Recommendations on a go bag?

Discussion in 'Functional Gear & Equipment' started by Jeff Brackett, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. SurvivalTech

    SurvivalTech Monkey

    I would say to get a 2-3 ft tall hiking backpack? Thats what i have it can fit alot in it and it even has a waist strap to put less "load" on you shoulders and back... But the thing is; depending on what you put in it-[dunno] it could be a lug to haul around but it will be worth it in the long run because it will fit alot of basic\family supplies in it, including items you find while on the road!! If thats not for you, maybe any backpack you think would work good at a local store. Wal-mart-Target-etc.. you know...[dunno][dunno][dunno]
  2. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    With the recent change in Camo you may find a NEW Desert US 3 day assult pack. I did and it came with the foam and plastic form board.

    Good deal at $25 + shipping.

    Need more space? Just add the Molle sustainment pouch, one fits on each side.

    Then agin I found an ACU 3 day assult pack, used like new, for $14 + 10 shipping.

    The draw down in in the sand box has a lot of new US gear coming on line and Brit stuff too.
  3. cdnboy66

    cdnboy66 Monkey++

    I have 2 LAPG packs, their 3 day pack and the other sale one that was about $40.
    They are the grab and go bags that hang in the garage. Perfect for what they are being used for, and they fit my budget.
    One rode in the back of my pickup for a few months as a get home bag/first aid kit.
    I had considered getting a more expensive pack, but these fit the bill price wise first, and when the budget improves, I can improve the pack.
    The only caution I have, is one of them lost a waist strap very early on as it just slipped out of the buckle and dissappeared, so check that the straps are secure and don't pull through the plastic buckles.
    otherwise, they are comfortable and ride well, I don;t do a lot off hiking with them, which I am trying to remedy.
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