<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1> <!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --> http://www.nysun.com/article/53322 The New York Sun Police Arrest ‘Distraught' Man With Cache of Weapons By BRADLEY HOPE Staff Reporter of the Sun April 27, 2007 A Queens lumberyard worker was arrested yesterday for possessing more than 30 guns, three silencers, and 5,000 rounds of ammunition without a permit, officials said. Keith Boyer, 45, was arrested on charges of reckless endangerment, menacing, and criminal possession of a weapon. His wife, Roberta Boyer, 39, also was arrested on a charge of criminal possession of a weapon. Officials said the couple could face further charges for possession of a silencer, which is a federal offense. Mr. Boyer has a permit to own handguns in Dutchess County, where he has a home, but not in New York City. A spokesman for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, Joseph Green, said he did not have a federal firearms license. Officers discovered the collection of guns on April 25 in the Boyers' apartment in the Whitestone section of Queens after Mrs. Boyer called the police about a "man with a firearm," Lieutenant Christopher Guiffre said. Mr. Boyer's uncle, Bruce Boyer, who owns a neighboring gun store and lumberyard, said his nephew was upset about recent deaths in his family. "After his mother died two weeks ago, he had a lot of problems," Bruce Boyer said. "He got distraught. He had a cat for 17 years. Then the cat died." Lieutenant Guiffre said Keith Boyer was taking medication and had received psychiatric help in the past. "He had his problems," a neighbor, Jerry Holloran, 72, said of Mr. Boyer. Mr. Boyer surrendered after the emergency services unit surrounded the apartment building. Police found a 12-gauge shotgun and a .32 caliber handgun in his bedroom, and discovered the rest of the guns in a safe after returning later with a search warrant. Lieutenant Guiffre said Mr. Boyer owned a FN Herstal Five-seveN, whose bullets can pierce bulletproof vests. Ninety-one magazines and 46 holsters were also found in the apartment, police said. <!-- / message --><!-- sig -->__________________ This somthing that happens when ya call the cops on somebody else ,and JBTs get their foot in your door !!!!!!!
I feel safer with these obviously dangerous and radical people off the streets! A pistol AND a shotgun, out in the open like that? And the others locked in a gun safe? My God, it was a massacre waiting to happen.
I'm just glad those evil assault holsters were taken off the streets!! Wonder how many cows were murdered for the leather ones? One has to wonder if the first time the po-po was there they saw the safe, happened to find the shotgun and pistol and "assumed" there were more guns in the safe that they just HAD to take out of this guys possession. All because his Uncles wife called the police because of a "man with a gun" sighting? Geesh, did someone have her panties in a wad or what!!
Goes to show that you better make plans for weird possibilities like neighbors or relatives making accusations. This poor guy lost his life-long collection of guns because of depression... hope he gets them back somehow.
I would say that he isn't going to get his guns back. Since they weren't registered for NY that makes it a weapons charge. Then throw into the mix that he happened to have those silencers. I'm also guessing that in NY they probably have some stupid rule about the amount of ammo you can have since they have the registration thing. So take all three of those together and I'd say he can kiss those guns goodbye. However since it would also be three weapons charges I bet they try and go Fed on him which would make it a long time in sing-sing. While I feel for the guy I also think that he was a idoit. I mean come on if you are going to have that which you know is illegal in the area you live you either move out of the area to somewhere it's not illegal or you move the guns out of the area where they are illegal. Yeah theres a lot of what if's on this but it comes down to common sense. Take care Be safe Poacher.
Agree. The "rules" may be funky, wrong, illegal in and of themselves or whatever, but the time to challenge them is BEFORE you get caught with your "shirt tails" hanging out. It is totally inane for each of the 5 boroughs of NYC to have different regulations on the books, for sure. If the report above is true, he was asking for trouble. There are times to keep your head down --
I don't understand why folks would even live in NY if these are the restrictions on firearms. I ran across this thread on ARFCOM trying to help another member there determine if the MAK 90 I was selling at the time would be legal for him to own. If the ammo that guy had wasn't for any firearm he had in his possesion is only a misdeameanor but the no registration on the guns he possesed probably will send him away for awhile. Later dude, sucks to be you. The following is a very brief highlight of the gun laws of New York City. Make sure to read the disclaimer below. Please post any suggestions or corrections. The Q&D New York City Gun Law FAQ Rifles - Residents - You can possess rifles/shotguns, but only with a permit and a registration for each one. - There is a 72 hour grace period following acquisition of a rifle/shotgun for registering that rifle or applying for the rifle/shotgun permit. If you do not have the permit, you will be required to deposit the rifle/shotgun with your precinct until issued. - The permit costs $100 + $98 for fingerprints and takes 4-6 months to receive. If you are moving into NYC and already have rifles/shotguns, you will be required to voucher your guns with NYPD or have them stored at a license dealer while your application is pending. You can also leave them out of of the city and bring them in once you have received your permit. - As of 2005, you must be 21 to get a rifle/shotgun permit (congratulations to the 18-21 crew, who have now been completely stripped of the RKBA). - Another 2005 change is that the same dealer can only sell you one rifle/shotgun every 90 days, or 4 per year. Pistols - Residents - You can possess pistols, but only if registered either on a New York City issued pistol permit or on a permit issued by another county in New York State that has been validated by the NYPD - A residence permit that can also be used for target shooting/hunting can be obtained by anyone who lives in NYC and has a clean record. The application process is long (6 months), expensive ($350 + $98 fingerprint fee) and requires 5 trips to 1 Police Plaza. If you are moving into NYC and already have handguns, you will be required to voucher your guns with NYPD or have them stored at a license dealer while your application is pending. You can also leave them out of state and forward them to a NYS licensed dealer once you have received your permit. Non-Residents - Pistol permits from outside New York City are not valid in NYC, so you must be transiting through with gun in a locked case like your trunk or risk prosecution - Non-residents get a 24 hour freebie on rifle/shotgun/assault weapon possession if you are transiting through NYC and keep the item in a locked case - FOPA protects persons travelling interstate through New York City with firearms if they are in a locked container. Nonetheless, expect little sympathy or understanding from NYC LE agencies if they are found. Mags - You can't possess any mag/clip for a gun unless you have that specific type of gun registered on a rifle or pistol permit. - Rifle mags of more than 5 rounds are banned. - Pistol mags of more than 17 rounds or that protrude from the pistol's handgrip are banned. Ammo - It's a misdemeanor to possess ammunition of a caliber if don't have a gun (rifle or pistol) registered in that caliber. Assault Weapons - Any semiautomatic rifle with even one forbidden feature, such as a collapsible stock, pistol grip, bayonet lug or flash hider, is forbidden. - The ability to accept a detachable magazine is not a criteria to the NYC assault weapons ban. This means the FAB-10 is considered an illegal assault weapon. - As a new change for 2005, the NYPD is now required by law to update the list of assault weapons three times a year. Trigger Locks - Trigger locks (or gun safe) is required on all guns when "out of . . . immediate possession or control" of the owner. Penalties - Penalties for illegal possession of a pistol start at Class A misdemeanor or Class E felony and go up from there - Other violations are ungraded misdemeanors and start at 15 days and go up to 1 year in jail + $1,000 criminal fine + $10,000 civil fine. - Note: As of 2005, civil penalties for possession of an assault weapon have gone up to $25,000. In addition, if you are found with one assault weapon, all other guns you lawfully own are subject to seizure by the NYPD. Black Powder Firearms (section to be added) Flying out of New York City airports with a pistol - As per NYSRPA and my own experience, if you are flying through a New York City airport (LaGuardia or Kennedy), you will be asked to show a permit for a pistol in your luggage (or if you are a city resident, for a rifle/shotgun). Without one, expect likely prosecution for weapons violations. Update: 12/24/04 NY Post reports 282 weapons possessions arrests at NY airports since 1/1/04. - As far as non-NYC residents who have a New York State permit that is not validated in New York City, it is as of now unclear to me as to whether you are permitted to take your pistol with you. We are watching this topic; if you need to do this, check with the Port Authority police in advance (see discussion below). Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004 - NYPD has issued a bulletin to it's officers regarding LEOSA. The current policy is to verify the identification of any officer from outside New York State in possession of a firearm. The firearm is to be confiscated for safekeeping pending that verification. More detail can be found here in this thread. Last Notes - All 5 district attorney's office in the City have a standing policy of not accepting plea bargains on weapons charges unless the offender takes jail time. For felony pistol possession (e.g., carrying a loaded gun outside your home), expect at least one year in the slammer. For the other, lesser violations, typical is a 3-4 weekend stay at Rikers. Weapons crimes are not taken lightly in NYC. For those visiting NYC from out of town, weigh this carefully if you decide to take a gun with you. - In addition, certain Boroughs have instituted "gun court", a court that only hears weapons cases. A defendant stands very little chance of getting a fair trial in gun court and can expect harsh punishment. Disclaimer regarding this thread: This is an internet discussion thread and not a venue for receiving legal advice. You would be foolish to rely on the information in this thread for matters that involve determining whether your actions may put you in jail or not. The information in this thread is provided on an "as-is" basis and is not warranted in any respect, including for accuracy or for errors, and does not constitute legal advice on the laws of New York City, New York State or any other jurisdiction. If you need legal advice on any of these subjects you should hire a qualified attorney for those purposes.
Just got done reading about what it takes to have a firearm in N.Y. State. Simpler solution would be to give guns to friend to hold, find house in another state, move and then get guns back. Granted this is what they want but in the same token do you want to live somewhere where the threat of force is greater because the criminals know that most of the population don't have weapons? For me I'd do a little research drop a few applications online and bail. There are too many gun friendly states out there to put up with that crap. Take care Be safe Poacher.
I had no idea that the NY city gun laws were so extreme............. Boy... NY city must not have ANY gun violence, huh.