Holy crap! This could be any one of us . . . . . . . . on the other hand, the neighbor may have just prevented another shooting. Who is to know. In any event, you're going to be judged guilty first and they will LOOK for things to make you a criminal (e.g., "When he was a child, he killed small animals." "But, I was squirrel hunting." "Aha! You admit to killing small animals.) This is what actually happens when you give teachers guns in schools | Death and Taxes This is what actually happens when you give teachers guns in schools By Ned Hepburn 4 hours ago A Bennington, Vermont teacher was placed in jail after a neighbor reported seeing him carry a Bushmaster AR-15 assault rifle to his car before school. The Bushmaster AR-15 is the very same assault weapon used to kill 27 people including 20 children in a Newtown, Connecticut elementary school. Police tracked some disturbing Facebook and YouTube videos (since removed) back to him – which described how the school “is sick and needs to be healed.” In one video clip, Davis said “This is all planned and very well thought out. I’ve studied military tactics and this is the way to go. it’s all going to hit so hard, so fast and shut that school system down til they get things straight.” Bennington Police Chief Paul Doucette said: “Some of his postings on YouTube and Facebook were very concerning when he talked about studying military style training he talked about reading CIA manuals and has a real dislike for some of the staff at the high school that was alarming to us and we were concerned about the safety of those people.” Steven Davis turned in his assault weapon and himself to a mental health facility after questioning. His wife has since filed a restraining order against him.
Yeah, that's pretty bad any way you look at it. Of course, if teachers and staff were allowed to arm themselves, we wouldn't have to worry so much about what he's doing with the gun - and maybe, just maybe, in the long run we could all worry a little less about whether liking guns and being somewhat anti-social (as many good people are) is grounds for being tossed into a mental health facility...
I'll tell you what I think: -Uniformed cops in the schools are a deterrent, but not much in the way of long term, economic benefit. (Not to mention the umbrella feel good that protection is the function and sole provenance of the "state" not a part of self reliance.) -An armed and trained school staffer (teachers, too) can respond a whole lot faster than a SWAT team or patrol car, and will almost surely reduce casualties. -We have to stop thinking of "perfection" when it comes to protection of children or any other subset of the population, it won't exist outside of solitary confinement, and maybe not even then. -There is a cost associated with liberty. (BYKT) It is too damn bad that not everyone gets to pay equally, but some will pay more than others. Accept that, methinks, and the need for a nanny state goes the way of the dodo. Would I jump in front of an armed loon to save kids? Betcher butt I would. I'm too old to stand on the ceremony of saving my skin for posterity. That's my choice to make, and if asked, I'll arm myself and patrol a school; on foot, with a walker, or ride a wheel chair if I live long enough to need any assistance. Those with dependents have a different call to make Brave? No. Used that all up in the service, but cussed enough to think I might do some good yet. Foolhardy? That's your call, not mine. Insane? Some may say so, but I've not been adjudged to present a threat to myself or anyone else except to those that prey on kids and the elderly, and I made that assessment, not a board of shrinks.
Someone needs to contact the newspaper to let them know Adam used pistols and just because the president is a liar why did they feel a need to join him?
I found the headline highly inflammatory. As if the gun made this guy crazy. . . . .maybe it did--it's a heavy burden to bear if you 'aint right in the head, otherwise, you don't really notice it.
“Some of his postings on YouTube and Facebook were very concerning when he talked about studying military style training he talked about reading CIA manuals and has a real dislike for some of the staff at the high school that was alarming to us and we were concerned about the safety of those people.” During WWII they said "loose lips sink ships" According to Wiki it is an American English idiom meaning "beware of unguarded talk" However, to some, face book and YouTube are where they bare their souls and perhaps show their butts?