I wasn' there,So I really have no clue.. I read the lifeaftertheoilcrash( (latoc) board one of the members was an emt there he wrote up a journal and has some great inside pictures of the mess..eye opening. http://www.doomers.us/forum2/index.php/topic,46497.0.html
Wow A long read, but worth it. How long would you have stayed? Makes me want to get a snorkle for my jeep... At the very least, I hope Megadoom got paid all of the overtime he was due.
I never thought about the hardcore druggies coming down... One of those jobs where nobody is punching a time card... I hate to say it but martial law and the strong chain of command ( i.e the military) was called for here...Its amazing those medics kept each other accounted not just dissappearing into the dome for a few hours and never coming out.,...