RIA .22 tcm for self defense

Discussion in 'Range reports' started by oldman11, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    ARMSCOR certainly does understand, they did the load development. Thing is, currently there is only one load available commercially that I've found, a 40 gr and 50 gr pills. Perforce, that's what you get for the rifle or pistols. Yes, that'll flash you in the dark, but so will any of the larger pills in other calibers, so to me it makes better sense to just put yourself thru it one time with big, slow pills loaded for the gun to hand.

    Handloaders might have a recipe for less flash bang, I don't know.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
    HK_User likes this.
  2. oldawg

    oldawg Monkey+++

    I'll throw my penny's worth in here. I'm not saying yay nor nay to the .22 TCM. Haven't shot one. But the weight and dimensions appear to be in the ballpark of a lot of .45acp pistols. That said, I have used the .45acp in most forms for a half century and taught quiet a few people to use them. First it's not the recoil that causes most of them to develop the flinch, it's the muzzle blast. The recoil is pretty mild considering how many women are using the ,say,.357 mag round. They become used to it with practice. Second the .45acp web pinch is a direct result of incorrect hold and limp wristing the weapon. And even that is mostly overcome by modern 45 incarnations with the beaver tail and shaped grips. My daughter who is 5"1' and 105 lbs. has none problem throwing rounds accurately in aimed rapid fire out to the 35 yd. target with her .45acp. And deadly at self defense range with instinct shooting. Breaking into her home wanting to harm her or my grand daughter is a death sentence without parole. With the ammo about the same price of $20 for 50 I have to prefer the larger caliber for self defense. But the bottom line is to train and train some more on the weapon you have. That's the one you'll most likely have close to hand. I should add that here in my A.O. 45.acp is more available than 22LR most of the time.
    HK_User and Motomom34 like this.
  3. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    This is an issue with Powder Burn Speed, Barrel Length, and Twist Rate.... and comes up mostly, when Rifle Loads, are shot in short Barreled Pistols.... The Maximum Performance comes when 99% of the Powder is burned, at the time the Projectile exits the Muzzle of the Barrel. Any more powder than that, is Wasted, as it just creates a MuzzleFlash, or is spewed out on the Ground in front of the Shooter. It does NOT contribute to the Velocity, or Muzzle Energy of the Projectile, in any way. It also leaves a Significant Trace of un-burnt Powder for the Forensic Folks, to trace back to the Ammunition used.... This is EXACTLY why Hand Loading Ammunition, for a specific Weapon, is critical, in High Accuracy Ammunition. If you want the BEST Possible Groupings, you need to customize the Loading for that specific Weapon, with Powder Burn speeds, Loadings for the specific Barrel Length, and Twist Rate... Any Fools can load something, that will push the Projectile, out the end of the Barrel, but a Good Loader will always go for the best Consistency and Grouping, for the individual Weapon, at hand...
  4. Legion489

    Legion489 Rev. 2:19 Banned

    I could not agree more. Since the .22 TCM, .30 Cal . M1 and .357 Mag in handguns all have huge muzzle flash with factory ammo, as does the 7.62x54R out of the M-44, they must not know what they are doing. Well, OK, the first two do with all factory handguns, the .357 is bad, but it gets worse in short barreled handguns.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2015
  5. Legion489

    Legion489 Rev. 2:19 Banned

    Tobit, have you got a Punch-A-Cap (or whatever they call it) to make your own percussion caps? Might be worth looking into for that muzzle loading revolver, although if it is a revolver it might be a cap and ball, not be a muzzle loader.
    chelloveck likes this.
  6. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

    Not mentioned is the 60 grain 22LR Round Nose conversion setup.

    Developed for subsonic use and also easy to use in a 1911 style pistol. Ace if you have one or a aftermarket conversion.

    Also used in a aftermarket 17 round mag in a Sig 9mm to .22 Conversion.

    Goes bang every time and can be used with a CAN.
  7. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    Many of you know I did a long .22 test thread at Kevins site Survivalboards dot com. We did pages and pages of penetration tests on .22 rimfire and we proved and disproved all the myths about the round. The basic facts are this. Solid bullets did better at very close range and the hyper rounds did better after 100 yards." FROM RIFLES" Hollow points need to be slowed down to around 1000 ft per second so to NOT over expand making them perfect from a handgun. I put a standard 40 grain Remington Thunderbolt right through a deer skull and recovered the bullet. Shot placement was behind the eye from the side. The range was 30 yards. The head was from a fresh 5 year old doe that was still warm. I killed it with my crossbow and then used the head for a penetration test. The bullet went in making a small .22 caliber hole. The exit hole was 3/4 of an inch and splintered with bone fragments. The bullet did not make it through the hide on the other side. That is how I recovered the bullet. That 40 grain solid lead bullet expanded to 36 caliber,just about 3/8 of an inch. When the bullet entered it shattered the inside of the entrance hole blowing bone fragments all over the brain cavity. and expanding as it went through hitting the other side of the skull plate as an expanded bullet expanding even more as it blew out the other side making a much bigger hole. This dispelled the myth that a .22 would bounce off. Also there is video footage of a 400 yard shot to a target which is a roast (Beef I think wrapped in 4 layers of Denim). The round was a Velocitor by CC1. The bullet went through both sides 10 inches of meat and 8 layers of denim cloth. This is documented. From a pistol the best round is a CCI Velocitor which exits most pistols at around 950 to 1050 fps. Gives you the biggest available bullet and the best powder charge in the rimfire round. From a Rifle , zero to 75 yards solid bullets like the CCI Mini Mag are best with hyper rounds taking over from 75 yards and out. A .22 should never be considered as a first line defense round unless it is all you have. Great game getter up to deer size animals with proper head shots. My survival plan is based on my huge supply of .22 ammo and two bolt action Marlin 981-t rifles. They are the game getters. I wont be wasting shotgun or centerfire rifle ammo on game. .22 and cross bow have that covered. Used right your .22 WILL feed you and do it cheaper then any other rifle.
  8. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    That said I really dont see any advantage to this slightly faster .22 round other than it can be reloaded. From Ruger SR-22 pistols the Velocitor round gets like 950 fps at 25 feet. That is the optimum speed for expansion and penetration of that round. Any faster and it blows up if it got up to say 1250 to 1400 I would want soft lead solid bullets in 40 to 60 grain.
    HK_User and BTPost like this.
  9. oldman11

    oldman11 Monkey+++

    When I started that article I knew there would be a lot of talk. First the muzzle blast would be worst facing the gun. That would blind the person or animal facing you. Second no recoil would mean you could dump all 17 rds on target. Third the sound would be worst facing the gun. I though all of this would be on the side of someone who could not handle the .45 or .357. Don't get me wrong I am 73 and I have always owned a .45acp in a auto or revolver,even have a .480 ruger. The .45 acp does not have to expand,it leaves a big hole in and out. Bullet placement does rule over caliber. Back in the days I have killed a truck load of deer at night with a .22 and a carbide light,even so on the city golf course. Bullet placement.
    chelloveck, HK_User and Mountainman like this.
  10. Kingfish

    Kingfish Self Reliant

    And that is the key with .22 rim fire,,, bullet placement. For me this is another different round I cant afford and really don't need. It is an interesting round kind of like .22 magnum but reloadable . I don't reload but stack deep .
    HK_User likes this.
  11. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Civil War weapons were a slow moving big chuck of lead, that broke bones and expanded doing a lot of damage. However, they were also slow firing weapons.
    Modern weapons are capable of force equalizing and as they depended on having a little help from your friends, Civil war weapons weren't. There is a major difference between old and modern; simply said, killing has become more efficient making one equal to many.

    If you had to defend yourself and those you love; what would you rather have? The answer is why so many prefer an AK, AR or one of the 7.62 variants.
    HK_User and chelloveck like this.
  12. AxesAreBetter

    AxesAreBetter Monkey+++

    If they would chamber it in .30 carbine, I'd be on board with it. Haha.
    HK_User likes this.
  13. BTPost

    BTPost Stumpy Old Fart,Deadman Walking, Snow Monkey Moderator

    Looks like someone is wasting a whole bunch of Powder, in that Round, when shot out of a Pistol..... Much better to ReLoad these for the Weapon, it will be used in.... Also, there goes the Night Vision for a few minutes....
    chelloveck and HK_User like this.
  14. stg58

    stg58 Monkey+++ Founding Member

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  15. HK_User

    HK_User A Productive Monkey is a Happy Monkey

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  16. stg58

    stg58 Monkey+++ Founding Member

  17. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    The 22 LR is called the surgeon's nightmare as it does not go straight after hitting its target.

    Better yet, fragmentation after entry increases the chances of hitting something vital or severing an artery. That is what the M193 or M855 do and Fackler documented in his terminal ballistics testing.

    The terminal ballistics of the M193 so fascinated Fackler as a surgeon in Vietnam, he spent a life time shooting goats to document the effects of fragmentation.
  18. Tikka

    Tikka Monkey+++

    Never been a fire fight where night vision and hearing didn't go for a while.

    Sometimes the ears bleed for a while also.
    HK_User and Yard Dart like this.
  19. gunbunny

    gunbunny Never Trust A Bunny

    It's funny, I've got a conversion barrel for the Glock 17 that I've been working on chambered in .22tcm9r that I really like to shoot. It seems that the basic reason for this cartridge's design have been overlooked: it's all about the speed!

    How fast? 2100 fps for the .22TCM (40gr JHP), and 1900+ fps for the 9r (39gr JHP). That's a bit faster than your average .22LR.
    Is .22TCM or .22TCM9r widely available? NO! There is a caveat to this, though; .22 TCM and .22TCM9r are made from old 5.56 Nato casings that are cut down, annealed, and resized with a standard reloading die. Who doesn't have some 5.56 Nato or .223 Rem laying around?

    With a cartridge like this, reloading is really a necessity. There is one big problem with this in reality, and that is the OAL of the cartridge. This dictates that the ONLY projectiles that will work with this cartridge and can fit in a magazine are the factory 39+40gr bullets. They are (at the moment) very cheap and plentiful online, so I snagged a couple thousand last winter. Nothing like having a bunch to fall back on if needed.

    Arsenal Molds offers a 36gr TC bullet mold for the .222 Rem that would be a perfect fit for the .22TCM, especially if polymer coated. There have been a few people online that are experimenting with the shoulder angles, making an Improved TCM that is capable of accepting more commonly found .224 diameter projectiles.

    Alas I only have one conversion barrel, and if I can get it working 100%, I'll probably get the compact conversion barrel (Glock19) and play around with that. I have a Glock 26/27/33 frame that would be fun with a recoil spring extension to cover the open space on the bottom of the Glock 19 slide. Low recoil, high flash, and high speed are a fun combination!
    HK_User likes this.
  20. DKR

    DKR Raconteur of the first stripe

    Slightly different round and Glock conversion barrle now on the market from upthread
    gunbunny and HK_User like this.
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