Only at Safecastle, and only now through the end of the year, "Repel the Chaos"... Every week we are offering a generous new buyers-club-member purchase incentive, so be sure to check in weekly to make sure you don't miss some excellent opportunities. For the Week #3 incentive, effective Sept. 8-14, we have a barn-burner of a multi-tiered offer. 1. First, note that our Royalty Rewards program continues to be in effect ... providing $30 gift certificates for every three Mountain House can cases purchased in a transaction. 2. On top of that, a member purchase of at least 7 cases of MH cans gets a FREE case of MREs with heaters. 3. Adding to all that, members purchasing 14 cases or more of MH cans also get a FREE case of Bega canned cheese! 4. Did I mention that the five most popular MH canned varieties are 20% off this month? For more on the Repel the Chaos prizes, monthly drawings and the incentives, see the details
Forgot to mention that the drawing this month is for an Excalibur 9-tray dehydrator: