Bag is an ALICE ruck. Ft817, NUEPSK and a PRC-47 antenna, odds and ends. ANd under the hood With the battery, rig, poncho, food, camping cra p all = 38lbs. The lead-acid battery is a killer, but can't go without it... Fun in the not sun.
I've humped PRC 25, 77, 104 the nastiest bi-itch of them all - a PRC-47! It's not the radio that'll kill ya, it's all da*ned batteries!
Energy is ALWAYS the issue, in portable Comms... You have to get it somewhere and if you have to carry it, it usually weighs more than everything else.
BT question could say a mobile unit for a vehicle be packed like this for transport and powered by a solar kit.
I really like the idea of a pack radio that way if SHTF and you have to bug out. Then say something happens during travel and you have to bail on your vehicle you could still have comms and once you made it to your location you would have a good comm setup plus probally a better power source.
Yes, they can... and you can use reduced Output, and then use smaller, lighter, Batteries till you get to better Power.... Just keep your TX short... and your Airtime under control....
Thanks thats what I was hoping Im trying to work up a kit to do all I guess at first til I get set into it to at least til I have an idea of what Im doing.
A bud has a solar panel to keep his batteries up for his radios. Just put all my radio gear into an EMP proof (hopefully) metal box about 33"X18" and 20" tall. Next project is solar power for a campsite instead of having to depend on a generator.
Thats what I have to work on next is some type of good storage box for ,radio equipment, generator and a few other tools.