This bill is a real problem........It is limiting our right to do things like gardening, Stating this" Food should only come from a liscenced Food producer", and you know those liscences will be thousands. Home canning will be outlawed again by the reason at the top. So will home proscessing of meats. This is an invasion on our way of life, and it must be stopped. This is our life,Liberty,and our pursuit of Happiness. The sponser of this crap is dear old Dicky Dirtbag Democrackpot from Illinois. Co-sponsers include the Following:L. ALEXANDER,R-TENN.; R.BURRIS D-ILL.; S CHAMBLIS R-GA; DODD-D-CT; T.HARKIN D.IA;O. HATCH R-UTAH;AND THE NOT-SO-HONORABLE BUT AT LEAST DECEASED TEDDY KENNEDY DEMO WORM FOOD FROM MASS. These are the main ones but there are more. There have been 17 admendments proposed and attached. This bill has moved into the floor for debate but they have purposed a limited debate so this crap will go to vote soon. Call your senator, and encourage them to vote no on this crap. We need to send a definnitive message to this congress before it ends. Once again I exhort you my brethren if we ever want our republic back we have to first work the channels...............God Bless You and God Bless America.
And failing to convince our elected 'Representatives' (if you can call them that any more) I'll use my 2nd amendment rights to protect my little farm of x chickens, x ducks, x goats and x pigs and x square feet of produce from unreasonable search and seizure afforded to me by the 4th amendment. Or I will just sell farm 'shares' not the actual food produced. I've already talked to my senator (actually one of his flunkies) voicing my concern. Maybe they will hear. But I doubt it. Agribusiness and factory farms is behind the bill and that leads me to believe that it's not good for the little guy. Sounds like just regs to keep the little guys/gals from playing. Well, I'm gonna go guerrilla gardening. And when the monocrop culture collapses. well too bad for them. I'll still be fat and happy. does this mean i'm going to have to let out the attack goats for the food police too? Pissed off in Michigan! and i'm going to bury every single one of my heirloom seeds so they don't become contaminated by agribusiness seeds. I'm just going to take my time burying them. I think i can keep them going on 4evar!
repeat of another thread but more info in the End Of Liberty video YouTube - End of Liberty Yes, I am still pissed off.
This overbearing nonsense will only stop when We the People have put Monsanto and it's clones out of business permanently (by whatever means necessary) and taken our government back. I'd much rather be eating FOOD not chemicals and reformed plastic.......
Vote. contact your representatives and express your concern. sometimes even though you think all hope is lost normal people working together and speaking out can make the politicians do the right thing. It was that way when they tried to get the outdoor wood boilers banned here. they ended up loosing that challenge and we can still have them.
Seems to me that I have read within the last few months something similar happening over or rather down under. Also, keep in mind the witch from haight / ashbury (hint - stoned out dirt bag) who showed the calif farmers that she could shut of their water on their farms and did. Next it will be our air.....
Just like with 'gun control', this 'food safety' BS is all about controlling the food, thus controlling The People! People will kowtow to the goobermint, when all their food comes from the goobermint.
First of all, they can't manage to stop pot growing, so I kinda doubt their ability to put much of a dent in food growing, but assuming they do show up trying to enforce some BS law, like Visutrac, the first guy that shows is in deep manure. Personally, I HOPE it does pass in ALL it's glory with no amendments to exempt anyone. I can't think of a any way to get the sheep off the couch faster than to try to tell them they can't grow a garden, home can, or whatever. You think going door to door to collect firearms would be a ****storm, you wait until you mess with granny and her tomatoes !
I believe the bill will allow individuals to eat what they grow... just not sell it to anyone else with out jumping through govermental hoops.... if passed it will shut down or limit farmers markets, produce stands, selling local produce to local stores etc... there are some proposals to limit the impact on smaller farms but i haven't had the chance to read them...
When beef hits $99 a lb, MAYBE we the people will have learned that those "elected" "representatives" are not what we opted for!
They have added some amendments to the bill that has stricken the anti gardening anti canning language out of the bill. but other parts of this bill will however do things like raise the price of corn to such a point that Beef, Pork and Poultry will go up expotentially at the stores.........even buying corn to feed your own livestock, because growing your own is at best time consuming and extremely expensive, just the price of equipment will take a million dollars or so. You would have to plant at least 80 acres to be able make money enough to cover planting expences. Lets just put it this way...................This bill will be another nail in the coffin of our republic.....It has to die.
Dragonfly right now beef is very expensive even the 80/20 ground beef at wal-mart is 2.88 per pound. Since Obama has been in office I have watched it go up a 1.00 per pound. Chicken has went up 1.25 per pound, and Pork almost 2.00 per pound.
Soylent Green is SHEEPLE! Seriously. Are there any updates on this since the voice of the people was heard on November 2nd?
It will never pass the HOUSE, after January, so unless they get to it in the Lame Duck session, which is not likely, it will likely die in committee. Just my opinion, YMMV
I just heard the senate was voting tonight on this bill I emailed Grassley and his aide said he would take my sentiment to Mr. Grassley, and I told him he better or he himself would be looking for a job even harder than grassley will after the next time he runs.
Last I heard, there was an amendment to this that exempted any farm that didn't make more than $500K in revenue. The concern was with the small organic farms that are selling locally. This is targeting big food packing and processing places that seem to be contaminating everything these days. They don't want the tainted chicken egg scare... again. I really think this legislature will do nothing to curb the outbreak of anything, but I also believe that it won't affect your garden or any small farm for that matter. I will email Lamar Alexander to let him know how I feel. This is what gripes my *ss: Amendments The following are amendments proposed for this legislation. Click an amendment's name to read the text of the amendment, where available. (1) S.Amdt. 4691 by Sen. Leahy [D-VT] Amendment information not available.Proposed: Nov 17, 2010. (2) S.Amdt. 4692 by Sen. Specter [D-PA] Amendment information not available.Proposed: Nov 17, 2010. (3) S.Amdt. 4693 by Sen. Specter [D-PA] Amendment information not available.Proposed: Nov 17, 2010. (4) S.Amdt. 4694 by Sen. Inouye [D-HI] Amendment information not available.Proposed: Nov 17, 2010. (5) S.Amdt. 4696 by Sen. Coburn [R-OK] Amendment information not available.Proposed: Nov 17, 2010. (6) S.Amdt. 4697 by Sen. Coburn [R-OK] Amendment information not available.Proposed: Nov 17, 2010. (7) S.Amdt. 4698 by Sen. Pryor [D-AR] Amendment information not available.Proposed: Nov 17, 2010. (8) S.Amdt. 4699 by Sen. Pryor [D-AR] Amendment information not available.Proposed: Nov 17, 2010. (9) S.Amdt. 4700 by Sen. Pryor [D-AR] Amendment information not available.Proposed: Nov 17, 2010. (10) S.Amdt. 4701 by Sen. Pryor [D-AR] Amendment information not available.Proposed: Nov 17, 2010. (11) S.Amdt. 4702 by Sen. Johanns [R-NE] Amendment information not available.Proposed: Nov 17, 2010. (12) S.Amdt. 4708 by Sen. Pryor [D-AR] Amendment information not available.Proposed: Nov 18, 2010. (13) S.Amdt. 4709 by Sen. Landrieu [D-LA] Amendment information not available.Proposed: Nov 18, 2010. (14) S.Amdt. 4710 by Sen. Corker [R-TN] Amendment information not available.Proposed: Nov 18, 2010. (15) S.Amdt. 4713 by Sen. Baucus [D-MT] To repeal the expansion of information reporting requirements for payments of $600 or more to corporations, and for other purposes.Proposed: Nov 18, 2010. (16) S.Amdt. 4714 by Sen. Reid [D-NV] Amendment information not available.Proposed: Nov 18, 2010. (17) S.Amdt. 4715 by Sen. Harkin [D-IA] In the nature of a substitute.Proposed: Nov 18, 2010. Anyone have a complete listing of what's in these amendments?
The only ones this benefits Are the huge agribusiness companies Such as Monsanto, Tyson, Sara-lee, and Con-agra. Share holders in Monsanto include None other than George Soros...........Now ain't that special......
In all seriousness. Try to undo something once it passes is darn near impossible. It will make it through the lame duck senate. Might even make it through the house. this is all about big business making the playing field unlevel for the little guy. They might not make it apply to everyone at first. but give them a toe hold and see what happens. To me it is why Germany lost the war. the allies came ashore, got a toe hold in normandy and the rest is history. they just nibble around the edges, just a bit, seeing where they can make in roads without too much trouble. After that it's just scope creep. I for one WILL sell at the farmers market until made to stop, then I'm gonna sell at the black market. And if caught, they'd better bring body bags, food and one of them command trailers cause it is going to be a long time before i drink the koolaid. I actually hope beef goes crazy high, along with other items that they seem to exclude from the inflation numbers (food and energy). Their numbers are going to be inflation is only 2.5 percent but when you include what normal people that have to pay for food and fuel for the family just to live we will be looking at well over 10 percent. So much for a COLA raise. We will be slipping backward month over month. Then a bunch of the sheeple will wake up and say "Wa happened". Only then will our 'Representatives' wake up to notice the horse head in the bed with them and the mob with pitch forks and torches surrounding them. I've watched my wages slip backward for years. I look at food and energy as the biggest variables in my budget. our garden went from 300 sq ft to now nearing 3000. And adding animals for protein. Plus hunting/fishing/gathering to try and reduce my monthly variables. When gas hits 5 bucks and food doubles. There are going to be so many people in such big trouble. Heaven help those in charge. Remember the french revolution? if they say 'let them eat cake' because we don't have any bread .. um, those that forget history are doomed to repeat it. Geez, venting doesn't seem to be making me feel any better. Still pissed off
Even more pissed off (3) FLEXIBILITY FOR SMALL BUSINESSES.--Notwithstanding paragraph (1)-- ``(A) the regulations promulgated under this section shall apply to a small business (as defined in the regulation promulgated under subsection (a)(1)) after the date that is 1 year after the effective date of the final regulation under paragraph (1); and ``(B) the regulations promulgated under this section shall apply to a very small business (as defined in the regulation promulgated under subsection (a)(1)) after the date that is 2 years after the effective date of the final regulation under paragraph (1). so, eventhough i fully intend to sell only in my state, and within 275 miles from my farm, and make way less than 500k in revenue .. in 2 years this may apply to me. um, I'm going to string up the razor wire and camo netting now. come and get some! I think it's time to convert to Amish, but alas, my microsoft programming skills are completely useless there. Maybe my family and I can become a member of an Indian Nation that need a hard working family and someone with an entrepreneurial spirit that wants to start a software company to provide jobs/training and a living wage better than surrounding communities. Almost ready to accept offers of relocation !