Ron Paul said what: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Freedom and Liberty' started by -06, Aug 31, 2010.

  1. 2Munkeez

    2Munkeez Monkey+

    just a thought - i gained a lot of clarity on issues like this one, when i realized there is NO SUCH THING as "rights" and the outcome of worldly events is decided solely by abilities. "rights" are a illusion fed to the weak, by the strong (the ones with ability), to keep them passive and in line.

    i know that sounds vague and unrelated, but it's not.
  2. thanker92

    thanker92 Monkey+

    Ron Paul?????

    I'm lost. Why would we care about what he thinks about politics?
    He's that very tall black transvestite on TV, right?
  3. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    You are confusing RuPaul the "celebrity" with Ron Paul the congressman. (y)
  4. thanker92

    thanker92 Monkey+

    This is an example of my feeble usually results in a number of his supporters organizing a lynch mob.
  5. ghrit

    ghrit Bad company Administrator Founding Member

    :lol: Well, we can get used to your approach. (I missed it totally.) ;)
  6. fireplaceguy

    fireplaceguy Monkey+

    I like Ron Paul. I've met him, and talked with him at some length. His Achilles heel is his adamant stand against foreign involvement, which would not be a problem but for the fact that it has resulted in some rather naive views of our enemies. I don't fault Paul alone for this - it's a widely held view.

    There is a flaw in every argument to allow "religious" freedom to Muslims: Islam is, first and foremost, a system of government. And, it is a system of government entirely at odds with, and hostile to our constitutional rights.

    It is not an affront to the first amendment to deny a hostile system of government a foothold in America. In fact, unlike any other "religion" I'm aware of, I can demonstrate that allowing Islam into America is, in and of itself an affront to the first amendment. Here's why: The first amendment guarantees freedom of religion, freedom from a state religion, and freedom of speech. Islamic law denies all of these things - violently. All Muslims are OBLIGATED to enact Sharia law wherever they go. Since Sharia law denies all first amendment liberties, it is by definition unconstitutional.

    Islamic mandates are ILLEGAL here.


    End of argument.

    The American left detests the constitution, and is snuggling up to radical Islam for exactly the reason I've outlined above - the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

    It's an irrational alliance, and a suicide pact, but that's the left for you.

    Let's not join them...
  7. bagpiper

    bagpiper Heretic

    Fireplaceguy is absolutely correct, I just had to jump in here. Been lurking around and I have to say, 911 taught me a lot about Islam.

    But first, Ron Paul, simply mirrors what George Washington had to say, and that was to 'avoid foreign entanglements'. What could we have become without all the military and foreign aid commitments? Where would that money have gone? What pray tell is wrong, with telling the rest of the world to go to hell, since they hate us, but love our money? Pull the troops home, and deal as equals, with the admonishment to the world "F**k with us, and our only response is to turn your country into a parking lot, so you better get control of your radicals."...its going to come down to that anyway, since, we are broke friends. When US Treasuries and the dollar crashes, Ron Paul will be proved correct. He is the only honest broker in DC from what I see. Those who want to continue The Empire of Debt, just don't get it, Empires are expensive and ultimately, doomed to collapse of their own weight. Ours is built on paper...bad paper.

    The first thing I learned about Islam, is that MOOOslims Lie, and they are ALLOWED to lie.

    There are only two 'Houses' in Islam, the Dar al Harb (house of war, land of the infidel) and the Dar al Islam (Islamic lands), the house of peace. They are allowed The Holy Lie because they are at war, Jihad. They are allowed to be passive, but are told to fight the war by whatever means possible, lying, cheating (they do a lot of that), blackmail, financing fighters, etc. They are considered useful cowards. There are also 'peaceful' Mooslim sects, but they are considered Apostate by the majority, the exact opposite of Christianity.

    This will lead you to the actual meaning of Islam. Now, western PC proponents will tell you that Islam stands for 'Peace', some, will say it stands for 'Submission'...both are wrong because they are incomplete. To understand the meaning of Islam, you have to go to the Arabic. Islam, when translated from the original, means;

    "There will be PEACE, when all the world SUBMITS to the will of Allah".

    I don't see how that could be any clearer...the very definition of the 'religion' is ANTI Christian and western civilization, period, end of sentence, no discussion, indisputable fact. They, are at war with us, and all war, as they say, is deception....the PC philosphy of 'progressives' is based in feelings and begs to be deceived, and will be last to figure it out.

    Islam itself, is not just a religion, but a government based on religion, the worst of all worlds. Look at Saudi Arabia for a model. Those lefties, who wish to accept The Big Lie, that they are just another peaceful religion, will be the last ones who will have to bend the knee or show the neck....

    I know some Mooslims, they are all very freindly, but, I have been a walking lie detector my whole life, maybe I should have been a cop, my 'antenna' tingle when I'm being deceived, and these folks are walking liars. No matter what the discussion, I can tell, they are hiding SOMETHING. I have probed and talked in a friendly and joking way, asking them if they are a 'terrorist cell', they laugh and joke back, but, it is strained...and not just from an emotional reaction to the conversations, but something deeper that is always there....

    That being said, I studied Islam after 911 because of the following story;

    On that morning, I was driving into work with my wife. We turned into the parking lot and I saw two 'mexicans' I thought, jumping up and down and giving each other the 'high five'. "A little early for soccer" I said to my wife, she looked at them and just grunted... After we got into the shop, and got ready to eat breakfast, I turned on the TV in the back office, I liked to catch the news while I ate....and what news did we see? Yup, the WTC was burning because of an 'accidental' plane crash, and at about the time we sat down with our jaws on the floor, I saw a second plane hit the other tower...I looked at my wife and said "Those we'ren't Mexicans!" and she finished the sentence, as is our wont "they were Arabs! ... One of them works the counter at the drug store...those bastards..." she said.

    We were in shock, like the whole country. I grabbed my pistol and walked back towards the parking lot...but they were gone. Being an old Vietnam Vet, I knew what had happened, I had blood in my eyes, and am a little glad they had left, because I probably would have sent them to Jesus to learn the error of their ways. So I determined then to find out what this Islam stuff was all about.

    Biding my time, I waited until I saw that particular gentleman at the counter of the drug store, and went in to make a small purchase, toothpaste if I remember, and when I got to the counter, I asked the man about the events of "last week", (it wasn't '911' yet.) and I'll never forget his response. "Oh Sir, I am so ashamed of what my people have done. Please don't think we are all against America. Islam is a religion of Peace."

    'Yeah right' I thought to myself, as I smiled and walked out. 'You Lying SOB'.

    I guess we can all take it FWIW, but I have come to the conclusion, that Islam is the source of the Anti-Christ, and the destruction of the west, and the Great Tribulation and Armageddon. This will be because the lefties will wallow in their 'feelings' after they have had their minds short circuited by propaganda and lies.

    Prince Charles of Wales, has recently, according to rumor, converted to Islam, or accepted it, and has changed his royal title from "defender of the faith" to the PC "defender of faiths".

    Obama defends his Mooslim Heritage and bows to the Saudi King, something no American President should ever do.

    I said a long time ago, that Political Correctness will be the death of this country. I pray I was wrong, I'm afraid I was right.

    The winds of war are blowing, do you hear?
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