It's easy to denigrate a sitting president and extol the virtues of a presidential candidate but I'm interested in which of our presidents, present or past, you think were "good" presidents and why.
The four worst IMHO are as follows. In order. 1) Abraham Lincoln 2) George W. Bush 3) FDR 4) Bill Clinton The four best. 1) George Washington 2) John Adams 3) Thomas Jefferson 4) James Madison Why? They followed the Consitution. OGM
Worst: 1. Lincoln - Established the supremacy of the federal government over the state. 2. Wilson - Established the supremacy of the banks over the federal government. 3. FDR - Brought the concept of government transfer payments to America. 4. Johnson - Began the current phase of pointlessly intrusive government. Best: 1. Washington - The man who was begged to be King, twice, and refused. 3. John Adams - Held most true to the Constitution. 3. Jefferson - His only constitutional hiccup was Louisiana. All in all, a pretty good mistake. 4. Harrison - While president, made no attempt what so ever to abridge our liberties.