Spooky. Salinas vs. Texas. You don't have the right after a cop gives it to you. So much for rights from our Creator and protected by the Constitution. Salinas v. Texas, right to remain silent, Supreme Court right to remain silent, Supreme Court Fifth Amendment, Fifth Amendment right to remain silent, constitutional right to remain silent, constitution right to remain silent, Nicholas Yarris - Slate Magazine
This just means, YOU must be proactive in asserting your Rights, "Right off the Bat", and say absolutely NOTHING to a LEO, who asks you ANY Question, PERIOD. SCOTUS Rulings state that Law Enforcement can NOT infer ANYTHING, from your refusal to speak with them. If it is a FED it is even MORE Imperative, that you say ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, to them. If they catch you in even the smallest False Statement of ANY KIND, you have committed a Federal Crime, so do NOT say ANYTHING, Period. The only exception is "Speak to my Attorney!"