I am not familiar with AR guns. I DID see that helicopter footage early on, saw the bolt handle worked from the side, but did not know AR's worked differently. Thank you for the info. Yet another lie/ poor reporting.
You should familiarize yourself with any weapon the jackboot may carry in the event that you immobilize one after they invade your house because they heard you have some raw milk in the fridge and you need to disassemble the weapon for safety.
Hell yes! An AR could be rendered near useless quicker than stripping out a 45. Pop pins, separate upper n lower, dump out bolt group, and pocket the charging handle. Move on. . Collecting charging handles could be like "counting coup".
Just don't get caught with your bundle of handles I'd also give the upper a tweak or two on the cement just for good measure.
i have had no reason to learn about them, they are beyond my price point. that doesn't mean i wouldn't learn it inside out if I had one. Since I don't, can you suggest a good instructional video for the mechanism, function, and proper use? I may need to do a little studying.
Why disable them? I would confiscate it and pass it on to another patriot in need of a weapon. Or just stockpile it at a safe location for later use. BTW, don't forget to grab the mags and ammo.
Good common sense advice. Although, figuring out how the mag is ejected can be interesting.. j/k According to the Hartford Courant the shotgun had 20 rounds? Newtown shootings: Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooter Adam Lanza Wore Earplugs - Hartford Courant January 06, 2013|By DAVE ALTIMARI and JON LENDER, daltimar@courant.com, The Hartford Courant Lanza left a shotgun, capable of firing 20 rounds, in the trunk of the car. All of the guns were registered to his mother, Nancy Lanza, and appear to have been bought legally between 2010 and 2012, sources said. Although missing from national news... They don't publish what 0bama doesn't want published.
For any given weapon, the O&M manuals are available on line, usually containing operating instructions including (in the case of ARs) how to disassemble for cleaning, which addresses charging handle removal.
Ok, so now the count was AR-15 used and two pistols present, one used for suicide. shotgun in trunk? Last I heard it was 4 pistols, no AR, and the AR found in the trunk turned out to be a shotgun. i think I will wait to see what the real facts turn out to be.
Should also say that ar15.com is a place for pdf and advice.I think some of those guys have taken ARs to wife.
Fellas . . . I was being facetious about disassembling for safety. During the revolution: If an incapacitated jackboot should leave his weapon in front of you and his buddies are around, by all means, use that weapon to protect yourself--don't take it apart!! But, it does you no good if you don't know how to use it. That was my point.
Your point was field stripping is an useless skill in combat? Also, learning how to clear a jammed weapon (and all weapons can jam) would be an invaluable skill. Another is the ability to sense how many rounds remain in the fresh magazine you've been shooting. There is more to being a ""dumb Grunt" than is in the manuals; or Infantry AIT would consist of "read these" and be shipped out to war. I am not saying don't try; I am saying as there is education and application; the books etc do not make an 11B or 03.
That's not what I said at all: I said to learn to use (which implies takedown/rebuild/troubleshoot in my book) any weapon that the jackboots use. You may have to use it one day. If you don't know how it works, it's use is limited to when the mag runs dry. I put the raw milk and dis-assembly statements in tongue in cheek.
Perhaps "rebuild" was a poor choice. "Field strip" is what I should've said. Even a REMF can do that. I don't know how many other ways to put it: if 65%+ of all police departments use Glocks, it might behoove one to know how to field strip one--a prepared person might even even have a stash of mags in 9x19 and .40. Likewise, if the jackboot has a rifle, odds are, it would be an AR. So, getting back to the original statement, Kellory stated that he knew nothing about them. So, in a roundabout way, I was suggesting that he go become familiar with one, because one day, he might have to use one and it won't be his since he doesn't own one.