Well this is kinda cool a 10/22 action in a pistol stock/bipod http://www.ruger.com/Charger/Video.html
That's an interesting.... hmmmm.... thing. Not sure of the practical uses, but it would no doubt be fun.
Very interesting. As far as practical uses. The .22 is a lethal, quiet and very underestimated round. With a small and accurate sniping package like that....there are many possible uses.
My local shop has one, I told him when he pulled it out that I didn't really see any practical uses for it. Too big to conceal, and not as accurate or as easy to shoot accurately at longer ranges as a rifle.
No disagreement about the usefulness of the 22, no underestimation here. My doubts are the usefulness of the package...... what can this firearm do that can't be done better by something else? That's my problem with it.
The main thing I could see as far as a practical use where it might fill a nitche would be as a backpack 'compromise' gun. It looks like it should be more acurate than an average handgun and more compact and light weight than a rifle so if could go in a pack or under a seat or something and might be easier than a pistol to get game with but easier to transport than the rifle. Other than that it would just be a neat toy to play with. I still figure that when/if I can have the funds available I want to build my primary rifle on a 10/22 platform. I want to have a folding stock on a 10/22 with a 16" match grade barrel and accurize the whole thing and add some decent glass on it. I figure a gun that can be folded to under 24" to fit in a pack out of sight if needed, has better than MOA accuracy, easy to get spare mags for includeing high cap mags, light weight, semiauto and in the single most popular cal which also happens to be the cheapest and lightest to carry but at ranges up to 30 yards with proper shot placment can drop a 2000 lbs bull in its tracks...well I figure it could be a VERY useful tool. Now the main problem is that to get it put together to fully meet all of that will run at least $600. lol
Would it be legal to stick a folding stock on that? Slap on a folder, remove the bipod, add a 30 rd mag, and I can definitely see Monkeyman's suggestion of a backpack gun. And while I'm at it.... a magnum version might be nice.... but there goes the dirt cheap ammo.
It looked like it was short enouph that if it had a stock on it it would be a SBR and require a tax stamp since it would be under 16" barrel. Its basicly a gun that like I say is a compromise and when you compromise you dont get all the advantage of either side. It would basicly be better at doing a rifles job of accuracey than a pistol but not as well as a rifle and would do a handguns job of being light, concealable and easier to carry better than a rifle but not as well as a handgun. Pretty much like a multi tool, the actual tool for the job is a lot better but haveing something to press into service as half the toolbox all in one makes it useful. So basicly for someone that wants to fill that specific niche it would be great but otherwise its just a neat toy.
I findthat a VERY interesting idea; being as I figure on doing my best to stay out of confrontation..it may not be perfect but its practical...
.22WMR (Does the maggy have real potential in this application?.. http://www.volny.cz/buchtik/Revo/22mag_us.htm
I think the 22 mag has great potential as a post shtf caliber. I wouldn't want to take one into an obvious firefight if I had other choices, but it's still probably going to end a fight in fairly short order. Plus... figure that in the time it takes me to put 2 rounds of 357 on target, I could put 4 or 5 rounds of 22 on target. I could certainly see going to a 22 mag pistol for my wife's bedside gun. Don't anybody read into this that I'm saying the 22mag is superior to more traditional defense/fighting rounds.... I'm just saying it is valid as useful and effective.
On the folder I will most likely go cheaper, I know you can get the ones like from Butler Creek for about 1/3 of the lowest price one they showed on the link and price is an issue for me and most likely will be still when I get the chance to build it. On the .22 mag, it could be good for some stuf I suppose but I know when I worked at the butcher house (and other butcher shop/slaughter house workers I have talked to say the same) a .22 lr usualy in bolt action is all that is ever used for slaughtering in the shop and for about 90% of farm kills on pigs and cattle. The main thing is that if you are going for bigger stuf you want to be sure NOT to use hollow points in .22. If you use the lead round nose .2 lr you I cant count the number of critters I have killed or seen killed with them in shops and on farms but in the hundreds of cattle and pigs and if shot placement is right and its lead round nose amo then nearly ALWAYS with just 1 shot to the head. Point being, I cant se another round in similar weights doing much better since dead is dead. Now if you steped up to something like a .22-06 or even a .223 then you gain some even at close range and a lot at longer ranges but I dont see the .22 mag going up enouph to justify the increase in price and decrease in availability. As long as you stick with the .22 lr you can buy it in large quantity for cheap anyplace that sells ammo and if you cant get to a store then could almost guarantee that anyone who owns a gun or especialy more than 1 will have a .22 and some ammo you might be able to buy or borrow. Adding more cals is always a fine thing but for general use and especialy for SHTF I would definatly stick with the .22 unless I was steping up to centerfire.