the living room up to 90F and have to open the windows and doors to cool down.
  16. M118LR

    M118LR Caution: Does not play well with others.

    Most of the buildings in Puerto Rico are concrete, many even have concrete roofs. If life in a bunker isn't safe during a Category Five Storm, HOW DO YOU PREPARE?
    Hope they get enough volunteers to drive the truck loads of supplies out of the depot.
    3M-TA3 and Seepalaces like this.
  17. apache235

    apache235 Monkey+++

    Truck drivers and get the roads cleared so the trucks can move. It is going to be a total FUBAR for some time to come, too bad those idiots screaming about the US (Trump) not doing anything in a timely fashon aren't put in charge - then we'd really see a mess.
    Seepalaces and Tully Mars like this.
  18. Seawolf1090

    Seawolf1090 Retired Curmudgeonly IT Monkey Founding Member

    A couple Navy flattops and a bunch of helos will get the supplies in. The Carrier has hospital space, and can supply fresh water and electrical power.
    Motomom34 and Seepalaces like this.
  19. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Just wait until that "Colony" moves into your back yard....

    From ZeroHedge

    While the urgency of the situation leaves many of Puerto Rico’s 3.4 million population little choice, the Financial Times is reporting that the scramble to flee could worsen the population decline as some of those leaving may opt to permanently resettle. Meanwhile, cities with large Puerto Rican populations are asking for federal assistance as they prepare to absorb as many as 100,000 people fleeing the hurricane.

    Mainland US cities with large Puerto Rican populations are warning that they will need federal help to cope with an anticipated influx of island residents fleeing the devastation visited on the US commonwealth by Hurricane Maria.

    “If it’s as large-scale as we anticipated, it’s got to be a federal and state-co-ordinated response,” said Buddy Dyer, Orlando’s mayor. “It can’t be city by city.”

    Some have said they expect to host the disaster victims for up to six months.

    “We are expecting a large influx of evacuees to the state,” said Teresa Jacobs, mayor of Orange County in Florida, which includes Orlando. “We will have a major evacuation population for an extended period of time — three months, six months.”

    Some city officials claimed that they’re working with state and federal officials to formulate a coordinated response.

    Officials from the Orlando area said on Wednesday that co-ordination with the federal government was in the early stages.

    “We are reaching out to federal authorities,” said Ms Jacobs. “We are planning to have a forum next Tuesday with federal authorities as well as state authorities just to get the conversation started about the co-ordination and the logistics of this effort.”

    As the FT noted, the severity of the crisis was underscored on Thursday when President Donald Trump waived the Jones Act, allowing more ships to make their way to Puerto Rico. In a series of tweets, Trump lauded the disaster response, saying that navy vessels have delivered millions of dollars of supplies to the island. -----

    The population of PR is 3.4 million

    1/3 of that island's population is on welfare right now - $2 Billion a year just in food stamps.

    OH, yeah, your new neighbors are going to be really wonderful.. OTOH, their welfare dollars will go further in the CONUS than on the island....
  20. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    The Navy Hospital Ship is just a day or two out... What they need is Dozers, TracHoes, and Loaders to clear the roads, so the .MIL TRUCKS can get the relief...

    Just got a NOTE from my ARRL Bud, the League is sending 100 Hams to PR, with all their HF Gear, (Two to a Team, and 50 Teams) to setup Comms at Relief Centers, back Stateside for Health & Welfare Traffic... at the request of the RED Cross... Seems that Off-Island Comms is Weeks or Months, away from getting back onLine, and H&W Traffic is getting Critical for Families, both Stateside and on the Island... The .MIL can't be used, as their Comms is totally Plugged with Safety of Life & Property Comms, and the local Comms is non-existent....
    3M-TA3 and ghrit like this.
  1. DKR
  2. Ura-Ki
  3. duane
  4. Seepalaces
  5. Meat
  6. hot diggity
  7. arleigh
  8. Asia-Off-Grid
  9. DKR
  10. oil pan 4
  11. ED GEiN
  12. Motomom34
  13. arleigh
  14. DKR
  15. Gator 45/70
  16. Yard Dart
  17. john316
  18. Tempstar
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