It's like deja-vu, all over again. Yogi Berra ........................................................................................ A senior Iranian lawmaker said Israel would be the first casualty of any U.S.-led strike on Syria, according to regional media reports. .............................................................................................. Russian nationalist-turned-senior official said Tuesday that the West was acting in the Islamic world like a “monkey with a hand grenade.” ...................................................................................................... "France is ready to punish those who took the decision to gas the innocent. " ........................................................................................................... Prime Minister David Cameron on Tuesday recalled Parliament for an urgent discussion and vote on a possible military response to the alleged chemical attack in Syria. ........................................................................................................ Two commercial pilots who regularly fly from Larnaca Cyprus on Monday told the Guardian that they had seen C-130 transport planes from their cockpit windows as well as small formations of fighter jets on their radar screens, which they believe had flown from Europe. ........................................................................................................................ The French and Brits involved (on our dime of course) at least we have barry leading.. BTW who is the Russian calling a Monkey? Topping off consumables.....
John Kerry was just on TV and he is pissed, so pissed he is having his wife buy him a Swift boat complete with water skis.
Stuns me that I actually agree w/ Putin. Granted he is entertaining with his photo ops and his sour faces when near Obama but when did he start sounding sensible and realistic.?
When one Country is compelled to attack another country, because the first Countries Leader must save Face, or lose creditability, because HE "Drew a line in the sand" and the second countries Leader, crossed that line.... It is just plain STUPIDITY, to cause other folks to DIE, to assuage ones personal sensibilities, and to save one "Face, and Creditability. My Opinion..... YMMV...
Even the Onion sounds semi-intelligent. What a sad state things are in. The Case For And Against Intervening In Syria | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
I have a huge resistance to pre-emptive strikes outside of a declared war situation. That includes interventions in no win deals as Syria is certain to be. No matter what zero decides to do to fulfill his brave statements, he has doomed the US to creating more hatred of us, from either one side or the other. Once again, he's inserted his foot in his cavernous yap. All the Syrian sycophants will attack Israel as a means to slap us around, and we'll have boots on the ground before a month is out. That's my read of the tea leaves, and maybe mine only. All this pointless public discussion of what the targets might be also chaps my nether regions. One tomahawk on Assad's HQ will seal the deal; cut off the head, what's left?
One of these days our governmental officials will stir a hornet's nest that will sting back and draw us down a road that will spiral out of control.
The last thing that Syria's neighbors, or anyone in the western world, wants is to actually "cut off the head" in Syria. That is a nightmare scenario for Israel. I'm sure that Turkey wants none of it; and I can't imagine any European country supporting that idea. That's the main reason that the U.S. has kept its nose out of things so far. There is no win-win outcome. If we had intervened on the side of the Assad regime, we'd have been crawling into bed with Iran and Hezbollah; and if we had intervened on the side of the rebels, we'd have been crawling into bed with AlQaieda. We still have no good options. We leave Assad in power, his regime will have even a tighter strangle hold on the country than before; but if we topple him, we open up a huge can of the unknown. We can count on serious AlQaieda/Islamic Fundamentalist involvement in the emerging "democracy" at the very least. A fragmented, non-state entity, providing a safe haven for every nut job in the Middle East is a distinct possibility also. Taking out the Assad regime would absolutely require western nations to put a serious number of boots on the ground in an attempt to secure Syria's chemical weapons before they were used on Israel or transferred to AlQaieda. The White House, will be very careful, in my opinion, to avoid killing Assad or even seriously damaging his tenuous grip on power. This demonstration is all for show.
Mr. Pres should learn NOT to Open his Big Pie Hole, and mark "Lines in the Sand" when he has NO Options to back them Up... He sunk his OWN Creditability, (what little he had) with the rest of the World, by doing so, and to send "Learch" out to Trump up Support, was just DUMB on it's face.... Nobody is comming to support his Play, Not even Congress.....
Agreed. Whichever way you cut will be messy, there is not much to gain for the western democracies and much to lose. Perhaps a resurrected ottoman empire might be an option. ..At least it would take the pressure of the USA.